CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...


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22 CALIFORXIA COOPERATIYE OCEANIC FISHERIES ISVESTIGATIOSScatch during the 1965-66 period was approximately719 tons with most of the fish going to the fresh fishmarkets, where the fishermen received from $200 to$400 per ton. The primary areas of catch were SantaCatalina Island and the Horseshoe Kelp area.Landings in Baja <strong>California</strong> dropped to approsiiiiately22,000 tons for the period June, 1965 throughMay, 1966. Landings from September 1,1965 to March1, 1966 aniounted to nearly 7,400 tons. The demandfor sardines was good; 32 purse seiners were kepi;busy supplying 10 canneries with fish. The price tothe fishernicn rctlzaiiiPd fairly stable at $40 per ton.ANCHOVYIn 1963 and 1964 anchovy catches were used incanning. as fresh fish and as live-bait. In November,1965, the <strong>California</strong> Fish and Game Commissionauthorized the use of 75,000 tons of anchovies forreduction into fish meal. In late-November, 1965, theexperimental anchovy fishery for reduction opened.Landings were negligible through the end of 1965, butbegan picking up in February of 1966, and by theend of the season (April 30, 1966) over 16.000 tonsof anchovies had been landed. The Horseshoe Helparea produced about 75 percent of the fish taken.--_-_-YearTABLE 3COMMERCIAL LANDINGS AND LIVE-BAIT CATCHOF ANCHOVIES IN TONS, 1962-19661962 ...............1963 ...............1964 ...............1965 ...............1966" ..............I* Preliminary.CommercialLandings_____1,3822,2852,4882,86631,089Live-BaitTotal6,167 7,5494,442 6,7275.191 7.6796,148 9,0146,636 37,725Los Angeles-Long Beach Harbor provided most ofthe fish for the live-bait fishery during the periodfrom 1963 to 1965.The age composition of the 1963-64 live-bait catchat Port Hueneme, San Pedro and Newport weresimilar. Zero 's, one's, and two's constituted between80 and 90 percent of the fish sampled. The mostIprominent group was the 1962 year-class (one-yearoldfish). At Port Hueneme, 46 percent of the fishsampled were from the 1962 year-class ; at San Pedro,54 percent and at Newport, 45 percent.In 1964-65. the one's (1963 year-class) were againdominant in the live-bait samples. At Port Huenemethe 1963 year-class made up 45 percent of the fishsampled; 37 percent at San Pedro and 6i percent atNewport.MACKEREL (Ma y-Ap r i I)Pacific mackerel landings have dropped steadilysince 1962-63 when about 23,000 tons were taken.During the 1965-66 season the catch fell to 3,788 tons(Table 4), and the outlook for the npxt 2 seasons is notencouraging. The primary areas of catch during thepast 3 seasons were Cortes and Taiiiier Banks, SanNicolas, Santa Catalina, and San Clemente Islands.Jack mackerel landings have been on the declinesince the 1961-62 season, when ?54,706 tons werelanded. The catch dropped to 33,837 ton? for the1965-66 season (Table 4). Major areas of catch forthe 3 seasons 1963-64 through 1965-66 were SantaCruz, Santa Barbara, Anacapa, Santa Catalina, SanTABLE 4JACK AND PACIFIC MACKEREL CATCH IN TONS,1962-63 THROUGH 1965-66(Period May through April)Year___1962-63 .............1963-64 .............1964-65 .............1965-66* ............* Preliminary.Jack Mackerel48,42242,03839,54833,837Pacific Mackerel----22,62717,10512,4373,788Clement?, San Nicolas Islands and Cortes and TannerBanks. In 1963-64 these areas produced approximately50 percent of the statewide catch ; in 1964-65they accounted for 65 percent of the catch and in1963-66, 75 percent of the catch came from theseareas. Kenneth D. Aascn, <strong>California</strong> Depnrfineiat ofPisla and Game.Alilstrom. E. 13. 1965. A review of the effects of the enr-ironmentof the Pacific sardine. Int. Cotiun. Sorthirest Atlalatic Fish.spec. Pzrb7.,(6) 53-74,-- 1966. Distribution :und ahundaiice of snrdiiie and anchovylarvae in the Califoniia Current region off <strong>California</strong> andBnja <strong>California</strong> 1951-64 : A summary. U.P. Fish. Wild. Pel-c.,Spec. Sci. Rept.: Fish., (531):1-71.Alrnriiio, Angeles. 1963:~. Preliminary report on the Chaetognatha,Siphoaophorne arid RIediisae in the Gulf of Sinm andthe South China Sea. Univ. Calif., Sotctlreost dsicr ResearchP~o~ralii, RIO Ref., G3-6 :105-108.__ 19631~ Qnctocnatos epiplaiictoiiicos del Mar ilr Cortes. Roc..llcsiccciin Hist.. Rei.. 24 :97-203.PUBLICATIONS1 July 1963-30 June 1966-1964a. Rnthynietric distri!)ntioii of c1i:ietogiiaths. Pnc. Sei.,18( 1) z64-S.-1964b. The Chaetopnnthn of the RIonsoon Expedition inthe Indiaii Ocean. Pac. Sci.. 18(3) :336-34X.-1964~. Report on the Clinetognatha, Silhoiio1>horae andMedusae of the Rloiisoon Expedition. Preliminary resnlts ofSI0 investigations in the Indian Ocean durinz ExpeditionsBIonsooii mid Lusind 1900-1963. Uniz.. Cnlif. SI0 Ref., 64-19 :103-10S, 20g212.-1964d. Zoogeografia de 10s Qiietognntos. cspecinlmente de laregi6n de <strong>California</strong>. Ciencia, 23 5-74.-1965. Chaetognaths. IN Harold Barnes. (ed.). Oceanographyand mrrine hiology. Annual review, 3 :<strong>11</strong>.5-191. GeorgeAllen ant1 Unn-in Ltrl., Loiidoii.

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