safety driving procedures - Oak Park and River Forest High School

safety driving procedures - Oak Park and River Forest High School

safety driving procedures - Oak Park and River Forest High School


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OAK PARK AND RIVER FOREST HIGH SCHOOLDRIVER EDUCATION AND TRAFFIC SAFETY DEPARTMENTSAFETY DRIVING PROCEDURESPRE-STARTINGA. To enter car, walk around front of carB. Unlock doorC. Place proper key in ignitionD. Check seat adjustment for comfortable, safe reach ofcontrolsE. Adjust mirrors for maximum view to rearF. Fasten <strong>and</strong> adjust <strong>safety</strong> beltTO START ENGINEA. IF starting car for first time today:1. Do NOT press accelerator, if not fuel injected2. Place right foot firmly on brakeB. IF car was running before:1. Press foot brake firmly2. Turn ignition to start position, release key whenengine startsMOVING CAR FORWARD FROM CURBPOSITIONA. Right foot should be pressed firmly down on footbrakeB. Shift selector lever to “D” or driveC. Release PARK brakeD. Check mirrors for about one block clear of trafficcoming from rearE. Give correct signalF. Glance over correct shoulder to check if that “Blind”spot is clearG. Move right foot smoothly <strong>and</strong> gently to accelerator,press down gentlyH. Steer slightly as needed to move the car into thecorrect laneI. Cancel signal if still onJ. Accelerate smoothly to safe speedSTOPPING <strong>and</strong> PARKING AT THE CURB ONRIGHTA. Signal your intentions with turn signalB. Make lane change to right lane next to curb parkingspaces11. Right signal on2. Check traffic in inside mirror3. Make right side “Blind” spot check4. When clear to right <strong>and</strong> immediate rear, movefoot gently to break, applying gently increasingpressing while5. Steering smoothly to the right toward curb,straightening the car so that right side tires areabout 6- 8 inches from the curb <strong>and</strong> make smooth6. Continue firm pressure on foot brake <strong>and</strong>:a. Shift selector smoothly to PARK positionb. Use left foot to firmly push the PARKBRAKE onc. Turn ignition key to OFF7. Exit car by curb side if heavy trafficLANE CHANGE PROCEDURESA. Changing Lane to left1. Check for clear space in the left lane ahead2. Check inside <strong>and</strong> left outside mirrors for clearspace (100 feet) in the left lane to the rear3. Turn left signal on4. Make one more quick “Blind” spot check to left5. Maintain speed while steering smoothly into leftlane6. Position your car in center of lane7. Check speed for correctness8. Cancel signal if still onB. Lane change to right is same except you do not have aright outside mirrorGENERAL TURNING INSTRUCTIONSA. Practice on fairly level residential streets at firstB. Plan early for:1. Turn is legal2. Signaling at least 100 feet in advance (1/2 blockin advance)3. Correct lane position before starting the turn4. Control speed for slow, sure steering smoothness5. Looking well down the lane you are going to

speedTURNAROUND IN MIDDLE OF STREETA. Practice should be on a residential street where thereis little trafficB. The turn should be performed about middle of theblockC. Clearance of at least one block in both directionsbefore start of turning maneuverD. When a turnaround is necessary:1. Make right signal, check mirrors, “Blind” spotcheck <strong>and</strong> move over to stop at right curb aboutone foot from curb with car parallel to curb2. Check for a block of clearance both directions3. Make left signal <strong>and</strong> start steering quickly full toleft4. Speed should be very slow, not over 2 – 3 milesper hour5. About 3 – 4 feet from curb, steer quickly to right<strong>and</strong> stop smoothly without touching curb6. Shift to REVERSE gear7. Check for anything coming from left to rightquickly8. Accelerate gently just enough to start the carmoving back while looking over right shoulder9. Steer h<strong>and</strong>-over-h<strong>and</strong> full to right quickly10. When about halfway back across street, lookover left shoulder for approaching curb, whenabout 3-4 feet from curb, steer quickly to left <strong>and</strong>stop car without touching curb11. Shift to DRIVE12 Check “Right & Left” if clear, accelerate gently<strong>and</strong> slowly to center the car in the correct spaceas you unwind the steering wheel h<strong>and</strong>-overh<strong>and</strong>13. Resume speed after car is straightenedUPHILL PARKING AT CURBA. Check for clear area in front at curbB. Check traffic in both mirrorsC. Turn right signal onD. Make right side “Blind” spot checkE. Apply brake smoothlyF. Steer smoothly to position car about 6 inches fromcurb, both right tires parallel to curbG. Shift to neutralH. Steer h<strong>and</strong>-over-h<strong>and</strong> (full left)I. Ease up on brake until car starts to move backJ. When car gently touches curb, press brake firmlywhileK. Shifting to PARKL Place PARK brake on firmlyTO LEAVE UPHILL PARKED POSITIONA. Place foot firmly on brake <strong>and</strong> shift to DRIVEB. Release PARK brakeC. Check for traffic from frontD. Check for a block clear in both mirrorsE. Move foot to gas, applying gentle pressure to moveslowly from curbF. Straighten steering wheel quicklyG. Resume safe speedPARKING DOWNHILL WITH CURBA. Check for clearance in front at curbB. Check mirrors for traffic to rearC. Right signal onD. Right “Blind” spot checkedE. Start braking down to 2-5 miles per hourF. Steer right to position car about 6 inches from curbG. Shift to neutral, steer h<strong>and</strong>-over-h<strong>and</strong> full rightquicklyH. Ease in to touch curbI. Shift to PARK gearJ. Place PARK brake onLEAVING DOWNHILL PARKING AT CURBA. Place foot firmly on brakeB. Shift to REVERSE gearC. Release PARK brakeD. Look left to rear, then look over right shoulder to rearfor clear spaceE. Move foot to accelerator, pressing softly to move careslowly backF. When right front tire comes away from curb, steerquickly to left two h<strong>and</strong>-over-h<strong>and</strong> steering moves<strong>and</strong> stop (car should not move back more than a footor two)G. Keep firm pressure on foot break <strong>and</strong> shift to DRIVEgear:1. Check to front for clear space2. Check mirrors for clear traffic (about one block)3. Signal left4. Left “Blind” spot checked5. Ease foot pressure on brake6. As car starts to move slowly, note car direction <strong>and</strong>correct steering to move into right lane7. Accelerate to safe speed8. Cancel signalANGLE PARKING PROCEDURESA. Check traffic to rear with both mirrorsB. Signal; slow down; position car about 8 feet from rearof cars already parkedC. When you can sight down the first line of the stall thatyou are going to park into, start turning slowly,3

