Endo-Eze® Anatomic Endodontic Technology Technique Guide

Endo-Eze® Anatomic Endodontic Technology Technique Guide

Endo-Eze® Anatomic Endodontic Technology Technique Guide


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E NDO- EZE ®A E T e n d o d o n t i c s y s t e mIllustrated <strong>Technique</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

AET at a GlanceI. Coronal “Third” AccessRiitano Access Bur KitII. “Middle Third” “Apical Third”3mmPrecautions:Do not force files. Gently work shaping files toward apex with handpiece.Discard files if tips become overly bent.Discard files after patient treatment is complete.Study individual instructions and precautions for each chemical used, including<strong>Endo</strong>REZ ® .

®<strong>Endo</strong>-Eze System:AET - <strong>Anatomic</strong> <strong>Endo</strong>dontic <strong>Technology</strong>:“Listen to the Needs of the Tooth”PerceptionThe buccalview (clinicalradiograph view)of the canal leadsone to believe itis round incross-sectionthroughout itslength.RealityThe same root rotated 90˚and viewed from the mesialaspect shows most of thecanal is not round in crosssection.This anatomicalreality demonstrates the needfor a system that treats thecomplete canal, thus listeningto the needs of the tooth.OverviewRotary Type PreparationRotary instruments can removedentin where not needed whileleaving excess soft tissues.Rotary instruments do not clean and shape the entire canal. Tooth structure canbe unnecessarily removed even to the point of compromising the integrity of thetooth.AET Reciprocating PreparationAET cleanedand shapedDentin intact• Less invasive• Addresses all canal wallsmore evenlyAET cleans and shapes canals using the canal anatomy as a guide, hence preservingtooth structure.1

<strong>Anatomic</strong>al realities/foundations which guide AET cleaningand shaping:1 - Most teeth have canals with elliptical or even flat, ribbon shaped cross-sections in the“Middle Third.” The greatest width runs buccolingually for lower teeth andbicuspids. It runs mesiodistally for palatal roots of upper first molar and upper centrals.2 - The “Apical Third” is almost always close to round in cross section and approximately3mm in length.3 - The apical constriction is seldom larger than a #20 file.BeginningPerceptionFinishedRealityOne gutta percha and <strong>Endo</strong>REZTreatment, Xrays and photo courtesy of Dr. Fred Barnett,Assoc. Prof., Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia<strong>Endo</strong>REZ ® :Hydrophilic Sealant/Filler.Actually has an AFFINITY formoist dentin!Listens to theRequirements Necessaryfor Quality Obturation:Obturate with:NaviTip,Skini Syringe,and <strong>Endo</strong>REZ• Hydrophilic• Highly radiopaque• Biocompatible2

<strong>Endo</strong>-Eze ® Handpieceo30 reciprocation preserves tooth structure and prevents file breakage!Significantly less aggressive than a rotary “screw type” motion, plus itfacilitates uniform instrumentation of all the walls of the canal.Rapid, short reciprocation30˚30˚Shaping filePush buttonLock down designLocks on fileto desiredworking length.HandpieceOptional water sprayReciprocating,milling motionoffers:1. Optimalcleaning andshaping whilepreserving toothstructure.2. Substantially reduces filebreakage/separation.Milling YESDrilling/Screwing NOYESNO3

<strong>Endo</strong>-Eze Files - Quality stainless by design.I. Shaping FilesDesigned for side cuttingThe design facilitates cleaning and shaping of the“Middle Third” of the canal with “milling” (side-tosidetype action). The tiny, flexible, non-cutting tipsprevent ledging. The standard shaping files come in3 tapers (for varying levels of stiffness) and 4 lengths.Shaping FilesApical Files1 2 3ApproximateTaper:Shaping 1 = 2.5%Shaping C = 3.5%Shaping 2 = 4.5%Shaping 3 = 6%X-Short Short Med LongTip Diameter:Shaping 1 = .10mmAll others = .13mmTaper increases for progressive filestiffness and control!16mm20mm24mm27mmOptionalShaping “C” Filesee next pageII. Apical FilesThese are designed to cut only in the “Apical Third” of the canal. Because the cuttingedges are only on the end of the file, the clinician knows that resistance is felt only inthe “Apical Third.” Additionally, the taper is slightly greater than the standard ISO 2%,assuring that when “tug back” is felt with an ISO 2% cone, it is only occurring at the tip.Four sizes of <strong>Endo</strong>-Eze apical files are included in the standard patient kits. These areavailable in four different lengths. Apical files are available in separate packages fordiameters larger than a #30 file and also smaller than a #15.Taper:10-20 = 2%25-50 = 2.25%Tip Diameters = ISO19mm23mm27mm30mm412mm

