CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...


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including the semiannual harmonic? The frequent3- and 4-mpnth gaps in the data records and the brevityof the records preclude any significant results fromthe third harmonic.REPORTS VOLUME XI, 1 JULY 1963 TO 30 JUNE 1966 161The general form of the regression curve is:y = AI cos0 + BlsinO + A2c0s2e + Bzsin2O + Cwhere O is the angular equivalent of the day of yearin radians. In least squares regression the sum of thesquares of the data anomalies from the regression curve,1 [y; - (Alcosei + Blsin& + Azcos20ia + B2sin20i + C)Iz,is minimized with respect to each of the five coefficientswhere,yi = data values indexed to 8;8% =27r[(month - 1) 30 + day]360The resulting set of equations is solved simultaneouslyfor the coefficients. The same coefficient formulascan be derived from the Fourier polynomialapproach. When equal intervals are assumed (integraldivision of year) the formulas simplify to thestandard textbook formulas for Fourier polynomialcoefficients.From the station regression curves were derivedthe long term mean (13-year), extreme values, andrange. Statistics describing the data and the fit ofthe regression curve were computed by standardformulas. These statistics include standard deviation,standard error of estimate, coefficient of correlation,and the P-ratio test (null hypothesis: the mean providesas adequate a fit to the data as the regressioncurve). The coefficient of correlation refers to thecorrelation of the characteristic with time of year.DISTRIBUTION OF THE 13-YEAR MEANSThe long term (13-year) mean of temperature(Figure 3) shows the influence of currents and upwelling.The mean temperature ranges from 12" C.near San Francisco to 24" C. near Cabo San Lucas.More than half the range (less than 18" C. to 24" C.)falls between Punta Eugenia and Cabo San Lucas,one-third of the total distance. The isotherms tendt0 parallel the coast along northern and central<strong>California</strong> with the colder water inshore, whereasthe isotherms are nearly perpendicular to the shorealong the southern part of Baja <strong>California</strong>. The colderinshore water along northern and central <strong>California</strong>is a mixture of cold waters from the North PacificCurrent and cold waters upwelled along the coast.A second important upwelling region, indicated bya 16" C. isotherm, is near the coast immediately northof the United States-Mexican border and extendingsouthward along northem Baja <strong>California</strong>. West ofthis upwelling region is a warm tongue-like featureextending into the island area off southern <strong>California</strong>.6 Van Vliet and Anderson performed an autocorrelation analysison the long records (7-40 years) of daily temperature observationsand showed the semiannual harmonic contains a sixnificantportion of the energy of seasonal variation in four oftheir six stations.FIGURE 3. Ten-meter temperature ("C); 13-year mean, 1950-62. Interval:1" C. In this and other figures thin, shortdashed lines showhalf intervals and thick, long dashes show continuation of standardintervalisopleths into regions of infrequent sampling. Boxed valuesrefer to shore statiomr.The long term mean salinity (Figure 4) rangesfrom less than 33.0%0 near Cape Mendocino to greaterthan 34.6%0 near Cape San Lucas. More than half thisrange is along southern Baja <strong>California</strong>. The largestgradients are in the southernmost portion of the Cal-COFI area and in the upwelling region north ofPoint Conception. A low-salinity tongue, characteristicof the <strong>California</strong> Current, lies approximately240 miles from and parallel to the northern <strong>California</strong>coast. The displacement of the low-salinity tonguefarther offshore from the low-temperature tongue isevidently the consequence of the mixing of upwelledwater, characteristically cold with high salinity, and<strong>California</strong> Current water. characteristically cold withlow salinity. Along southern <strong>California</strong> and northernBaja <strong>California</strong> is a body of water with a nearly uniformmean salinity, 33.55%0 I 0.05%0 and a smallstandard deviation, approximately i- 0.15%0. Thisarea shows a complex distribution of mean temperature.Reid, Schwartzlose, and Brown (1963) described ashoreward movement of water near latitude 31" N.to 32" N. Features in the 33.4%0 and 33.5%0 isohalinesprobably relate to this flow, as perhaps does the6-95757

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