nwjHkk"k la-@Tel - Central Social Welfare Board

nwjHkk"k la-@Tel - Central Social Welfare Board nwjHkk"k la-@Tel - Central Social Welfare Board

4- vkosnu i= ds lkFk lHkh nLrkostksa dh vuqizekf.kr ¼vVsLVsM½ izfr;ka tek fd;k tkukvko';d gSA5- fufonkdrkZ n~okjk deZpkjh Hkfo"; fuf/k vf/kfu;e ds rgr iathdj.k izek.ki= dhizekf.kr izfr rFkk izek.k ds rkSj ij pkyku dh uohure tek izfr <strong>la</strong>yXu dh tk,A6- fufonkdrkZ n~okjk deZpkjh jkT; chek vf/kfu;e ds rgr iathdj.k izek.ki= dhizekf.kr izfr rFkk izek.k ds rkSj ij pkyku dh uohure tek izfr <strong>la</strong>yXu dh tk,A7- fufonkdrkZ n~okjk vk;dj LFkk;h ys[kk <strong>la</strong>[;k ¼iSu½ dkMZ dh izekf.kr izfr <strong>la</strong>yXu dhtk,] tks fd daiuh ds uke ij gksuh pkfg,A8- fufonkdrkZ n~okjk lsok dj iathdj.k izek.ki= dh izekf.kr izfr <strong>la</strong>yXu dh tk,] tksfd daiuh ds uke ij gksuh pkfg,A9- ;fn vkosnd n~okjk nh xbZ dksbZ Hkh lwpuk fdlh Hkh le; vkSj fdlh Hkh Lrj ij xyrikbZ tkrh gS rks ml ij fufonk nsus@dsanzh; lekt dY;k.k cksMZ es a dk;Z djus dh jksdyxk nh tk,xhA foHkkx ds ikl vkosnd n~okjk izLrqr fooj.k dk Lora= :i lslR;kiu djus dk vf/kdkj lqjf{kr jgsxkA10- vkosnd n~okjk udn Hkqxrku djus ij fufonk QkWeZ dh ykxr dsoy ` 1000 gksxhA11- foHkkx ds ikl dksbZ Hkh vkosnu@fufonk fcuk dkj.k crk, ukeatwj djus dk vf/kdkjlqjf{kr jgsxkA<strong>la</strong>;qDr mn~;e Lohdk;Z ugha gSa

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IIIIVViai gkml ¼ty vkiwfrZ iz.kkyh ds fy,½¼i½¼ii½¼iii½¼iv½¼v½¼vi½¼vii½Bsdsnkj iai gkml es a 24 ?kaVs ds fy, rhu ;ksX; vkWijsVj j[ksxkA gj vkWijsVjdh M~;wVh 8 ?kaVs dh gksxhAiai fu;fer :i ls pykukAiz.kkyh (flLVe) dh fu;fer :i ls tkap djukiai vkSj eksVj dks gj rhu eghus es a Y;wfczdsV djukdaVªksYl dh gj rhu eghus es a tkapvko';drk ds vuqlkj Dyksjhu Mkyukgj rhu eghus esa Hkwfexr ¼vaMjxzkmaM½ vkSj Åijh ¼vksojgSM½ VSad dh lQkbZ¼viii½ vksojgSM VSad dh vksojyks iz.kkyh dh fu;fer tkap djuk rFkk dksbZ [kjkch¼ix½gksus ij mlesa lq/kkj djukiai gkml es a yxh lHkh eksVjksa dh lfoZf<strong>la</strong>x vkSj ejEer djuk ftlesavko';drkuqlkj fjokbafMax 'kkfey gSAfyV ¼,d½ dk j[kj[kko¼i½¼ii½¼iii½,d fyV ls <strong>la</strong>caf/kr lHkh e'khuksa vkSj miLdjksa ds j[kj[kko ds fy, BsdsnkjftEesnkj gksxkA bejts alh ykbV vkSj vykeZ ds fy, visf{kr cSVjh dh vkiwfrZBsdsnkj n~okjk dh tk,xhABsdsnkj lHkh dk;Zfnolksa es a iwokZg~u 8-30 cts ls vijkg~u 6-00 cts rd nksfyVksa dks pykus ds fy, nks iw.kZdkfyd fyV vkWijsVj j[ksxk rFkk fyV dkspkyw fLFkfr esa j[ksxkA bles a gj jkst fyV dh lQkbZ Hkh 'kkfey gSAeSllZ dksuh] ubZ fnYyh us dk;kZy; es a ,d fyV <strong>la</strong>LFkkfir dh gSA Bsdsnkj blfyV ds j[kj[kko ds fy, dksuh ;k fdlh vU; izfrf"Br QeZ ds lg;ksx lsokf"kZd j[kj[kko vuqca/k ¼,-,e-lh-½ djsA bl ,-,e-lh- dks dsanzh; lektdY;k.k cksMZ dh lykg ls vafre :i fn;k tk,xkAbysfDVªdy fQfVaXl] ,Iyk;Ulst+ vkSj dwfyax ;a=blesa ,;j daMh'kuj ¼a59½] :e dwyj ¼10½] okVj dwyj ¼5½] gkWV dsl] lhfyax QSu]Vscy QSu] isMsLVy QSu] ,Dt+kWLV QSu] oksYVst LVscykbt+j] :e ghVj] ghV dUosDVj]ih-,- flLVe] ia[kksa ds jsxqysVj vkSj ykbfVax flLVe dk j[kj[kko 'kkfey gSA¼i½¼ii½¼iii½fctyh ds lHkh lkekuksa dh lQkbZ djuk] vkW;y Mkyuk] xzhl yxkukAlHkh fQfVaXl dh gj jkst tkap djuk rkfd dkedkt lqpk# :i ls gks ldsA[kjkc rkjksa ,oa dscyksa dks cnyuk rFkk NksVh&eksVh ejEer djukA