<strong>Endo</strong>-Eze File KitsStandard Patient KitsOnly 7 files needed for approximately 95% of canals treatedLengthsX-Short 16-19mmShort 20-23mmMedium 24-27mmLong 27>mmThe standard kit contains all the file sizes needed for most root canals. Note that the largestapical file in the kit is a #30 because most apical constrictions are less than a size #20.Shaping KitsFile kitsAuxiliary “C” Shaping FileThe Auxiliary “C” shaping file is an additionalsize to use between yellow and blue files forthe highly calcified canal.Tip diameter = .13Taper = .035Note: Unless a general dentist is very experienced inendodontics, we recommend referring treatment of highly curvedand/or calcified canals to an <strong>Endo</strong>dontic Specialist.File RefillsShaping Files1 2 3 C8 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 505

AET Procedure:*Note: Refer to <strong>Endo</strong>-Eze Instructions for use for complete details and recommendations.I. "Coronal Third”I. "CoronalThird”II. “MiddleThird”1Use round or tapereddiamond for initialaccess (some preferthe #4-6 roundcarbide).III. "ApicalThird"2Enlarge access to pulp chamberlaterally using safe end tapereddiamond bur.Riitano Access Bur Kit3The acorn burs,available in two sizes,cut as they arewithdrawn only.4Improve the access (rectification) to the canalswith a straight-line access diamond bur.Care should be taken to remove the minimumamount of dentin required to achieve accessand/or negotiation of curved canal(s).6

II. “Middle Third”Instrumentation of the “Middle Third” cleans and shapes most of thecanal. This portion is completed before going to the “Apical Third”to prevent expulsion of tissue past the apex. The shaping files aredesigned to avoid creating ledging, even when used only in the“Middle Third.”Shaping FilesStep: 1Step: 2Measure parallelradiographiclength with clear<strong>Endo</strong>-Eze scale.(Optional: Apex#1 #2 #3locators)Insert #1 shaping file by hand. Briefly manipulatefile to find path. File-Eze is recommended tofacilitate initial file insertion into canal.Important Note: If resistance isencountered going to length, neverapply force.File-Eze ®Chelator andcutting lubricant.Middle ThirdNaviTip ®File-Eze and sodium hypochloriteare delivered through uniqueNaviTip or NaviTip FX. File-Eze isused with the first two or threeinstruments only. Copious sodiumhypochlorite is used during entireinstrumentation and cleansingprocedure alternating with liquidEDTA between each file.17mm 21mm 25mm 27mm17mm 25mmNaviTip ® FX Tips7

II. “Middle Third” (cont'd)Step: 3Insert shaping file #1 into<strong>Endo</strong>-Eze Handpiece andposition file to previouslydetermined radiographiclength minus 3mm (average“Middle Third” length).Move the shaping file in a side-to-side motion, liftingslightly to facilitate removal of tissue coronally, whilestroking along canal walls. Lean the file firmly, side toside, flexing the file. Repeat with shaping files #2 and#3. Irrigate with copious sodium hypochlorite (ChlorCidis recommended) after using each file. Do not useperoxide-containing lubricants or irrigants with thissystem.Helpful Hint:If initial file insertion into calcified canals is difficult,work #2 shaping file into initial 1-2 mm of canal.Express File-Eze around tip end of file while it isengaged. Attach handpiece to the file. Run handpiecegently moving the file into the canal. Insert only onethirdto one-half the length of the canal. This flares theupper canal.Once initial flare is accomplished, go back to a #1shaping file and treat in usual progression. Usingthis technique usually enables one to reach intoproblematic canals, avoiding the time-consuming“noodling” of small diameter, small taper files.AET side-to-side “Milling”1. Equally addresses all walls foranatomical cleaning and shaping.2. Minimally invasive.3. Substantially reduces filebreakage/separation.8“Middle Third” instrumentationcompleted

