CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...


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154 CALIE’ORXIA COOPERATlVE OCEAXIC FISHERIES INVESTIGATIOKSWater below the <strong>California</strong> Current and its extensionto the south-west.4. Seasonal variation of occurrence of pelagic individualsin the coastal areas is rather slight, consistingonly of a tendency for higher frequencies ofoccurrence in the first half of the year ; however, theannual variation is very striking and a very extensivemovement towards the north can be demonstratedduring the years 1958-1960, culminating in occurrencesto the north of Point Conception. This movementcan be explained by reference to the changedpatterns of transport in the oceanographic regimeduring this period, the patterns of geostrophic flowcorresponding very well to what is required to explainthe observed movements of crabs.5. The relation between the benthic and pelagicphases appears to be complex, and it is suggested thatduring the first two years of life an individual mayeither be retained within the coastal eddies andalternate between benthic and pelagic environments,or it may be flushed out to the south-west with thepossibility of returning subsequently to the coastalareas on the undercurrent within the first year or soof life; individuals older than this have not beenfound far offshore and are supposed either to havesuccumbed or to have returned to the coastal area.After the end of the second year of life the benthichabit appears to be finally adopted and no individualsolder than this have been taken in the pelagic phase.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was performed under the Scripps TunaOceanography Research (STOR) Program supportedby the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries under Contracts14-17-0007-221 and 14-17-0007-306. The manuscriptwas read by M. Blackburn, J. L. Reid, Jr. andG. I. Murphy to whom the author is grateful for anumber of useful comments.REFERENCESAhlstrom. E. H. 1948. ,4 record of pilchard eggs and larvaecollected during surveys made in 193S1941. U.S. Fish. Wild.Serv., Spec. Soi. Rept., (54) :1-54.Alverson, F. G. 1963. The food of the yellowfin and skipjacktunas in the eastern tropical Pacific. Inter-Amer. Trop. TunaComm. Bull., 7(5) :295-396.Beklemishev, K. V. 1960. The secret of concentrations of crustaceansoff the Mexican coast. Priroda (2) 397-98.Berner, L. S., and J. L. Reid, Jr. 1961. On the response to changingtemperature of the temperature-limited plankter Doliolumdenticulatum Quay and Gainard, 1835. Limnol. Oceangr.6(2) :205-215.Blackburn. M. In press. Micronekton of the eastern tropical PacificOcean : family composition, distribution, ahundance, andrelationships to tuna. U.S. Fish. Wild. Serv., Fish. Bull.Boyd, C. M. 1963. 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