Maxxam Analytics Inc. - BC Government and Service Employees ...

Maxxam Analytics Inc. - BC Government and Service Employees ...

Maxxam Analytics Inc. - BC Government and Service Employees ...


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<strong>BC</strong>GEU <strong>and</strong> <strong>Maxxam</strong> <strong>Analytics</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>. (03/2012) Page 5131.6 CopyrightsThe Employer <strong>and</strong> the Union agree that original articles, technical papers, information reports <strong>and</strong>/orinstructional notes prepared by the employee within the course of his/her duties for the Employer, shall beretained by the Employer. The Employer further agrees that the employee may be granted permission toquote selected portions of such materials in a larger work or to publish the material in related journals.Such permission shall not be unreasonably withheld.31.7 Personal ResearchSubject to approval by the Employer <strong>and</strong> the local Safety Committee, an employee may use facilitiesnormally used in the course of his/her duties to carry out personal research or projects. The cost ofmaterials shall be borne by the employee. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld by theEmployer.31.8 Employee ContactIt is the responsibility of the employee to keep the Employer informed of their current address <strong>and</strong>telephone number. If an employee fails to do this, the Employer will not be responsible for a failure of anotice to reach an employee.32.1 DurationARTICLE 32 - TERM OF AGREEMENTThis Agreement shall be binding <strong>and</strong> remain in effect to midnight March 31, 2012.32.2 Notice to Bargain(a) This Agreement may be opened for collective bargaining by either party giving written notice to theother party on or after November 30, 2011, but in any event not later than midnight, December 31, 2011.(b) Where no notice is given by either party prior to December 31, 2011, both parties shall bedeemed to have given notice under this article on December 31, 2011 <strong>and</strong> thereupon Article 32.3applies.(c) All notices on behalf of the Union shall be given by the President of the Union or designate <strong>and</strong>similar notices on behalf of the Employer shall be given by the General Manager.32.3 Commencement of BargainingWhere a party to this Agreement has given notice under Article 32.2, the parties shall, withinfourteen (14) days after the notice was given, commence collective bargaining.32.4 Change in AgreementAny change deemed necessary in this Agreement may be made by mutual agreement at any time duringthe life of this Agreement.32.5 Agreement to Continue in ForceBoth parties shall adhere fully to the terms of this Agreement during the period of bona fide collectivebargaining.

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