III. “Apical Third”Canals are usually round in cross-section in the apical 3mm.AET addresses this anatomical feature by “listening to the tooth'sanatomy.”Apical filesMeasure file and set working length with rubber stop.X-ray verification is accomplished with shaping #1 and/or apical 15 or 20 files in canal. Electronic apex locatormay be used as an alternative.Apical ThirdNote: If resistance to vertical positioning is encounteredin a curved canal, bend the file 1-2mm from the tip androtate toward canal curvature while inserting.9

III. “Apical Third” (cont'd)The apical instrumentation occurs quickly with a conventional twist-pull motion starting with the#15 file and ending with the #30 file. If resistance is felt with the #25 file inserted to full workinglength, stop and move to obturation phase. If resistance to rotation at full working length is notrealized with the #30 file, continue with larger apical (note: auxiliary apical files pg. 5) or ISO filesuntil resistance is felt, then move to obturation phase. Always lubricating the file helps initialinsertion of each size of file and helps prevent file separation. Continue copious irrigation withsodium hypochlorite solution (ChlorCid is recommended).ChlorCid ® : sodium hypochlorite Ultradent ® EDTA 18%SolutionPrior to obturation, canals have been instrumentedthen cleaned and disinfected using significantquantities of sodium hypochlorite solution (ChlorCid).Be sure all sodium hypochlorite solution or otherantimicrobial irrigants are flushed from canal withclean water. Removal of all excess fluids is simplifiedwith a capillary tip attached to the high velocityvacuum system followed by paper points. Note: If clean(bacteria-free) water is not available to thoroughlyrinse antimicrobial agent (sodium hypocholorite) beforeplacing <strong>Endo</strong>REZ, an alternative may be used: EDTAsolution. Do not leave EDTA in the canal for morethan one minute. Important Note: Use peroxide-freelubricants or irrigants, as oxygen generated fromperoxide can inhibit the set of resins, including<strong>Endo</strong>REZ. EDTA is a root canal chelating agent thatconditions / cleans through a chelation process.Ultradent EDTA 18% Solutions is the irrigant of choicefor chelation and smear layer removal. Carefully readall manufacturers instructions. Do not use any lubricantor irrigants not specifically designed for endodonticuse.Always stay at least2mm away fromthe apex. Withdrawto more than 2mmaway from the apexif canula is not loosein the canal. Pump inand out while gentlyexpressing irrigants.10

Auxiliary Materials and ProceduresNaviTip ® / NaviTip ® FXThe NaviTip has been specially designed to “navigate” through curved canals. Thehub and shank are rigid to support insertion. The flexible rounded end negotiatescurves. The NaviTip® FX Tip simultaneously scrubs walls and cleans irrigants.ROUNDEDColor-coded for length tocorrespond with patient kit lengths.17mm 21mm 25mm 27mm 17mm 27mmLengths:Luer Vacuum AdapterX-Short19mmShort Medium Long23mm 27mm 30mmSee page 5 for file kits.Connect Luer Vacuum Adapter to high velocity evacuation valve. Using Capillary orMicro Capillary tip, vacuum canals dry! Capillary tips are to be used for evacuationonly, not for irrigation.Quickly vacuumcanals dry!Capillary TipAbsorbent PointsMost of the moisture is evacuated with the Capillary tips and Luer Vacuum Adapter;usually one or two paper points are all that are needed to verify canal is dry.Tedious insertion of multiple paper points is a thing of the past!AuxiliaryMaterialsUltradent PaperPointsNow...canals are ready for obturation!11