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F. No.7-9/2008-Admn.Telephone No. 2696447Fax No. 011-26960057THE CENTRAL SOCIAL WELFARE BOARD‘SAMAJ KALYAN BHAVAN’B-12, Qutab Institutional Area,New Delhi – 110603Dated: 01.06.2011Subject:- Quotations for AMC of electrical equipments & fittingsof CSWBQUOTATION NOTICEOn behalf of Executive Director/Chairperson, C.S.W.B., New Delhi,sealed quotations are invited from reputed firms for following work:-Annual Maintenance of electrical equipments, instal<strong>la</strong>tions &fittings of CSWB for the year 2011-12 (Tender form enclosed).The interested firms may download the above Tender formfrom the CSWB, web. Site www.cswb.gov.in. An amount of ` 1000/- ascost of tender (non-refundable) should accompany the quotation in theform of Demand Draft/Pay order in favor of Pay & Account OfficerC.S.W.B., New Delhi. The <strong>la</strong>st date for submission of sealed quotationswith their technical & financial rates by 10.06.2011 by 3.00 P.M. Thesealed quotations should be sent/ delivered at the following addresswhich will be opened at 4.00 P.M. on the same day.Shri. R.S. Khatri,Joint Director (Admn.)<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Welfare</strong> <strong>Board</strong>,‘Samaj Kalyan Bhawan’,B-12, Qutab Institutional Area,New Delhi-110603.The <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Welfare</strong> <strong>Board</strong> reserves its right to accept orreject any or all quotations without assigning any reason thereof.(R.S. Khatri)Joint Director (Admn.)

CENTRAL SOCIAL WELFARE BOARD,DR. DURGABAI DESHMUKH SAMAJ KALYAN BHAWANB-12, QUTAB INSTITUTIONAL AREA, NEW DELHI-110603The Chairperson/ Executive Director of <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Welfare</strong> <strong>Board</strong>,Samaj Kalyan Bhawan invites on and behalf of <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Social</strong> welfare <strong>Board</strong> sealeditem rate tenders from specialize/ reputed firms/ contractor for the following work:Name of workAnnual maintenance ofElectrical Equipment’s,instal<strong>la</strong>tions & Fittingsof CSWB, Dr. DurgabaiDesmukh Samaj KalyanBhawan New Delhi-110603EstimatedCost (forone year)EarnestMoneyCost ofTender(Non-Refundable)TimeAllowedLast date ofreceipt ofApplicationupto 3 pm.` 9,00,000/- ` 25,000/- ` 1,000/- Two year 10 days afterpublishing ofadvertisement2. Specialize firms/ contractors who fulfill the following requirements whetherregistered with CPWD or not shall be eligible to apply. The tender shall besubmitted in two parts viz. (i) Technical bid. (ii) Financial bid. Joint ventures arenot accepted.1. Tenderers should have 5 years experience of simi<strong>la</strong>r work in Govt., Semi Govt., StateGovt., PSU or an organization of repute by April, 2010. The applicant shall submitcertificates from clients/owners in support of his c<strong>la</strong>im. Such certificates shall be signedby an officer not below the rank of Executive Engineer or Project Manager or equivalent.2. Tenderers should have had average annual financial turnover upto ` 30 Lacs (ThirtyLacs only) of Electrical Maintenance during the <strong>la</strong>st three years ending 31 st March, 2010.The applicants shall submit a statement duly certified by Chartered Accountant or ITCCertificate in support of his c<strong>la</strong>im.

