Three-vector and scalar field identities and uniqueness theorems in ...

Three-vector and scalar field identities and uniqueness theorems in ...

Three-vector and scalar field identities and uniqueness theorems in ...


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set the divergence of Eq. (29) equal to a suitable (electric)<strong>scalar</strong> source charge density ρ e scaled by the free spacepermittivity constant ɛ 0 yield<strong>in</strong>gρ e= ∇ · E = −∇ · ∇φ − ∂∇ · A , (34)ɛ 0 ∂twhere the second term of Eq. (29) vanishes via Eq. (4).Then we set the curl of Eq. (29) equal to a suitable (magnetic)three-<strong>vector</strong> current density j m scaled by the freespace permeability constant µ 0 yield<strong>in</strong>g−µ 0 j m = ∇ × E = −∇ × ∇ × K − ∂∇ × A , (35)∂twhere the first term of Eq. (29) vanishes via Eq. (3).Then we take the partial time derivative of Eq. (29) yield<strong>in</strong>g∂E∂t = −∇∂φ ∂t − ∂∇ × K − ∂2 A∂t ∂t 2 . (36)In contrast to Eqs. (34) <strong>and</strong> (35) it is not evident whatsource density should be equated to the left-h<strong>and</strong> side ofEq. (36). In the present context of a time-vary<strong>in</strong>g electromagnetismwith both electric <strong>and</strong> magnetic charges, sucha third source relation would be <strong>in</strong>consistent because therema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g two sources, ρ m <strong>and</strong> j e , would need to be accountedfor by the compatible relation (30). In addition,although Eq. (34) is adequate for the time-vary<strong>in</strong>g case,Eq. (35) is adequate only for static <strong>field</strong>s [compare withEq. (11) <strong>in</strong> Ref. 4]. If there are no magnetic sources,j m , ρ m , ξ, <strong>and</strong> K vanish <strong>and</strong> then Eq. (35) also lacks asource to uniquely specify it (or is reduced to no morethan the static case by sett<strong>in</strong>g j m = 0). Equation (30)suffers from similar difficulties with relations analogousto Eqs. (35) <strong>and</strong> (36). Consequently, it is problematicfor there to be a time-dependent version of theorem U1based on Eqs. (29) <strong>and</strong> (30) [or Eq. (26)] for the mostgeneral electromagnetic case.IV. TIME-DEPENDENT THREE-VECTORAND SCALAR FIELD IDENTITIESIn Sec. III it was shown that the use of the timedependentgeneralization (26) of the (static) Helmholtzidentity (13) does not appear to be adequate to obta<strong>in</strong>time-dependent versions of <strong>uniqueness</strong> <strong>theorems</strong> U1 orH1. However, an “extended curl” 5 approach for obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>ga <strong>uniqueness</strong> theorem for a pair of coupled timedependentthree-<strong>vector</strong> <strong>field</strong>s <strong>in</strong> terms of two <strong>scalar</strong> <strong>and</strong>two three-<strong>vector</strong> source <strong>field</strong>s, <strong>and</strong> <strong>in</strong> terms of two auxiliary<strong>field</strong> def<strong>in</strong>itions such as Eqs. (29) <strong>and</strong> (30), wasformulated <strong>in</strong> Ref. 22. This latter theorem was referredto there as a generalized Helmholtz theorem. 22 From ourpo<strong>in</strong>t of view the first part of this two part theorem is oftype U1, <strong>and</strong> the second part is of the Helmholtz (projection)type H1, although the concepts of irrotational<strong>and</strong> solenoidal are omitted. The proof is based on theexistence of nontrivial solutions of the associated ellipticalor hyperbolic differential equations. In the hyperboliccase the <strong>field</strong> equations can be used to treat the electromagneticcase with both electric <strong>and</strong> magnetic charges.As <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g as this theorem is, its equations are notderived from first pr<strong>in</strong>ciples, but are postulated <strong>in</strong> theirentirety. Secondly, it is a theorem for three-<strong>vector</strong>s <strong>in</strong> R 3with the time-dependence put <strong>in</strong> by h<strong>and</strong>, that is, it is notmanifestly covariant. It will be shown here that a manifestlycovariant approach 6 <strong>in</strong> R 3+1 can yield the desiredtime-vary<strong>in</strong>g <strong>uniqueness</strong> <strong>theorems</strong> that do not appear tofollow from first pr<strong>in</strong>ciples <strong>in</strong> R 3 .It has been previously shown (by tak<strong>in</strong>g a static Newtonianlimit) that the spatial components of the identityEq. (69) of theorem II of Ref. 6 [see Eq. (37)] is a M<strong>in</strong>kowskispace generalization of the (Euclidean three-space)Helmholtz identity (13), but more generally <strong>in</strong> a f<strong>in</strong>itevolume of R 3 . In addition, the fourth or <strong>scalar</strong> <strong>field</strong> componentof this identity [see (Eq. 45)] was shown to yield a<strong>scalar</strong> <strong>field</strong> identity, Eq. (96) of Ref. 6, <strong>in</strong> a similar staticNewtonian limit. To obta<strong>in</strong> the full time-dependent resultswe first take the space components of this identity(that is, where the four-space <strong>in</strong>dex µ is replaced by thethree-space <strong>in</strong>dex j):[ ∫A j (x) = −∂ j ∂ νA ′ ν (x ′ )G(x, x ′ )d 4 x ′V 4′](A∮Σ ν (x ′ )n ′ ν)G(x, x ′ )dΣ ′′−[ ∫− ∂ α (∂ ′α A j (x ′ ) − ∂ ′j A α (x ′ ))G(x, x ′ )d 4 x ′V 4′]+ (A∮Σ α (x ′ )n ′j − A j (x ′ )n ′α )G(x, x ′ )dΣ ′ , (37)′where the four-volume region V 4 ′ of M<strong>in</strong>kowski space-timeis bounded by the three-surface Σ ′ , <strong>and</strong> the unprimedderivatives have been factored out of the primed coord<strong>in</strong>ate<strong>in</strong>tegrals. If we adopt three-<strong>vector</strong> notation <strong>and</strong>allow the four-volume region V 4 ′ to exp<strong>and</strong> to <strong>in</strong>cludeall M<strong>in</strong>kowski space-time so that the three-surface <strong>in</strong>tegralscan be dropped [under the assumption that thefour-<strong>vector</strong> <strong>field</strong> A µ (x) = (φ/c, A) vanishes sufficientlyrapidly at <strong>in</strong>f<strong>in</strong>ity], we can simplify Eq. (37) to∫A(x) = −∇− 1 ∫∂c ∂t∫+ ∇ ×V 4′V 4′V ′4(∇ ′ · A(x ′ ) + 1 ∂φ(x ′ ))c 2 ∂t ′(− 1 ∂A(x ′ )c ∂t ′ − ∇′ φ(x ′ )cG(x, x ′ )d 4 x ′)G(x, x ′ )d 4 x ′(∇ ′ × A(x ′ ))G(x, x ′ )d 4 x ′ , (38)where the first four-volume <strong>in</strong>tegral of Eq. (38) followsfrom the first four-volume <strong>in</strong>tegral of Eq. (37), the secondfour-volume <strong>in</strong>tegral of Eq. (38) follows from the α = 06

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