<strong>Endo</strong>REZ: Obturation<strong>Endo</strong>REZ is a unique biocompatible,radiopaque, resin-based root canalsealer/filler.Mix and dispensedirectly into Skini SyringeThis hydrophilic,two-part,chemically setresin penetratesinto dentinaltubules andaccessorycanals!Skini SyringeSmall diameterSkini Syringefacilitates flow ofviscous,thixotropic<strong>Endo</strong>REZ throughtiny NaviTip withminimal plungerpressure.Mixing TipMixes base and catalyst as it isbeing delivered from the dualbarrel into Skini Syringe.Mixing:Step 1. Remove dual barrelcap; express a small amountof <strong>Endo</strong>REZ on a pad (or 2x2gauze) to assure both sides areflowing. Attach mixing tip to dualbarrel.Step 2. Attach NaviTip to Skini Syringe.Step 3. Insert mixing tip into back of Skini Syringeand express an appropriate amount of <strong>Endo</strong>REZ(usually 1/3 of a syringe is more than adequate to fill amulti-rooted tooth). Fill syringe to back flange so noair remains between the plunger and the <strong>Endo</strong>REZ.Step 4. Insert plunger into Skini Syringe andexpress a small amount of material to verify flow.12Before obturating with <strong>Endo</strong>REZ, see irrigation protocol on page 10.

Two materials cannot occupy the same spaceat the same time. Many times, one of thematerials is air. To predictably seal and fill thecanal preparation, the canal not only requireshydrophilic materials but also air displacement.<strong>Endo</strong>REZ “listens to the needs of the tooth andcanal preparation.”Note: Refer to <strong>Endo</strong>Rez Instructions for use forcomplete details and reccommendations.Sequence for ObturationStep 1. Fit gutta percha tolength. Verify radiographically.Ultradent's <strong>Endo</strong>REZ Points arerecommended.Deliver from apicalportion outward.In large canals,additional guttapercha may beinserted.No “condensation”is necessary.Step 2. Canal is dried with Capillary tip and LuerVacuum Adapter followed by paper point(s). Drycanel with paper points for 1-2 seconds each(point should be damp 1-3mm at tip). Do not overdrycanals. Capillary tips are used for evacuationonly, not for irrigation.<strong>Endo</strong>REZ delivery:NaviTip on filled Skini Syringe is inserted to 2mmshort of the apex. Test to see if it is loose in canal. Ifnot, withdraw slightly until it is. Express while slowlywithdrawing until <strong>Endo</strong>REZ is seen at top of canal.Verify that <strong>Endo</strong>REZ is coming up the canal as youexpress material. Do not use force to push SkiniSyringe plunger to express material as this may causematerial to be pushed out the apex.To avoid bubbles, keep end of tip buried in <strong>Endo</strong>REZ as you withdraw.Step 3. Insert master cone to length. <strong>Endo</strong>REZ willset in about 15 minutes* in canal. Note hydrophilic,radiopaque <strong>Endo</strong>REZ filling accessory canals. Meltoff extraneous gutta percha and restore coronalaspect as usual. Note: A quality seal/fill can occurwith <strong>Endo</strong>REZ using master cone and <strong>Endo</strong>REZonly. However, <strong>Endo</strong>REZ is conducive to lateralcondensation and warm gutta percha techniques.ObturationNote: Contrary to other obturation systems, the single cone/<strong>Endo</strong>REZ fill is conducive to immediate correction/retreat. Simply shoot your “final” X-ray before melting off the one cone; if you feel you need to lengthen or shorten,remove and address.13