3. Should not have incurred any losses during the <strong>la</strong>st five years ending 31 st March, 2010duly certified by the Charted Accountant or as per returns submitted by the applicant tothe Income Tax Department.4. Attested copies of all the document are required to be submitted along with theapplication.5. Tenderer should enclose Certified copy of registration certificate under EmployeesProvident fund Act, and also file the proof of the same. (Latest Deposit Copy ofChal<strong>la</strong>ns).6. Tenderer should enclose Certified copy of registration certificate under EmployeesState Insurance Act, and also file the proof of the same. (Latest Deposit copy ofChal<strong>la</strong>ns).7.Tenderer should enclose Certified copy of Income tax PAN card, which should be inname of the company.8. Tenderer should enclose Certified copy of Service Tax Registration certificate whichshould be in name of the Tnederer (Company).9. If any information furnished by the applicant is found incorrect at <strong>la</strong>ter stage, he shallbe liable to be debarred from tendering/ taking up of work in <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Welfare</strong><strong>Board</strong>. The department reserves the right to verify the particu<strong>la</strong>rs furnished by theapplicant independently.10. The tender cost will be ` 1,000/- only for getting tender form by submittingapplicants with tender form cost in cash.11. The department reserves the right to reject any application / Tender with outassigning any reason.Joint ventures are not accepted.

Uniforms & Safety GearAll employees would be in a neat, clean and well-groomed appearance All staff will be well groomed. While on duty, all employees will wear the uniform provided bythe company. The uniform would be worn as designed. Head gear/ wear would be worn on duty for safety and as part ofuniform as and where required. All uniforms would be clean and in good repair. All the staff will wear safety Shoes, for safety reason closed shoeswould be given. The staff will ensure wearing respective work masks, safety glovesand belts as and when required. All Staff would be trained on Safety and first Aid. Use of fire fighting equipment and fire Drill would be conductedfor all staff. The staff would be trained to face emergency situations, suchprograms could be hospital specific and as such it would beconducted in coordination with the clients training department.

GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK AND TERMS & CONDITIONSThe premises where the office of the <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Welfare</strong> <strong>Board</strong> islocated will require the following items of work from the Contractor for theAnnual Maintenance of all the electrical equipments, fittings & instal<strong>la</strong>tions.The maintenance service will include keeping all the electrical equipments,fitting & instal<strong>la</strong>tion in perfect working conditions with rep<strong>la</strong>cement of alldefective major and minor parts, cleaning oiling, greasing etc. regu<strong>la</strong>rly:I. Sub-Station: 11KV/440 V comprising of 400 KVA transformer.(a) The Contractor will provide there qualified operators in sub-station foruninterrupted power supply in the office round the clock, each for 8 hours duty.(b) Rep<strong>la</strong>cement of indication <strong>la</strong>mps/meters.(c) Cleaning of Sub-Station rooms and panels externally.(d) Inspection of panels and cables for visual sign of over-hauling.(e) Visual inspection of interior of control panels and rectification of any defect,if existing.(f) Checking of leakage conditions, oil level in transformer.(g) Drawing samples of oil and getting it tested for impurities/strength andrep<strong>la</strong>ce /filter the oil.(h) Thorough check up of controls by switching off the power supply.(i) Checking connections for proper tightness.(j) Instal<strong>la</strong>tion resistance checking, earth resistance checking and servicing ofswitch gears.

II D.G. SETS (2 Nos.): 3 Phase AC alteristor 75 KVA 102- Amp. 1500 RPM & 150KVA.(i)(ii)Daily inspection i.e. checking and correcting the level of water in the radiator,oil in the radiator, oil in the pump and diesel in the diesel tank.Maintenance of battery and rep<strong>la</strong>cement, if required.(iii)Checking of belt tension.(iv)General cleaning of the DG Set/ room.(v)General maintenance (quarterly servicing) of the DG Sets including change ofoil (quarterly).(vi)The qualified operators in the Sub-Station will also operate the DG Sets.(vii)The diesel for DG Sets will be supplied by the contractor.III Pump house (For Water Supply System)(i)(ii)The Contractor will provide three qualified operators round the clock in thepump house, each operator for 8 hours duty.Operation pump regu<strong>la</strong>rly.(iii)Checking of system regu<strong>la</strong>rly.(iv)Lubricating pump and motor quarterly.(v)Checking of controls quarterly.(vi)Charging of chlorinator, as and when required.

(vii)Cleaning of underground and over head tank quarterly.(viii) Checking of overflowing system in overhead tanks regu<strong>la</strong>rly and rectifyingthe defects, if any.(ix)Servicing and repair of all the motors fitted in the pump house includingrewinding whenever required.

