Maxxam Analytics Inc. - BC Government and Service Employees ...

Maxxam Analytics Inc. - BC Government and Service Employees ...

Maxxam Analytics Inc. - BC Government and Service Employees ...


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<strong>BC</strong>GEU <strong>and</strong> <strong>Maxxam</strong> <strong>Analytics</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>. (03/2012) Page 6(3) for employees who are representatives of the Union on a bargaining committee to attendmeetings of the Bargaining Committee.(4) to employees called by the Union to appear as witnesses before an arbitration board, thePublic <strong>Service</strong> Appeal Board, or the Labour Relations Board.(b) With Pay - leave of absence with basic pay, substitution pay where applicable, <strong>and</strong> without loss ofseniority will be granted to two (2) employees who are representatives of the Union on the Union'sBargaining Committee to carry on negotiations with the Employer.(c) To facilitate the administration of this clause when leave without pay is granted, the leave shall begiven with basic pay, substitution pay where applicable, <strong>and</strong> the Union shall reimburse the Employerfor salary <strong>and</strong> benefit costs, including travel time incurred.(d) It is understood that employees granted leave of absence pursuant to this clause shall receive theircurrent rates of pay while on leave of absence with pay.(e) Leave of absence granted under this clause shall include sufficient travel time. The Union shallprovide the Employer with two (2) weeks' notice prior to the commencement of the leave under thisarticle. The Employer agrees that any of the above leaves of absences shall not be unreasonablywithheld.2.11 Emergency <strong>Service</strong>sThe parties recognize that in the event of a strike or lockout situations may arise of an emergency nature.To this end, the Employer <strong>and</strong> the Union will agree to provide services of an emergency nature.2.12 Union Representatives(a) Upon receipt of written request, the Employer shall allow reasonable time on the agenda of anycourse, seminar, or training function held by the Employer for a speaker from the Union, as it pertainsto the established agenda.(b) Where operational requirements permit, <strong>and</strong> subject to the union representative givingtwenty-four (24) hours notice to the appropriate excluded supervisor, the President or his/her designateshall have the right to meet with the employees on the Employer's premises during the normal workday.The purpose of this clause is to facilitate the servicing of current agreements, <strong>and</strong> it does not apply tomeetings dealing with negotiations or general union policy.(c) The employee's time for attending such meetings as outlined in (b) above shall be considered astime worked. No employee shall be entitled to claim overtime because of such meetings unless themeeting falls within the approved period of overtime.ARTICLE 3 - UNION SECURITY(a) All employees in the bargaining unit who on March 8, 1974, were members of the Union orthereafter become members of the Union shall, as a condition of continued employment, maintain suchmembership.(b) All employees hired on or after March 8, 1974, shall, as a condition of continued employment,become members of the Union, <strong>and</strong> maintain such membership, upon completion of thirty (30) days asan employee.(c) Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as requiring a person who was an employee prior toMarch 8, 1974, to become a member of the Union.

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