Recommendation for Post Preparation & Core Buildup**Note: Refer to UniCore and PermaFlo DC Instructions For Use for complete details and recommendations.UniCore ® PostsRadiopaque pre-activatedfiber posts, encased ina bondable resin matrixSequence forBonded Post1WARNING: UniCore Drills and Posts are not shipped sterile and mustbe sterilized prior to use.Determine post size by comparing a UniCore Drill to the completed endodontic radiograph.Use a round bur to remove coronal obturation material down to canal orifice and toprovide a guide (or pilot).Place a rubber stop on UniCore Drill at desired length based on radiographs.NOTE: If you are using UniCore Analog Try-In Posts* to aid in the diagnostic stepsof a post procedure, place a rubber stop or locking plier at the same place on theUniCore Analog Try-In that is matched to the specific drill size.At full 20,000 RPM, (use drill size 4 at 5,000 RPM) place the UniCore tip into thepilot hole (Image 1). Using light pressure, follow the obturation material to desiredlength at the rubber stop. Keeping the drill at full speed, withdraw from the canal.To avoid disruption of the apical plug, DO NOT stop the drill at anytime while enteringor withdrawing it from the tooth.2Verify post space is appropriately prepared by placing the same size UniCore Postas UniCore Drill used and seat to length.3Apply PermaFlo DC Primer A for 10 seconds (image 2); DO NOT air dry. ApplyPermaFlo DC Primer B for 10 seconds, then blow dry with TriAway and appropriatesize <strong>Endo</strong>-Eze bendable metal tip. Prepare core preparation with Primers A & B aswell. Repeat A & B until surface is shiny.4Use Permaflo ® DC Opaque White (or appropriate shade) Dual Cure composite lutingand core resin. As with <strong>Endo</strong>REZ (pg 12), insert mixing tip into back of the SkiniSyringe. Attach appropriate size <strong>Endo</strong>-Eze metal tip on syringe (as large as possiblefor minimizing resistance to flow, but still loose in channel). Deliver mixed PermaFloDC luting resin into syringe. Resin is delivered from depth of post preparationcoronally to push air out ahead of resin (Image 3).Insert and cut to length the appropriate UniCore post.PermaFlo DC resin can be light accelerated with curinglight (1-3 seconds) (Image 5) to prevent unwanted flowduring build-up of core. This eliminates the need for amatrix. Lute post and build core in one mix/procedure(Image 4)!514CAUTION:Always use drill sizes 0-3 at full 20,000 RPM. Use drill size 4 at 5,000 RPM.

