NURRUNGA - Waverley College

NURRUNGA - Waverley College

NURRUNGA - Waverley College


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WAVERLEY COLLEGEA Catholic Independent School for boys in the Edmund Rice tradition<strong>NURRUNGA</strong>Our Lady’s Mount & WaterfordCareers information & HSC tipsArmy Careers Day, Victoria Barracks,Sydney05 Jul 2012, 0800-1630 for students aged 15yrs orover.Structured tour of Victoria Barracks,demonstrations and presentations from a varietyof Army Units, and an information session fromDefence Force Recruiting. There will be aspecialist presentation given by the Aviation Corps.Please see Mrs Knowles if you are interested.University of Sydney Changes toEntry Requirements – Bachelor ofPharmacyThe Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) is nolonger an entry requirement for the Bachelor ofPharmacy. Entry is based on ATAR (or equivalent)only for HSC students and recent student leavers.This is applicable from the 2013 intake onwards.http://sydney.edu.au/pharmacy/ .UNSW Music Information Evening18th June, 6:00pm - 7:30pmRoom 327, Robert Webster Building, UNSWCampusInformation about the new UNSW Bachelor ofMusic, for Year 11 and 12 students and theirparents. Please register online.http://www.arts.unsw.edu.au/news-and-events/unsw-music-information-evening-1646.htmlLaing+Simmons Real Estate AgentsScholarship ProgramFor Year 12 individuals wishing to enter the realestate industry.Applicants write in 100 words why they would liketo pursue a career in the real estate industry, theyare then selected to participate in a one week workexperience in their local Laing+Simmons office.Applicants will be short listed and interviewed, withthree successful candidates being selected for thescholarships.The scholarships comprise of:- Enrolment in the Real Estate Certificate ofRegistration Course with course fees paid for byLaing + Simmons.- Continued mentoring by a senior Laing+Simmonsrepresentative; and- One of the scholarship winners will alsobe guaranteed a full time position within theLaing+Simmons group.Applications close 31 August 2012. lisa.perkins@lsre.com.au or 02 9291 7000.University of Notre Dame Early OfferProgramNotre Dame’s Early Offer Program is designed toattract and select talented and capable high schoolstudents for an early offer into our University.This program is offered to Year 12 students whohave demonstrated academic excellence, alongwith a special talent in community involvement orleadership.Early Offer Program Applications due Friday 31August, 4:00pmhttp://www.nd.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0015/111516/early_offer_program_guide-.pdfNSW Department of Education andCommunities 2013 Teacher EducationScholarship ProgramThis year, up to 300 scholarships are available fortalented students to train as teachers in secondarymaths, science (physics) or English, and in specialeducation.As a scholar, you’ll receive a $5,000 annualtraining allowance while studying full time fora teaching qualification. When you completeyour studies, you are guaranteed permanentemployment in a NSW public school in an agreedlocation and awarded a further $3,000 to assistwith expenses such as relocation costs. Theclosing date is 5 October 2012. Telephone 1300301 435 or email scholarships@det.nsw.edu.au.https://www.det.nsw.edu.au/about-us/careerscentre/school-careers/teaching/our-programs-andinitiatives/teaching-scholarshipsUNSW Co-op ProgramIndustry linked scholarships for high achievingstudents in the fields of Business (Commerce),Science, Engineering and the Built Environment.Senior managers from industry and governmenthave worked with UNSW academics to plan allCo-op Programs.UNSW Co-op Program scholars receive structuredindustry training (between 9 and 18 months) andgain highly valuable, relevant work experience withup to four different sponsor companies.UNSW Co-op Program scholars receive a taxfreescholarship of $16,750 per annum. This ispaid in fortnightly instalments and can be used atthe student’s discretion. Application Due Date:Sunday 30 September, 2012Tel (02) 9385 5116 Fax (02) 9313 6774 Emailcooprog@unsw.edu.auWeb http://www.co-op.unsw.edu.au/Ernst & Young Cadet ProgramAs a cadet, you’ll combine full-time work withpart-time university studies. It takes drive andcommitment, but we’ll provide you with thesupport you need to succeed. You’ll gain valuableexperience working with clients and will beexposed to senior managers early so that youcan learn from some of the best. You’ll alsobenefit from the training and skills developmentwe provide. And when you do graduate, theprofessional experience you’ll have gainedthrough the cadet program will place you head andshoulders above your peers.Apply in Year 12 or in year one of your universitydegree.Application opening date 21 May 2012. Applicationclosing date 25 June 2012.http://www.ey.com/AU/en/Careers/Students/Yourrole-here/Students---ProgramsVolume 36 No. 17 • 22 JUNE 2012 page 3PricewaterhouseCoopersTrainee ProgramApplications close 24th June2012.Open to people in the last yearof high school or first year ofuniversity, the program enablesstudents to gain practicalexperience within the Assurance,Tax & Legal or Private Clientsbusiness areas. Students mustbe planning to study either aBusiness/Commerce degree(with one of your majors aseither accounting or informationtechnology) or an InformationTechnology degree.http://www.pwc.com.au/careers/student/programs/trainee/index.htmUTS Bachelor ofInformation Technology(BIT) co-op scholarshipprogramYou will receive around $15,500during each year of your studies- a total of around $46,500.Applicants must completethe UTS BIT applicationquestionnaire as well as applythrough UAC.Round 1 - applications must bereceived by Friday 29 June 2012with interviews on Friday 13 July2012 during the NSW schoolholidays.Round 2 - applications mustbe received by Wednesday 31October 2012with interviews on Friday 16November 2012 during the NSWschool holidays.http://www.it.uts.edu.au/courses/scholarships/bit/index.htmlMining Jobs ChartShows the opportunitiesavailable within the miningindustry. http://www.miningcareers.com/resource_files/Mining_Careers_Pathway_Chart.pdf

