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Government of Andhra Pradesh<strong>DISTRICT</strong> <strong>INDUSTRIES</strong> <strong>CENTRE</strong>, <strong>HYDERABAD</strong>.<strong>AP</strong>PLICATION FORM FOR THE EDUCATED UNEMPLOYED YOUTHUNDER"PRIME MINISTER'S ROZGAR YOJANA'' SCHEMEName of the Bank/Branch: ____________________________________1. Name of the Applicant :2. (a) Father's Name :(b) Husband's Name(in case of married woman)3. Date of Birth :4. Detailed Postal Address with :Pin Code Number5. Place of Residence during last three :years with House No., *Duration of Stay6. Qualifications(a) General :(b) Technical :7. Employment Regn. No. & Date :8. Whether the applicant belong toSC/ST/BC/Min/Ph/Ex. Service/Women :9. Type of industry/service/Business activity :Proposed to be started and place of establishingthe VENTURE (brief project details and detailsof experience in the proposed line of activity tobe given)10. Present annual income of the family dutysupported by proof :11. Amount of loan required for(a) Machinery & Equipments :(b) Other Fixed Assets :(c) Working Capital :NOT FOR SALELatestPassportPhoto to beaffixedTotal Rs.12. Whether taken loan from any Bank/Financial :Institution of State/Central Govt.(Details in brief to be furnished)I certify that the above information furnished by me is true.Encls : Copies of following certificates & application in duplicateSignature of the applicant1. Educational Qualification Certificates2. Age Certificate3. Certificate of previous experience, if any4. Caste Certificate from Mandal Revenue Officer, in the case of SC/ST or BC.5. Physically Handicap certificate if any.6. Income Certificate from M.R.O./Gazetted Officer.7. Ration Card held by the family or Residence Certificate from M.R.O./Gazetted Officer.8. Employment Card.9. Quatation for the item proposed to be purchased as per the project.10. Affidavit on Rs. 10/- Non-Judicial Stamp - paper.11. Ex-Serviceman Certificate.

Specimen of Affidavit to be submitted along with the application onRs. 10/- Non-Judicial Stamp Paper.(To be Notarised) )AFFIDAVITI ____________________________________________________________________________________S/o. / D/o / W/o _________________________________________________________________________do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under:1. That I am Unemployed.2. That I am not in a position to muster my own capital for the Project.3. That I am a permanent resident of H.No. ___________________________________________________since __________________________ years4. That the family income of my family which includes spouse and parents Rs. ___________________________per annum from all sources such as, salary, wages, agricultural income business, rent, interest, pension, etc.5. That I have not defaulted in repayment of loan from any Nationalised Bank/ Financial Institution, Co-opBank.6. That I shall abide by the Rules framed under the scheme of PMRY for Educated Unemployed Youth.7. That I shall submit the Progress Report required by the Bank / Govt.8. That I am liable for prosecution if the furnished information is found false.9. I or any members of our joint family have not availed any loan earlier from any Government SponsoredScheme including PMRY.10. I had not applied for loan under PMRY to any other Bank. This is the only application now being preferred.Deponent.

SPECIMEN Copy(Candidates to obtain the below mentioned certificates separately)RESIDENTIAL CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that Smt/Kum/Sri. _____________________________________________________________S/o. / W/o. /D/o. __________________________________________________________________________R/o. H.No. ________________________________________________ is residing in the above Address since_______________________ years.I know him/her well with the best of my knowledge.Hence this certificate is issued under GO Ms No. 554, dated 2-8-1988 Revenue (A) Dept. and GO MsNo. 178 dated 6-8-1988 Social Welfare (32) Dept. Go Ms No. 286 dated 28-11-1988 Social WelfareDepartmentPlace :Date :Signature of Gazetted OfficerOffice Seal:FAMILY INCOME CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that Sri/Smt. _________________________________________________________________Son of / Mother of / Father of _________________________________________________________________R/o. H.No. ______________________________________________________ is residing in above Addressand his/her family annual income is Rs. ___________________ (Rupees _____________________________ )from the following sources(a) Salary(b) Agriculture(c) Business(d) Rent(e) Pension(f) Others (Specify)I know him/her well with the best of my knowledge and hence this Income Certificate is issued under GOMs No. 554 dated 2-8-1988 Revenue (A) Dept. and GO Ms. No. 178 dated - 6-8-1988 Social Welfare (32)Dept. GO Ms. No. 286 dated 28-11-1988 Social Welfare Department.Place:Signature of Gazetted OfficeDate With StampCASTE CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that Sri/Smt. ________________________________________________________S/o. D/o. W/o. __________________________________ of village / town _____________________ Mandal__________________ in the District of __________________________________ in the state of A.P. has beenverified as per the procedure laid down and he/she belongs to __________________________________ community,which is recognised as Scheduled caste/Scheduled Tribe/Backward Class under Group__________________________________ at Sl. No. __________________________________Place:Date:Signature of Gazatted OfficerOffice Seal:

PROJECT REPORT€èþÄèÿ’È MöÆæÿN ç³£æþMæüÐèþSCHEME FOR __________________1. NÏç³¢Ðèþ Vé €èþÄèÿ’Ææÿ ^óþÄèÿ Ñ«é¯èþÐèþ Ðèþ ÇÄèÿ ÐésìüÄðÿ MæüP ÐéÅ´ëÆæÿ çÜÆæÿã?Introduction indicate Market potentialand manufacturing process (Brief) :2. çܦËÐèþ Ðèþ ÇÄèÿ ¿æýÐèþ¯èþÐèþ (A§ðþª¯é ÌôýMæü Ý÷€èþÐé)Land & Building (Own or Rented) :çܦËÐèþ (ÑïÜ¢Ææÿ~Ðèþ ) Land (area) :¿æýÐèþ¯èþÐèþ (ÑïÜ¢Ææÿ~Ðèþ ) Building (area) :3. Äèÿ É€èþÐèþ Ë , €èþ¨€èþÆæÿ ç³ÇMæüÆæÿÐèþ Ë Machinery & Equipment:ÐèþÆæÿ çÜ ÉMæüÐèþ Ðèþ Äèÿ É€èþÐèþ Äðÿ MæüP õ³Ææÿ G°² MéÐèþËÄèÿ ¯èþ ÐðþË/Ææÿ’. Ððþ €èþ¢Ðèþ /Ææÿ’.Sl.No. Name of Machinery No.s Reqd. Rate/Rs. Total/Rs. ѧæþ Å€þ Ðèþ ÇÄèÿ Ýë¦í³^èþ rN(a) Erection and Electric Installations(¼) MéÆéÅËÄèÿ Ðèþ ç³ÇMæüÆæÿÐèþ ËÐðþ €èþ¢Ðèþ Ææÿ’.(b) Office Furniture etc.Total Rs.4. Éç³ ¯ðþË AVæü ÐèþÅÄèÿ ÐèþRecurring Expenditure(a)MéÐèþËíܯèþ Ðèþ yìþ çÜÆæÿ NË (¯ðþËN)Raw materials Required (PM)Ððþ €èþ¢Ðèþ Ææÿ’.Total Rs.(b)Ðóþ€èþ¯èþÐèþ Ë (¯ðþËN)Salaries & Wages (M)ManagerialSkilledUnskilledÐðþ €èþ¢Ðèþ Ææÿ’.Total Rs.

(c)ÐèþÅÄèÿ Ðèþ Ë (¯ðþËN)Other Misc. Expenses (PM)€èþ´ëË Ðèþ ÇÄèÿ MéW€èþÐèþ ËNPostage & Stationeryѧæþ Å€þ Ðèþ ÇÄèÿ C«æþ¯èþÐèþ ¯èþNPower & FuelÆæÿÐé}ý Ðèþ ÇÄèÿ Ææÿ Væü rNTransport & ConveyanceÆÿ €èþÆæÿ ÐèþÅÄèÿ Ðèþ Ë A§ðþªMiscellaneous - rentÝëÐèþ’¯èþ ËNConsumable Stores etc.5. ç³°^óþÄèÿ rN Ðèþ ’Ë ò³r tºyìþWorking Capital (Months)Ðèþ yìþ çÜÆæÿ NËRaw materialsÐóþ€èþ¯èþÐèþ ËSalaries & WagesC€èþÆæÿ ÐèþÅÄèÿ Ðèþ ËMisc. Expenses6. Ððþ €èþ¢Ðèþ ò³r tºyìþTotal InvestmentÄèÿ É€èþÐèþ ËN Ðèþ ’Ë ò³sìütºyìþMachinery & Equipment(3 Ðèþ’çÜÐèþ ËN €èþÄèÿ’Ææÿ ^óþÄèÿ Ðèþ )Working Capital(Please work out for 3 months)7. €èþÄèÿ’Ææÿ ^óþÄèÿ rN AVæü Ðèþ ’ËÐèþ (¯ðþËN)Manufacturing Cost (PM)ç³°^óþÄèÿ rN AVæü Ðèþ ’Ëò³r tºyìþ (¯ðþËN)Working Capital (one month)Äèÿ É€èþÐèþ Ëò³” yìþÉí³íÜÄóÿ çÙ¯þ 10%Depreciation on Machinery 10%Ðèþyìþz 14%Interest 14%8. ÆéºyìþReceiptÑÉMæüÄèÿ Ðèþ €øBy SaleRs._______________Rs._______________Rs._______________Rs._______________Rs._______________Rs._______________Rs._______________Rs._______________Rs._______________Rs._______________Rs._______________Rs._______________Rs._______________Rs._______________Rs._______________Rs._______________Rs._______________Rs._______________9. Ìê¿æýÐèþ Ðèþ ÇÄèÿ ¯èþçÙtÐèþProfit & LossRs._______________Æéºyìþ (10) Éç³MéÆæÿÐèþ(1) Receipts are per head (10) Rs._______________€èþÄèÿ’Ææÿ ^óþÄèÿ rN AVæü Ðèþ ’ËÐèþ (9) Éç³MéÆæÿÐèþ(2) Manufacturing Cost (9) Rs._______________Ìê¿æýÐèþ ¯ðþËN (10&9)(3) Profit per month (10-9) Rs._______________10. C€èþÆæÿ ÑçÙÄèÿ Ðèþ Ë E¯èþ²^øAny other informationÐðþ €èþ¢Ðèþ Ææÿ’.Total Rs.Ððþ €èþ¢Ðèþ Ææÿ’.Total Rs.Ððþ €èþ¢Ðèþ Ææÿ’.Total Rs.Ððþ €èþ¢Ðèþ Ææÿ’.Total Rs.A¿æýÅǦ çÜ€èþMæüSignature of Applicant

