March 20 & 21 - GES

March 20 & 21 - GES March 20 & 21 - GES


Spa & Salon OwnersLet’s Talk Business!ESI proudly presents Let’s Talk Business, a seriesof interactive workshops specifically developed forowners and operators of establishments dedicatedto beauty and wellness. Led by top rated experts intheir field, these 2-hour sessions provide you witha unique opportunity to increase and refine yourmanagement skills.1 2The “Vision Board”Sunday 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Room 19In this two-hour hands-on session, we are going to create a visualpicture. Here is the great news: we may have temporarilyforgotten who we are, but our natural power, beauty and talentstill lies deep within. Ultimately, we must discover and liveour inner truth. The time comes when we must listen to ournatural instincts and claim our heart’s desire. The freedom tobe yourself, your life, relationships and business endeavourswill soar after this session. Please bring two or three old magazinesto this session.Buying, Selling,and Investing in SpasSunday 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Room 19This lively presentation will help you better understand – andmaximize – the value of your current or potential spa business.Is a spa considered a good investment? How can you increasethe return of your spa business investment? How much does aspa cost to open? How much can you sell your spa business for?Skip Williams will provide answers to all these questions, andprovide insight on how you can better plan for success whenopening or buying a spa. He will take you through the pitfallsthat plague many spas and prevent them from realizing theirfull potential. He will help you figure out how to maximizeyour “exit strategy” for higher returns on your spa businessinvestment.SPA & SALON OWNERS LET’S TALK BUSINESS!221-866-772-7469YOUR EXPERTLORI RAUDNASKLori Raudnask, author of Persistence Pays –How Getting What You Want Is Easier Than YouThink, is a professional speaker who has devotedher life to teaching thousands of peoplethat through persistence they can have anything they want. Yes –she means everything!Lori is a successful entrepreneur in her own right and has beentraining companies and individuals around the world for the pastseveral years. She has traveled to such countries as Canada, theUnited States, Australia, South Africa, Mexico, Columbia and Singaporeto train people and speak. Skillfully blending her 11 years of“corporate world” along with 22 years of professional sales experiencewhere her team generated over 100 million in sales, Lori Raudnaskis able to connect with audiences immediately. Her uniquecoaching style draws the audience into an exhilarating session ofinformation that makes sense. Participants leave with a blueprintthat is used to go back to the “business of business”, the results arestrategies for professional and personal growth that actually work.YOUR EXPERTSKIP WILLIAMSSkip Williams, author of The Reluctant Spa Directorand the Mission Dream and recent recipientof the coveted “Spa Person of the Year”award, is a recognized speaker and author inthe spa arena, with over fifteen years of experience in the management,financial development and operational fields, for the spa andhospitality industry as spa director, controller and business projectconsultant. He brings his previous years of analytical businessexperience in a broad variety of manufacturing, retail and servicebusinesses to studying resort spas, day spas, medical spas, wellnesscentres, and salons: their profitability, how they operate, andwhat makes them successful.Williams has been involved in the development of well over 500spas throughout the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean working withowners, planners, operators and potential owners. His approach isto study, analyze, educate, implement and cultivate both small andlarge-scale projects.