WAVERLEY COLLEGEA Catholic Independent School for boys in the Edmund Rice tradition<strong>NURRUNGA</strong>Our Lady’s Mount & WaterfordSports Master’s ReportA very wet weekendLast weekend saw some rugby, football and tenniscancelled but there were also many games thatwent ahead despite the wet conditions.The 1st and 2nd XV rugby sides had excitingwins over a much improved Knox side and it wasdifficult to tell who was who by the end of the 1sts.Our 15A’s rugby also had a hard fought victory5-3 over Knox to remain undefeated as did the13D rugby side. Some of our other rugby teamsfound the going tough as the opposition playedto the conditions better than many of our sides.Not having training due to ground closures thepreceding weeks did not help our preparation.<strong>Waverley</strong> <strong>College</strong> representativesThis week we have a number of boys representingCAS in rugby against GPS and ISA and thenselectors will choose the NSW sides to competeat the national carnivals. I wish all of the <strong>Waverley</strong>boys the best of luck with this and congratulatethem on their selections.Outstanding refereesI would also like to acknowledge the fantastic workour pool of referees are doing and, in particular,the development of these students by Mr Chen.Referees often have a tough job but games wouldnot go ahead without them. Our referees aredeveloping well and do a great job – well done!Recently Cody Ingram was picked in the U/17NSW Water Polo side and Jake Bartholomeuspicked for CIS in AFL. We also have both JarrodSmith and Zac Cardassilaris representing CIS inrugby league during the holidays. This continuesthe impressive representative selections from<strong>Waverley</strong> <strong>College</strong> students in 2012.Cross Country Success<strong>Waverley</strong> <strong>College</strong> also had a number of boysrecently running Cross Country at the CIS titles.Congratulations must go to Nick Blakey 1st in theU/12 and Conor McGrath 4th in the U/13’s.Holiday eventsDuring the upcoming school holidays there area number of sporting events scheduled. Middledistance athletics training is on at Queens Parkevery Monday and Wednesday from 9-10.30am.The 1st XV ad 15A rugby sides are playing atouring Gregory Terrace on June 29 from 10.00amand the 1st XV have a fixture against Oakhill atQueens Park on Tuesday July 10 from 11.00am.Keep up your fitness in the holidaysI would like to encourage all of our students tomaintain their skills and fitness during the holidaysbecause we still have 4 more intense rounds ofthe CAS winter season on our return in Term 4.‘Go the Waves!’Mr Steve O’DonnellSports MasterSave the date: Football (soccer) Presentation NightSaturday 11th August, 7pm, Lacey GymnasiumPlease start organising a table with other parents in your sons team. Information and payment detailswill be available soon.Volume 36 No. 17 • 22 JUNE 2012 page 4<strong>Waverley</strong><strong>College</strong> Trackand FieldHoliday TrainingProgramDuring the upcoming June/July holidays we will berunning some trainingsessions for our MiddleDistance athletes.We have been fortunateenough to secure the servicesof Australian CommonwealthGames representative and<strong>Waverley</strong> <strong>College</strong> Old Boy, MrJeremy Roff, to conduct thesesessions.Training sessions will be heldon Monday and Wednesdayof each of the three weeks,between the hours of 9amand 10:30am.These sessions will be held atQueens Park, with studentsasked to meet at the QueensPark Pavilion. All studentsinterested in attending thesesessions are most welcome.I would like to take thisopportunity to wish all familiesat <strong>Waverley</strong> <strong>College</strong> a safeand an enjoyable holiday. Ilook forward to seeing you allin Term 3!<strong>Waverley</strong> to Win!Mr John McCoyMIC Track and Field

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