CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ... CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...


This volume is dedicated to JULIAN G. BURNETTE, Member of the Marine Research Committee since its inception in 1948and Chairman, 1948-1967.The work reported upon in this volume and all those preceding it was done during the period of his leadership.Much of the credit for the scientific advances that we have made belongs to him. His continued interest, wholeheartedsupport, early understonding of the necessity for a broad examination of the ocean environment, and, particularly, his farseeinginsight into the delicate balance between freedom and obligation in research, created an almost unprecedented rapport betweenmen of science and of practice; an intellectuol environment in which both basic scientific progress and practical results becamepossible; and a high goal for future research programs.

RONALD REAGAXGovcriwr of the Slate of CaliforniaXacranzento, CaliforniaLETTER OF TRANSMITTALJanuary 1. 1967Dear Sir: Ve respectfully submit the eleventh report on the work of theCalifornia Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Inrestigations.The report consists of three sections. The first contains a review of the administrativeand research activities during the period July 1, 1963 to June 30, 1966,a description of the fisheries, and a list of publications arising froni the programs.The second section is comprised of papers prepared for a special symposiumon anchovy biology. The third is comprised of original scientific contributionswhich are either a direct result of CalCOFI research prod orams, orrepresent research directly pertinent to resource dcvelopment in the pelagicrealm of California.Respectfully,THE XAKINII: RESEARCH COXMITTICEJ. a. BURNCTTE, ChairmanEDWARD 17. BRUCE, Vice ChairnzanC. R. CARRYR. E. CIrilPnimIt-. M. CHAPMAXJOHN HAWKARTI-IUR H. hhND0NCA4,4hTT€IONY NIZETICHJOSEPH L. OLIVIERI

This volume is dedicated to JULIAN G. BURNETTE, Member of the Marine Research Committee since its inception in 1948and Chairman, 1948-<strong>1967</strong>.The work reported upon in this volume and all those preceding it was done during the period of his leadership.Much of the credit for the scientific advances that we have made belongs to him. His continued interest, wholeheartedsupport, early understonding of the necessity for a broad examination of the ocean environment, and, particularly, his farseeinginsight into the delicate balance between freedom and obligation in research, created an almost unprecedented rapport betweenmen of science and of practice; an intellectuol environment in which both basic scientific progress and practical results becamepossible; and a high goal for future research programs.

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