Maxxam Analytics Inc. - BC Government and Service Employees ...

Maxxam Analytics Inc. - BC Government and Service Employees ...

Maxxam Analytics Inc. - BC Government and Service Employees ...


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<strong>BC</strong>GEU <strong>and</strong> <strong>Maxxam</strong> <strong>Analytics</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>. (03/2012) Page 41(b) The distribution of paycheques shall be done in such a manner that the details of the paychequeshall be confidential.(c) The rates of pay are recorded in Appendix 1.27.4 Substitution Pay(a) When an employee temporarily substitutes in, or performs the principal duties of, a higher-payingposition, he/she shall receive the rate for the job, where a single rate is established. If a salary range isestablished, he/she shall receive the minimum rate of the new salary range or the rate in the new salaryrange which is the closest step to five percent (5%) above his/her current rate, whichever is greater, butnot more than the top of the new salary range. <strong>Employees</strong> on short-term disability leave, special leave,or any other paid leave of absence will be entitled to the basic rates of pay they received prior tosubstituting in a higher position.Payment for leave under Articles 20.1 <strong>and</strong> 20.2 will be made at an employee's basic pay, except if anemployee has been working in a higher paid position than his/her regular position for a majority ofhis/her regularly scheduled hours in the sixty (60) days preceding his/her leave, in which case he/sheshall receive the higher rate.(b) Substitution pay is not payable when an employee has not been designated by the Employer tosubstitute, or where an employee's current position normally requires periodic substitution in the higherposition as defined in the functional job description.(c)Positions Temporarily VacantThe Employer acknowledges that, except in cases of emergency, the workload of employees covered bythis Agreement will not be increased beyond their regular level as a result of positions beingtemporarily vacant due to illness, vacation, leave of absence, or any other reasons. This clause shallonly apply when workloads are full.(d) Where substitution is required for Team Leader, Analysts, Technicians Sample Reception,Administration or Lab Assistants, the most senior available qualified employee in the appropriateclassification shall be afforded the opportunity to substitute in the higher position.27.5 Rate of Pay on Reclassification or PromotionWhen an employee is promoted or reclassified to a higher-paying position in the salary schedule, theemployee will receive the rate for the position if a single salary, or in the case of positions on a salaryrange, will receive the rate in the salary range which is the closest step to five percent (5%) above his/herprevious rate, or the minimum of the new range, whichever is greater, but not more than the top of thenew salary range.27.6 Pay on Temporary AssignmentA regular employee temporarily assigned by the Employer to a position with a rate of pay lower thanhis/her regular rate of pay shall maintain his/her regular rate of pay.27.7 Salary Protection <strong>and</strong> Downward Reclassification of Position(a) When an employee's classification is changed or an employee is placed into a position with alower maximum salary, through no fault of the employee, the following shall apply:(1) the employee shall not have his/her salary reduced;(2) the employee shall not receive any salary increases until the maximum salary of the lowerclassification equals or exceeds the employee's salary;

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