CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ... CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...


174 CALIFORNIA COOPERATIVE OCEANIC FISHERIES INVESTIGATIONSRoden, G. I. 1961. On nonseasonal temperature and salinityvariations along the west coast of the United States andCanada. Calif. Coop. Ocean. Fish. Invest. Rept. 8 :95-119.Schott, Gerhard, 1935. Geographie des Indischen und StillenOzeans. verlag von C. Boysen, Hamburg. 413 p.Schwartzlose, R. A. 1963. Nearshore currents of the westernUnited States and Baja California as measured by driftbottles. Calif. Coop. Ocean. Fish. Invest. Rept. 9 :15-22.Scripps Institution of Oceanography. 1961-1962. Data report :physical and chemical data, CalCOFI cruises 6001-6212SI0 Refs., 61- ; 62- : 63-. ( 16 nos. included ).Sverdrup, H. U., and R. H. Fleming. 1941. The waters off thecoast of southern California March to July, 1937. ScrippsInst. Oceanogr. Bull., 4(10) :261-378.Sverdrup, H. U., M. W. Johnson and R. H. Fleming. 1942.The oceans ; their physics, chemistry, and general hiology.Prentice Hall, New York. 1,087 p.Thorade, Hermann. 1909. Uber die Kalifornische MeeresstriTmung.Ann. Hydrog. Marit. Met., 37: 17-34, 63-76.Wyrtki, Klaus. 1964. The thermal structure of the eastern PacificOcean. Deut. Hydrogr. Zeits., Ergiizungs. a(@), (6) :la.

REPORTS VOLUME XI, 1 JULY 1963 TO 30 JUNE 1966 175b 1

REPORTS VOLUME XI, 1 JULY 1963 TO 30 JUNE 1966 175b 1

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