CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...


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REPORTS Y‘OLUJIE XI, 1 JULY 1963 TO 30 JUNE 1966 69continue their development whilst lying on the bottomof the aquarium. Upon transferring the eggs at theblastula stage to water with a salinity of 3.4740, mostof the embryos die within a short time. Many eggsincrease in size and take the shape of a very widebarrel. This phenomenon is probably caused by perturbationsin osmoregulation. Some of the embryosreach the Iiupffer visicle stage, all of them showinganomalies in the axial part. The axis of the embryotakes the form of an “S” or a sinuous shape, as isshown in Figure 1. At this stage all of the eggs die.When the transfer has been made while the embryosare still in the stage at which the tail has alreadybeen separated from the vitellus, the embryos continuetheir development only for a short time. Then theycome to show axial alterations as in the precedingcase, and they die. The embryos transferred in theappear to be normal. From the remaining 40% a smallportion does not reach the hatching stage and mostof the larvae show small abnormalities. Eggs in anystage of development, when kept in high salinitywater, remain buoyant close to the surface. The value33.5%0 corresponds to the normal salinity at whichthe anchovy spawns in the sea.Observing the embryonic development of the anchovyin salinities higher than normal, several resultsare obtained. In water with 50%0 salinity, developmentcontinues in a more or less normal fashion.The hatching rate is high (90-95%) and few abnormalitiesare observed. The developmental rateappears to be to a certain degree higher than that ofthe controls. In water of 6Oo/oO salinity, about 70%of the embryos reach the hatching stage. Most of theembryos that hatch are abnormal, and in most cases,show anomalies in the region of the tail (Figure 2).Some monsters are born almost without a tail. These2FIGURE 1.Embryos of the anchovy maintained at salinity 3.4% showinganomalies in the axial part.blastula stage to water with a salinity of 8.4g0 coiitinuetheir development up to the stage in which theembryo occupies about 3 of the perimeter of the egg.From this moment on the eggs all die. An increase inthe size of the eggs is not observed as at 3.4%0 salinity,but most of the embryos show the same axial alterations.The embryonic development seems to lag a little ascompared to the controls. In water with a salinityof 16.8%0, the embryos develop at a somewhat slowerrate than the controls and most of them (60 to 70%)are able to hatch. Among the resulting larvae a fewappear to be normal but die soon after hatching.Most of the larvae hatch in an earlier stage of developmentthan the controls and many of them showabnormalities, especially in the region of the tail.These latter results offer grounds for assuming thatlow salinity has a greater effect on the development ofthe embryo than upon the action of the hatchingenzymes. With water of 23.8%0 salinity, normal hatchingof approximately 6076 of the eggs is obtained.These larrae do not differ from the controls andFIGURE 2. Monsters of the anchovy born in water of 60%0.larvae reach a length of only 1.25-1.35 mm, whilstthe length of the controls is about 3 mm. Malformationin the embryonic fin are observed in some larvaejust after hatching, and an anomaly is also observedin the existence of a very large cavity in the anteriorpart of the vitellum. Similar abnormalities have beenfound by Nakai (1962) in the case of eggs of Xardinamelanostica kept in salinities much higher thannormal.It can be assumed from these data that the Argentineanchovy does not show as high a tolerancein respect to salinity thresholds as do some relatedspecies, such as Engradis encrasicolus. The limitingsalinities, within which the embryonic developmentof Engraulis anchoita can take place more or lessnormally, would be fixed at 25.8:ho and SO%,. Thisphenomenon might be due to the fact that the Argentineanchovy IiTTes in il habitat undergoing slightchanges in salinity, and that. therefore, it has not

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