InteractiveWorkshopswith Top Rated EXPERTS3 4Journey into Profitswith Wellness ProgramsMonday 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Room 19If you are a physician or a day spa owner who wants to ventureinto wellness programs, this lecture is custom designedfor your needs. Dori Soukup will show you how to create, implementand market your wellness programs. Say goodbye topampering and hello to wellness: be among leading medi spasand offer wellness programs that will maximize your revenueand profits while increasing guest/patient satisfaction andretention. It’s time to focus on preventative care and wellnessinstead of pampering. Topics covered include your spa’s positioningand identity; tapping into new revenue streams andprofits; implementing programs and memberships; steps tomaximize your profits; mistakes to avoid and much more. Thissession is ideal for spa leaders, nurses, doctors, wellness specialistsor anyone who wish to venture into wellness programs.Increase Your Bookingsby Creating a Referral& Frequency ProgramMonday 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Room 19Have you ever felt that you could have more business but don’tknow how to do it? Come to this workshop and walk away withnew insights on how to create a referral and frequency programthat will attract more leads, increase repeat businessand generate loyalty from your customers.YOUR EXPERTDORI SOUKUPDori Soukup is the founder and CEO of InSPArationManagement, a firm specializing in spa businessdevelopment, advanced education and BizTools.Over the past ten years, Dori has contributed tothe success of spa companies worldwide. Her work encompassesconsulting, coaching and educating spa entrepreneurs, executivesand leaders globally. Major brands such as Pevonia Botanica, SandalsResorts and more have benefited from her expertise. Dori’s passion isdeveloping innovative, effective educational programs and businessstrategies leading to exponential growth and profits. She delivers clear,concise blueprints with easy to implement methods addressing challengesand ensuring success.Prior to her current venture, Dori held key leadership positions in thehospitality industry for 18 years, her last role as VP of Sales for WyndhamResorts. She is the recipient of the American Spa Preferred Educatoraward. Her articles and insights are often featured in national andinternational trade publications.YOUR EXPERTLUCIE WOODSLucie Woods started and developed the firstSalesPartners Franchise in Québec, a salestraining, team development and businesscoaching company with an average annualgrowth rate of 147% three years in a row. She is now expanding tonew locations in British Columbia while running her Québec franchisebusiness with her local team ( and her team have partnered and coached over 100 smalland mid-sized businesses and entrepreneurs, rapidly deployingstrategies to enhance the profitability of small and mid-sized businesses,and producing astounding results from 15-85% in a matterof weeks and months.SPA & SALON OWNERS LET’S TALK BUSINESS!23SPA-SHOW.COM

InteractiveWorkshopswith Top Rated EXPERTS3 4Journey into Profitswith Wellness ProgramsMonday 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Room 19If you are a physician or a day spa owner who wants to ventureinto wellness programs, this lecture is custom designedfor your needs. Dori Soukup will show you how to create, implementand market your wellness programs. Say goodbye topampering and hello to wellness: be among leading medi spasand offer wellness programs that will maximize your revenueand profits while increasing guest/patient satisfaction andretention. It’s time to focus on preventative care and wellnessinstead of pampering. Topics covered include your spa’s positioningand identity; tapping into new revenue streams andprofits; implementing programs and memberships; steps tomaximize your profits; mistakes to avoid and much more. Thissession is ideal for spa leaders, nurses, doctors, wellness specialistsor anyone who wish to venture into wellness programs.Increase Your Bookingsby Creating a Referral& Frequency ProgramMonday 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Room 19Have you ever felt that you could have more business but don’tknow how to do it? Come to this workshop and walk away withnew insights on how to create a referral and frequency programthat will attract more leads, increase repeat businessand generate loyalty from your customers.YOUR EXPERTDORI SOUKUPDori Soukup is the founder and CEO of InSPArationManagement, a firm specializing in spa businessdevelopment, advanced education and BizTools.Over the past ten years, Dori has contributed tothe success of spa companies worldwide. Her work encompassesconsulting, coaching and educating spa entrepreneurs, executivesand leaders globally. Major brands such as Pevonia Botanica, SandalsResorts and more have benefited from her expertise. Dori’s passion isdeveloping innovative, effective educational programs and businessstrategies leading to exponential growth and profits. She delivers clear,concise blueprints with easy to implement methods addressing challengesand ensuring success.Prior to her current venture, Dori held key leadership positions in thehospitality industry for 18 years, her last role as VP of Sales for WyndhamResorts. She is the recipient of the American Spa Preferred Educatoraward. Her articles and insights are often featured in national andinternational trade publications.YOUR EXPERTLUCIE WOODSLucie Woods started and developed the firstSalesPartners Franchise in Québec, a salestraining, team development and businesscoaching company with an average annualgrowth rate of 147% three years in a row. She is now expanding tonew locations in British Columbia while running her Québec franchisebusiness with her local team ( and her team have partnered and coached over 100 smalland mid-sized businesses and entrepreneurs, rapidly deployingstrategies to enhance the profitability of small and mid-sized businesses,and producing astounding results from 15-85% in a matterof weeks and months.SPA & SALON OWNERS LET’S TALK BUSINESS!23SPA-SHOW.COM

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