maintaining very slow speed (cover brake)D. Center the car in the space between the cars, orbetween lines1. Straighten wheels <strong>and</strong> let the car roll slowly untilthe front tire is about one foot from the curbE. Secure the carLEAVING THE ANGLE PARKING SPACE(When <strong>Park</strong>ed in Right Side Space)A. Check traffic to rear. Check “Blind” spot. With footon brake, shift to REVERSE <strong>and</strong> release PARKbrake, if onB. Slowly move car back in straight direction ½ carlengthC. When car is backed enough to allow you to see downtraffic lane, stop to check traffic <strong>and</strong> clearance fromcar on rightD. When clear, continue backing. When your left frontfender clears car on left, turn wheels sharply to theright, h<strong>and</strong>-over-h<strong>and</strong> (rear of car will go right)E. Back vehicle into lane <strong>and</strong> straighten vehicle in thatlane. As you stop the car, make sure the wheels arepointed straight aheadF. Shift to DRIVE, check traffic, move forward <strong>and</strong>blend into trafficPARALLEL PARKING PROCEDURES(Right Side of Street)A. Note following traffic in rear view mirrors (be alertfor “tail-gaters”)B. Put right signal onC. Cover brake <strong>and</strong> apply to stopD. Position your car about 2 feet from side of car infront of empty spaceE. Stop with your rear bumper about even with that ofcar at curbs rear bumperF. Maintain firm right foot pressure on brake, shift toREVERSE, turn to look back at the space you intendto park inG. When clear, ease pressure on brake so car will rollback very slowlyH. When rear of your car is about 2-4 feet past rear ofcar on right, steer quickly h<strong>and</strong>-over-h<strong>and</strong> fully torightI. When your car has backed about ½ of the car length(7-9 feet) straighten steering wheelJ. Check for safe clearance of about 2 feet at right frontfender of your car from the car in frontK. Then steer fully h<strong>and</strong>-over-h<strong>and</strong> to the leftL. Continue to roll back, slowly, steering to the righttwice h<strong>and</strong>-over-h<strong>and</strong> as you stopM. Stop as you lose sight of car behind headlights (youshould now be about 1-2 feet away from touching carin rearN. Hold brake firmly as your turn forward, shift toDRIVE, ease pressure on brake to center your car oncar in front (Note whether the front car is subcompact,if so, guide to line on curb side)LEAVING THE PARALLEL PARKING SPACEA. Check room behind your carB. Start engineC. If car is in front of you, shift to REVERSE, releasePARK brake, look over right shoulderD. Ease pressure on brake to roll straight back, veryslowly, stopping before touching car behindE. While holding brake firmly, shift to DRIVE, checkfor ½ block clear of oncoming cars <strong>and</strong> one blockclear of approaching vehicles from the rearF. Move foot to accelerator <strong>and</strong> gently move carforward, steering rapidly, h<strong>and</strong>-over-h<strong>and</strong> to full leftclearing the car ahead by 2 feet or moreG. Straighten car by steering to the right, into the <strong>driving</strong>lane <strong>and</strong> resume safe speed (If parked on a 4-lanestreet, wait for clearance of one block in both lanes oruntil car in nearest lane stops to let you leave thespace)OVERTAKING <strong>and</strong> PASSING PROCEDURESA. Check traffic forward for clear space in traffic tomove intoB. Check mirrors for safe space behind youC. Signal your intentionD. Check “Blind” spot. USE WARNING HORN ORLIGHT, if necessaryE. Accelerate as needed if under speed limitF. Slight left or right steerG. Position car in center of new laneH. Cancel signal4

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