Water resources Courses - UC Davis Extension

Water resources Courses - UC Davis Extension

Water resources Courses - UC Davis Extension


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Clean <strong>Water</strong> Act Section 404:Nationwide and Other Specialized Permits.6 CEU.6 hours MCLE credit.Understand and comply with requirementsof the most widely used set of permitsfor projects in wetlands and other water<strong>resources</strong>—Section 404 of the Clean <strong>Water</strong>Act. This section requires projects to firstobtain a permit from the U.S. Army Corpsof Engineers. The Corps may issue generalpermits on a nationwide basis for activitiesthat have minimal effects on the aquaticenvironment. The Corps’ NationwidePermit Program (NWP) has been significantlyrevised over the years, most recentlyin March 2007. The current program isscheduled to expire on March 18, 2012.Gain a thorough understanding of theNationwide Permit Program and thelatest information from the Army Corpsof Engineers as well as other state andfederal agencies. Study the 50 NationwidePermits, including both general andspecific conditions. Review verificationand pre- and post-construction notificationprocesses and discuss requirementsfor notification contents. Further yourunderstanding of:■■ Activities covered by NWPs■■ Region-specific conditions■■ Multiple NWPs■■ Special Aquatic Sites■■ Mitigation■■ 401 Certification■■ ESA/EFH compliance■■ NHPA Section 106 compliance■■ U.S. Army Corps of Engineers districtpolicies■■ The role of programmatic and regionalgeneral permits within the districtThis course assumes a general knowledgeof the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers programregarding the defini¬tion of “watersof the United States” and the triggers forSection 404.KENNETH BOGDAN, J.D., is a principaland senior environmental counsel forICF Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc. inSacramento. He specializes in analyzingissues regarding compliance with environmentallaws and regulations, includingCEQA, NEPA, wetlands and endangeredspecies regulations. He has authored numerousarticles and publications includingthe CEQA Deskbook, The NEPA Book andWetlands Regulation. Bogdan received <strong>UC</strong><strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Extension</strong>’s Outstanding Instructoraward in 2002.JONATHAN FOSTER is a project managerand regulatory specialist with Jones &Stokes, a consulting firm specializingin environmental planning and naturalresource management. He has more thanfive years experience in project management,interagency coordination, andenvironmental assessment and permitting.He specializes in working with clientsto obtain permits from the US ArmyCorps of Engineers (Corps), the Regional<strong>Water</strong> Quality Control Board and theCalifornia Department of Fish and Game(DFG), as well as achieve compliance withthe National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) and local land use requirements.Jonathan is skilled in regulatory compliance,habitat assessments and technicalwriting.■■ 1 meeting.■ ■ Feb. 25: Wed., 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.■ ■ Sacramento: Sutter Square Galleria,2901 K St.■■ $290. Enroll in section 083NAT223.■ ■ Special discounts: Groups.General informationTax deductibility of educational expenses Expenses of education — including registration fees, travel, meals and lodging— may be deductible if they maintain or improve professional skills or meet the express requirement of an individual’s employer. Contact a certifiedpublic accountant for more information, or visit www.irs.gov/taxtopics.Continuing education units Continuing education units are a nationally recognized means of recording noncredit study. All CEUs areoffered in quarter system units. One CEU is awarded for every 10 hours of contact participation.MCLE credit <strong>Courses</strong> that list MCLE credit have been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education credit by the State Bar of California.<strong>UC</strong> <strong>Davis</strong> <strong>Extension</strong> certifies that these courses conform to the standards for approved educational activities prescribed by the rules and regulationsof the State Bar of California governing minimum continuing legal education. If your plans change Refunds, less a $30 processing fee,will be granted if the request is received seven calendar days before the course begins. At that time, you can also discuss transferring your enrollment

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