5900 <strong>Endo</strong>REZ Refill Kit1 - Dual Barrel Syringe, 20 - Mixing Tips5920 Mixing Tips - 20pk5905 <strong>Endo</strong>-Eze <strong>Technique</strong> Kit with Handpiece5906 <strong>Endo</strong>-Eze Z-Axis <strong>Technique</strong> Kit5907 <strong>Endo</strong>-Eze <strong>Technique</strong> Kit with ContraAngle Only5908 <strong>Endo</strong>-Eze Mini <strong>Technique</strong> Kit(International Only)1136 <strong>Endo</strong>-Eze AET Handpiece1155 Reciprocating Contra-Angle for AET1178 Air motor with internal spray5901 <strong>Endo</strong>REZ Obturation Kit - 0.02 Taper5902 <strong>Endo</strong>REZ Obturation Kit - 0.04 Taper5903 <strong>Endo</strong>REZ Obturation Kit - 0.06 Taper5904 <strong>Endo</strong>REZ Mini Obturation Kit(International Only)Shaping File Patient Kits3246 Patient Kits, Extra Short 16/19mm3247 Patient Kits, Short 20/23mm3248 Patient Kits, Medium 24/27mm3249 Patient Kits, Long 27/30mmPatient Kits (shaping, apical files)1564 Patient Kits Extra Short 16/19mm(7 files)1565 Patient Kits, Short 20/23mm (7 files)1566 Patient Kits, Medium 24/27mm (7 files)1567 Patient Kits, Long 27/30mm (7 files)Shaping File Refills1586 Shaping File Refills (6) #1, 16mm1501 Shaping File Refills (6) #1, 20mm1502 Shaping File Refills (6) #1, 24mm1503 Shaping File Refills (6) #1, 27mm1589 Shaping File Refills (6) C, 16mm1504 Shaping File Refills (6) C, 20mm1505 Shaping File Refills (6) C, 24mm1506 Shaping File Refills (6) C, 27mm1587 Shaping File Refills (6) #2, 16mm1507 Shaping File Refills (6) #2, 20mm1508 Shaping File Refills (6) #2, 24mm1509 Shaping File Refills (6) #2, 27mm1588 Shaping File Refills (6) #3, 16mm1510 Shaping File Refills (6) #3, 20mm1511 Shaping File Refills (6) #3, 24mm1512 Shaping File Refills (6) #3, 27mmApical File Refills1601 Apical File Refills (6) #8, 19mm1602 Apical File Refills (6) #8, 23mm1603 Apical File Refills (6) #8, 27mm1604 Apical File Refills (6) #8, 30mm1610 Apical File Refills (6) #10,19mm1519 Apical File Refills (6) #10,23mm1520 Apical File Refills (6) #10, 27mm1521 Apical File Refills (6) #10, 30mm1611 Apical File Refills (6) #15, 19mm1522 Apical File Refills (6) #15, 23mm1523 Apical File Refills (6) #15, 27mm1524 Apical File Refills (6) #15, 30mm1612 Apical File Refills (6) #20, 19mm1525 Apical File Refills (6) #20, 23mm1526 Apical File Refills (6) #20, 27mm1527 Apical File Refills (6) #20, 30mm1613 Apical File Refills (6) #25, 19mm1528 Apical File Refills (6) #25, 23mm1529 Apical File Refills (6) #25, 27mm1530 Apical File Refills (6) #25, 30mm1619 Apical File Refills (6) #30, 19mm1531 Apical File Refills (6) #30, 23mm1532 Apical File Refills (6) #30, 27mm1533 Apical File Refills (6) #30, 30mm1620 Apical File Refills (6) #35, 19mm1534 Apical File Refills (6) #35, 23mm1535 Apical File Refills (6) #35, 27mm1536 Apical File Refills (6) #35, 30mm1537 Apical File Refills (6) #40, 23mm1538 Apical File Refills (6) #40, 27mm1539 Apical File Refills (6) #40, 30mm1540 Apical File Refills (6) #45, 23mm1541 Apical File Refills (6) #45, 27mm1542 Apical File Refills (6) #45, 30mm1543 Apical File Refills (6) #50, 23mm1544 Apical File Refills (6) #50, 27mm1545 Apical File Refills (6) #50, 30mm1618 Apical File Refills (6) Asst, 19mm1516 Apical File Refills (6) Asst, 23mm1517 Apical File Refills (6) Asst, 27mm1518 Apical File Refills (6) Asst, 30mm7120 UniCore Kit4 - Drills (one of each sizes 1-4)20 - Posts (five of each size 1-4)7132 UniCore Starter Kit2 - Drills (one of each sizes 1 & 2)20 - Posts (five of each size 1 & 2)7133 UniCore Size 0 Supplement Kit(1 Drill and 5 Posts)UniCore Refills7134 1 - Size #0 Drill7121 1 - Size #1 Drill7122 1 - Size #2 Drill7123 1 - Size #3 Drill7124 1 - Size #4 DrillNaviTip (20pk - 29ga)5112 NaviTip, 17mm5113 NaviTip, 21mm5114 NaviTip, 25mm5115 NaviTip, 27mm5116 Assorted NaviTip,5 each lengthNaviTip (20pk/50pk - 30ga)1249 NaviTip, 17mm1349 NaviTip, 21mm1250 NaviTip, 25mm1354 NaviTip, 27mm1351 Assorted NaviTip,5 each lengthNaviTip (20pk - 31ga)5121 NaviTip, 21mm5123 NaviTip, 27mm7135 5 - Size #0 Posts7125 5 - Size #1 Posts7126 5 - Size #2 Posts7127 5 - Size #3 Posts7128 5 - Size #4 PostsNaviTip (50pk - 29ga)1378 NaviTip, 17mm1374 NaviTip, 21mm1376 NaviTip, 25mm1377 NaviTip, 27mm1379 Assorted NaviTip,5 each lengthNaviTip (50pk - 30ga)1421 NaviTip, 17mm1422 NaviTip, 21mm1423 NaviTip, 25mm1424 NaviTip, 27mm3319 Assorted NaviTip,5 each lengthNaviTip (50pk - 31ga)5122 NaviTip, 21mm5124 NaviTip, 27mm1562 Riitano Access Bur Kit5 - Burs (Round carbide, Button, Acorn Small, Acorn Large,Straight line)1 - Autoclaveable Bur Block1397 Riitano Straight Line Access Bur 3pk1398 Riitano Button Bur 3pk1403 Riitano Acorn Bur Small 3pk1404 Riitano Acorn Bur Large 3pkCALL FOR MORE INFORMATION800.552.5512 ULTRADENT.COM

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