CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...


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26 CALIFORSIA COOPERATIVE OCEASIC FISHERIES ISVESTIGATIOXS-1 9%. On aimospheric pressnre oscillations along the PacificCoast of Sorth America, 18i3-1963. J. Atnros. Sci., 22(3) :2S&20.5.Roedel, Phil <strong>11</strong>. 1963. The names of tiinas and mackerels. Calif.Fish. (iiid Gamc, 49(2) :<strong>11</strong>9.-1906. Recent developments in the fisheries of <strong>California</strong>.Gitlf ('arib. Fish. Inst., Pro?. 18th Aknn. Sess. : 94%.Schiimnnn, George O., aiid Herbert C. Perkins. 1966. A jar forculturing small pelagic marine organisms in rnnning watercliiring shipboard or laboratory studies. Coizs. Perm. Iut.Ez~Z. XW. J., 30(2) :liI-lTO.Schv-artzlose, Richard A. 1963. Searshore currents of thewestern United States and Baja <strong>California</strong> as measured bydrift httles. Ca7if. Coop. Oceati. Fish. Iiieest., Rept., 9 :15-22.Ateim, Joscph M., and A. A. Benson. 1964. Derirntive activationchromatography. AimZut. Siochem., 9 2134.Stonmiel, ITeiiry, aiid Warren S. Wooster. 1965. Reconnaissanceof the Somali Current during the southwest monsoon. Nut.Bead. Sei., Proc., 54(1) :8-13.Strachan, Alcc R. 1965. Kew sontliern record for the silver grayrockfish, Bebastodes brecispitais (Bean). CaTif. Fish andGame, 51 (3) 220-221.Sn eerie!, , Beatrice <strong>11</strong>. 1963. Bioluminescent dinofiagcllates. BIoZ.Bull. 125(1) :lTi-lSl.Thomas, William H., Donald W. Lear, Jr. and Francis T. Halo.1962. Uptake by the marine dinoflagellate Gonpzulam polyedraof rudioactivity formed during an underir ater nuclear test.Limnol Oceaiiogr., i'(snpp1.) :6&71.Vrooxnaii, Andrew H. 1964. Serologically differentiated subpopulationsof the Pacific sardine, Sardileops caeruka. Fish.Res. Bd. Can., J., 21 (4) :G91-701.Wolf. Robert S. 1964. Ohservations on spawning Pacific sarclines.Calif. Fish aizd Game, 50(1) :53-57.Wolf, Robert S., and Anita E. Dangherty. 1963. Age andlength composition of the sardine catch off the Pncific coast ofthe United States :tiid Mexico in 1960-61. Calif. Pzsh andGame, 49 (4) :290-301.T<strong>Vol</strong>fion, Fa3 <strong>11</strong>. 1963. The optical coiiipnrater as a tool inplankton research. Lzrwol. Oceanogr., 10 (1) :156-15i.Tooster, W. S., Ts. J. Chow and Izndore Barrett. 1965. Nitritedistribution in Peru Current iraters. J. Vas. Res., 23(3) :210-221.Wooster, Warren S., and Joseph IJ. Reid. Jr. 1963. Easternbonndnry currents. In <strong>11</strong>. S. Hill (ed.) The Sea, 2:253-280.Interscience, Nea Toil;.

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