CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...


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CONTENTSI. Review of Activities Page1. Review of Activities July 1, 1963-June 30, 1966 _________ _________ 52. Review of the Pelagic Wet Fisheries for the 1963-64, 1964-65,1965-66 Seasons ____________ ____ ......................... 213. Publications ............................................... 22<strong>11</strong>. Symposium on Anchovies, Genus EngradisJohn IJ. Baxtcr, Editor ___________________..................... 271. Oceaiiic Environments of the Genus Engradis around the WorldJosepli L. Reid,_-__ 292. Synopsis of Biological Information on the Australian AnchovyEngraiilis nirstralis (White)Maiiricc Blaclcbiirn ........................................... 343. A Note on the Biology and Fishery of the Japanese AnchovyE’71gVaii1iS japonicn (Houttuyn)Rigciti Ilayasi __ __ -___ _ __- __ _ ____ __ __ ______-__ 444. I’resent Stat(. of tllc Investigations on the Argentine AiwhovyEiigraidis uiichoitn (Hubbs, Marini)Jawina Ds. de Cicckoniski__ ________ _ ____ _ ________________ 585. Influence. of Sonic Eriviroiiiiieiit~l Factors upon the EmbryonicDevclopniriit of the Argeiitiiic~ Anrhovy Engratc1i.s aiichoita (Hubbs,Ma rini ).Janina Di. dc CicchoniskiL_ ____ ___ ____ ____ ______________ 676. Investigations of Food and Fwding Habits of Tjmvae and Juvenilesof thc Argentine Anchory Engraltlis nilch oita?Jani?zu Dr. dc Cicchoniski -_ .___ _______ _ __ __ _ _________ 727. A Brief Dcscription of Pcrurian Fisheries1V. 8’. Ihirrct aiid H. Einarsso?i __ ________._______ _ ____-____ __ 828. hliininary Results of Studies on tlic. Present Status of the PeruvianStock of Arich ovy (Eiqra ic 7;s ring ois Jcn yns )(7. ~S‘nctcrsrlal. J. Valdii,ia, I. Tszikaiyania, and E. Alcgrc ________ ____8%!). An Attcnipt to E5tiniatc Annual Spawning Intensity of the Anchovy(E’72grnit~i.s ringem denyns) by AZenns of Regional Egg and LarvalSurveys during 1961-1964H. Einarsson and R. Rojas de Mciicliola_ _ _ _ ______.______9610. The. I’reilation of (+u;uio Birds on thc Peruvian Anchovy (Engradisrinyc 12s Jenyns)R(;miilo Jord(h _ __ _________ __ -__ ____ _____ ___________- 105<strong>11</strong>. Surnin;iry of Rio1ogic;il lnforniation on thc Northern Anchovy____________ _________._______h’ngraIi1i.s i~ortlar GirardJohn L. Barter___ ___ _ _ _ ____ ___ __ _ _______ _ ________ <strong>11</strong>012. co-occdurr(xiic‘es of Sardinr and Anchovy IJtlrVae in the <strong>California</strong>Current Region off <strong>California</strong> and Bajn <strong>California</strong>E 1 b cr t H. Ah 1 st r o ni _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _-_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _ _ _ --_--_ _ <strong>11</strong>713. The Accumulation of Fish Debris in C’ertain C’alifornia CoastalSedimentsAndrow Solstar __ ____ ____ ____ ____ __-________________1___ 136<strong>11</strong>1. Scientific Contributions1. The T’elagic Phase of Z’1r:rroiicodr.s plmiipcs Stimpson (Crustacea,Galatheidac) in the <strong>California</strong> CurrentAlan I?. Longhiirst ___________ ____ 1422. Summary of Thrrin~l C’onditions mid l’hytoplwnkton <strong>Vol</strong>umesMeasured iii Monterey Bay, C’tiliforiiia 1961-1 966Donald P. ,2hDott and Richard Albcc _________________ ________ 1553. Seasonal Variation of Tcnipwature arid Salinity ;it 10 Meters in the<strong>California</strong> CurrentRonald J. Lynn - ______ ____ ____ __-_______-__.-_____ -_____ 157

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