CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...


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KEI'OiiTH TOLUJIE SI, 1 JULY 1963 TO 30 JUSE 1966 23hron. W.. E:. <strong>11</strong>. Ahlstrom, B. McK. Barj, A. W. H. Bt and W.D. Clarke. 1965. Towing characteristics of p1:lnlitoll samidinggear. Liinnol. Oceanogr., lO(3) :333-340.Barrett. Izadore. James Joseph mid Geoffrey Bloser. 1966.Electrophoretic anal3 sis of hemoglohins of Californin roclifish,(genus Sebnstodes). Copeia, (3):4S9494.Benson, A. A. 1963~. Cliloroph;\ <strong>11</strong>'s lipid environment. I?% B.HOB and A. Jagendorf (ed.), Photos3 lithetic mechanisms ofgreen plants Nat. Scad. Sei.. Pzibl, (<strong>11</strong>46) :571-574.-1963b. The plniit siilfolipld. Iii Advances in lipid resenrch,1 :387-394. Academic Press, New Yorli.-1964a. Complex lipids of plants, their structure andfunction. Plait t Ph ysio 1.. 4 : 34-58-19641). JIetabolism of c1ilorol)l: t lipids and it? relation tophotosj lithetic carl)oiih> drate sj nthesis. y'elith Int. Bot.Congr., Edinbnrgh :16O-161. (Bbstr.)-1964~. Plant membrane lipids. Ann. Xcr. Plant Physiol.,15 :1-16.-1966. On the orientation of lipids in chloroplast and cellmembranes. Swer. Oil Chenz. Soc., J., 43 :1-265.Benson, A. A, W. TI-. Miller and Joseph 31. Steini. 1063.I3iochcniic:il np1)licationi of neutron ad\ at ion chromatographicaiialj sis. Fzfth Japan Conf. on Radioisotopes, Proc.,2 :<strong>11</strong>9-126. Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc.Berry, Frederick H. 1964a. A hypoma\illnry bone in IIarengula(Pisces: Clupeidae). I'ac. Sei., 18(4) :373-3i7.- 1964b. Aspects of the development of the upper jaw bonesin teleosts. Copeia, (2):375-384.-1965. The spotted jack crevalle, Carccnr nielnvipygusCuvier, in the Eastern Pacific. Calif. Fish and Game,51(1) 326-36.Berrr, Frederick H., and Herbert C. Perliins. 1966. Snr\ eyof pelagic fishes of the <strong>California</strong> area. U.S. Ftsh. 12'zld.Serv. Fish. Bull., 65(3) 525-682.Blunt. C. E. .Jr., and Malioto Kiniiira. 1966. Age, leiigth compoiition,and catch localities of sardine landings on tlie Pacificconst of the United States arid Mexico in 1963-64.calif. Fish and Game, 52(3) :133-150.Boolootian, Richard A, and Reuben Lasker. 1964. Digestionof brown alqae and the distribution of nntrients in the purplesea urchin Strongylocentratus pzirpuratus. Comp. Biocheni.Phusiol., <strong>11</strong> 2'73-289.Bo?& Carl AI., and Martin W. Johnson. 1963. Variations inthe larval stages of n c1ec:ilml crrlstace:in, Pleui oncodesplanipes Stinipsoii (Ga1;rtheidae). Biol. Bzcll., 124(3) :141-1.52Brinton, Edward. 1963:~ Barriers between tropical Pacificmid Indian Ocean euphaasitd species (zooplankton, Crustacea).16th Int. Cona. 2001.. Proc. Wash.. D.C.. Atka. ?O-27, 1963, 1 :204. (Ahst;.)-1963b. Zooplanliton abiindance in the Gulf of Thailandand South China Sea. L-tiic. Calif. SI0 lief. 63-6 :53-5S.Brinton, Edward, niid C'. Wntaiiapnda. 1963. The distributionand abniidance of the Xaga enp1i:insiid crustaceans. Ecol.Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea. Unw. Calif. SI0 Ref.63-6 :i0-75.Brown, Daniel AI. 1963. Ocean curreiit measnremciits withthe parachute drogue. (1960-1961). Univ. Calif. SI0Ref. 63--1965. Results of current measiirements with drogues (1963-1964). Unia. Calif. SI0 I

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