IV Maintenance of Lift (1 Nos.)(i)The Contractor will be responsible for the maintenance of all machines andequipments connected with one lifts. The Batteries required for emergencylight & a<strong>la</strong>rm, will be supplied by the contractor.(ii)He will provide two full time lift operators to operate the two lifts from 8:30A.M. to 6:00 P.M. on all working days and keep the lifts in proper workingconditions. This will also include cleaning of the lifts every day.(iii)M/s Konee, New Delhi installed one lift in the office. The contractor shallenter into and AMC for maintenance of the lifts with konee of any otherreputed lift Maintenance Company. The AMC shall be finalized afterconsulting the CSWB with reference to the selection of the agency.VElectrical fittings, Appliances and Cooling Devices.The items for maintenance will include Air Conditioner (59 Nos.)- RoomCoolers (10 Nos.), Water Coolers (5 Nos.), Hot Cases, Ceiling Fans, Tables/Pedestal/ Exhaust Fans, Voltage stabilizers, Room Heaters, Heat Convectors, PASystem, Regu<strong>la</strong>tors of fans and lighting system.(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)(vi)Cleaning, oiling & greasing of all electrical items.Checking of all fittings every days for smooth functioning.Rep<strong>la</strong>cement of fault/ defective wires & cables and minor occasiona<strong>la</strong>dditions/ alterations.Rep<strong>la</strong>cement of all the defective HRC,s MCB,s Iso<strong>la</strong>tors, Main Switches,Sockets, (Power & light) plugs, Monitor starters, pressure gauges etc.Rewinding /repair of motor/pump/ compressor in all the equipmentsmentioned above.Rep<strong>la</strong>cement of all tube lights, bulbs, chokes, starters, condenser includinglights in the building and its compound.

(vii)Two full time qualified electricians should be avai<strong>la</strong>ble in the office forattending day-to-day comp<strong>la</strong>ints and emergency service.NOTES:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)For the proper maintenance of the electrical equipments & instal<strong>la</strong>tionmentioned in the above details, a qualified and experienced Supervisor shouldbe deployed in the office who will be responsible for overall supervision ofthe work.The <strong>Board</strong> will also require the services of electricians for attendingoccasional repairs at the office at Chairman’s residence and two f<strong>la</strong>ts at Asiadvil<strong>la</strong>ge Complex.Items for maintenance of electrical instal<strong>la</strong>tion, which could not be specifiedin above details, will also be cover under this contract.Where esca<strong>la</strong>tion in price is due to Government policy for which prices arecontrolled by Government of Govt. agency, the contractor will be allowedesca<strong>la</strong>tion in prices under Rule 13 & 14 of the G.F.R.Terms & ConditionsThe tenders shall submit the following along with the tender:-(i)(ii)(iii)Copies of previous three years Income-Tax Certificates/ returns and havingworks Sales Tax Contract.Certificate/ proofs in support of their experience in this field indicating inwhich other Governmental/ Semi Governmental / Private Offices of reputethey are of have been working in this field. Certificate of present work beingdone in various Govt. Organizations. Number of persons employed numberwiseand work wise.The person should be having electrical contract license and preference will begiven to those who are registered with CPWD, Railways etc.

1. The <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Welfare</strong> <strong>Board</strong> reserve the right to reject any or all thetenders without assigning any reasons and is not bound to accept the lowestor any tender.2. Earnest money deposits of the successful tenderer shall be treated as securitydeposits and shall not carry any interest thereon.3. The contract period for the work shall be 6 (Six) months initially which canbe extended on the basis of the performance.4. Earnest money of ` 25,000/- is payable by “Pay Order” in favor of P & AO,CSWB, New Delhi.5. The tenderer should deposit ` 10,000/- in cash with P& AO, CSWB in orderto maintenance of a running Account for filling up of Diesel in the GeneratorSet.PenaltyIn the event of unauthorized absence of technicians or helpers from thecomplex site, a sum equivalent to ` 500/- per day in the case of supervisor and `250/- in the case of electrician and other would be deducted by the <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Social</strong><strong>Welfare</strong> <strong>Board</strong> from the Contractor’s bill as a penalty. In the event of any comp<strong>la</strong>int/job that may remain unattended for un-reasonably long time, without any justifiedreasons, the CSWB would get such comp<strong>la</strong>ints/ Jobs attended to through otheragencies at the risk and costs of the contractor.AgreementThe Contractor will be required to sign an agreement on a non-judicialstamp paper of ` 100/- for the above contract as per Performa by CSWB.

Termination of ContractThe contract can be terminated by either party by giving a minimum 30 daysclear notice in writing to the other within the currency of contract.PaymentThe contractor shall be paid on monthly basis, after rendering the servicessatisfactorily. For release of payment, the contractor is require to submit the bill intriplicate alongwith copy of acquaintance roll and attendance sheet, Monthly reportreg. Checking and Maintenance of D.G Set & Sub-Station, Pump House and Lifts.(R.S. Khatri)Joint Director (Admn.)

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