Maxxam Analytics Inc. - BC Government and Service Employees ...

Maxxam Analytics Inc. - BC Government and Service Employees ...

Maxxam Analytics Inc. - BC Government and Service Employees ...


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<strong>BC</strong>GEU <strong>and</strong> <strong>Maxxam</strong> <strong>Analytics</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>. (03/2012) Page 47Training, Personal Placement Programs, or Co-op Students, shall be considered terminated for cause inaccordance with Article 30.4(a) upon completion of their project or program.(e) The Employer will schedule time periods during which casual employees on layoff will becontacted as work is available. These scheduled time periods will be established based on thescheduling patterns for that unit, such that casual employees will not be required to be available morethan three (3) hours on any one day or for more than one (1) period per shift, at their contact pointestablished pursuant to Section (g).Calls made to casual employees outside of the scheduled time periods will be treated in accordancewith this article.(f) Casual employees will be advised, in writing, of the scheduled time periods <strong>and</strong> of any changesthereto. Casual employees, on layoff, are required to be personally available at their contact pointduring these scheduled time periods. Sections (h) <strong>and</strong> (j) detail the exceptions to this provision.(g) Casual employees will provide a direct communication link that will give them personal contactwith their work unit/recall section. This communication link must be appropriate to the Employer'soperation <strong>and</strong> may include telephone, radio telephone, public media, on call boards, writtencommunication, cellular phones, pagers, etc.(h) Where a written communication link is established, a single attempt by registered mail will bemade to contact the casual employees. Where telephone/radio telephone, cellular phones, pagers,communication is used, two (2) attempts, at least five (5) minutes apart, will be made to contact thecasual employees. In the case of an emergency situation, a single verbal attempt will be made to contactthe casual employees.(i) Casual employees are responsible for advising their work unit/recall section, in writing, of theircurrent phone number, address, radio call numbers, etc., as established in Section (g), <strong>and</strong> for theaccuracy <strong>and</strong> completeness of the information provided. Casual employees are responsible formaintaining the necessary equipment required to receive notice, in an operable condition, except wheresuch maintenance is beyond their control.(j) Casual employees on layoff who experience problems with their communication link establishedunder (g) above, or who will not be available at their contact point during the scheduled time period forthose reasons outlined in (n) below, are required to contact their work unit/recall section in advance ofthe scheduled time periods as designated by the Employer. The casual employees may be required tocontact their work unit/recall section during the scheduled time period to obtain a specific workschedule, etc.(k) If unable to contact casual employees during the scheduled time periods established in Section (e)above, the Employer will immediately advise the employees by certified mail of the date, time <strong>and</strong>result of the contact attempt(s), <strong>and</strong> that they are considered to have been unavailable for work forpurposes of Article 30.4(d). If unable to contact casual employees outside of the scheduled timeperiods, the Employer will not count such unavailability for purposes of Article 30.4(d) except asspecified in (l) below.(l) Where casual employees are contacted outside of the scheduled time periods <strong>and</strong> decline work inan emergency situation, other than for reasons outlined in (n) below, they will be considered to havedeclined work for purposes of Article 30.4(d).(m) Where casual employees are contacted during the scheduled time periods established in (e) above,<strong>and</strong> decline the work offered, such decline will be considered to be a decline for purposes ofArticle 30.4(d).

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