PARAMETERS OF P.M.R.Y.S.No.1. AgeFor all educated unemployed 18-35 years in general; with a 10 yearsrelaxation for SC/ST's ex-servicemen, physically handicapped, andwomen.2. Education QualificationVIIIth passed. Preference will be given to those who have been trainedfor any trade in Government recognised/ approved institutions for a durationof at least six months.3. Family IncomeNeither the income of the beneficiary along with the spouse nor the incomeof parents of the beneficiaries shall exceed Rs. 40,000/- p.a.4. ResidencePermanent resident of the area for at least 3 years.5. DefaulterShould not be a defaulter to any nationalised bank / financial institution /cooperative bank. Further, a person already assisted under other subsidylinked Government schemes would not be eligible under this scheme.6. Activities coveredAll economically viable activities including agriculture and allied activitiesbut excluding direct agricultural operations like raising Crop. purchase ofmanure etc.7. Project Cost.Rs. 1.00 lakh for business sector. Rs. 2.00 lakhs for other activities, loanto be of composite nature. If two or more eligible persons joins togetherin a partnership, project upto Rs. 10.00 lakhs are covered. Assistanceshall be limited to individual admissibility.8. Subsidy & Margin Money9. CollateralSubsidy will be limited to 15% of the project cost subject to ceiling of Rs.7,500/- per entrepreneur. Banks will be allowed to take margin moneyfrom the entrepreneur varying from 5% to 16.25% of the project cost soas to make the total of the subsidy and the margin money equal to 20% ofthe project cost.Industry Sector projects with cost upto Rs. 2.00 lakhs (the loan ceilingunder PMRY) are eligible for exemption of obtention of collateral securityand Rs. 1.00 lakh for business and service sectors. For Partnershipproject in Industry Sector the exemption limit for obtention of collateralsecurity will be Rs. 5.00 lakhs per borrowal account in the tiny sector.

S.No.10. Rate of interest &Repayment ScheduleNormal rate of interest shall be charged. Repayment schedule may rangebetween 3 to 7 years after an initial moratorium as may be prescribed.11. Training & other assistance12. Implementing AgencyThe training expenses and operational expenditure to be covered withinthe ceiling of Rs. 2,000/- per case. The existing system of revising thescale of expenditure in consultation with the Finance for various activitiesand flexibility would be available to the implementing agencies of the Stateand Central levels subject to condition that over all training and operatingexpenses remain within the ceiling of Rs. 2,000/- per case sanctioned.The District Industries Centre and the Directorates of Industries shallmainly be responsible for scheme implementation along with banks13. Linkages of targetswith recoveryBasic minimum targets based on the population and the number of educatedunemployed. Additional targets would be linked to the recovery ofloans sanctioned, past performance of sanctions or special circumstancesprevailing in the State /UT.14. ReservationPreference should be given to weaker sections including women. Thescheme envisages 22.5% reservation for SC/ST and 27% for Other BackwardClass (OBCs). In case SC/ST/OBC candidates are not available,State / UTs. Govt. will be competent to consider other categories ofcandidates under PMRY.

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