CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...

CalCOFI Reports, Vol. 11, 1967 - California Cooperative Oceanic ...


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152 CALIFORNIA COOPERA4TIVE OCEANIC FISHERIES IKVESTIGATIOSSindividuals less than 1 year old. Thus, samples takenin July 1957 by the IATTC/STOR Tuna SpawningSurvey around the Revilla Gigedo Islands showed aunimodal population having a modal length of 6 mm,while at Clarion Island the same population was present,but mixed with a second population, comprisingless than 10% of the total, having a modal lengthbetween 10-12 mm. At Morgan Bank and at the AlijosRocks the larger of these two size-groups was dominantand included more than 90% of the individuals.Similarly, during the April 1965 La Pared expeditionof SIO, the population of pelagic crabs found inthe region of the Revilla Gigedo Islands and furtherto the southwest were unimodal at 12-13 mm andcontained no individuals larger than 17 mm. Smallnumbers of pelagic crabs taken from tuna stomachs<strong>11</strong>2'WFIGURE 7. The distribution of larval (light shading) and postlarval(dark shading) Pleuroncodes during June, 1964.at Clipperton Island by the Bhoyo Maru were similarto these in size, as were those illustrated by Beklemishev(1960) as being typical of the population he investigatedin the oceanic area north of the RevillaGigedo Islands. Finally, Blackburn (pers. comm.)found that the inshore stocks off Baja <strong>California</strong> duringAugust 1964 comprised individuals larger thanthese, except in the single case of a population at theextreme southwest of the station pattern, outsideMorgan Bank, which was isolated from those furtherinshore and consisted only of small individuals similarin size to those listed above.The inference apparently to be drawn from thesedata is that beyond the inshore area the flushed-outindividuals appear to be derived not from the subadultand adult stocks of the inshore area which Boyd(1963) showed to have modal lengths up to 20 mm,but rather from the larval forms generated by thisinshore stock.There is only a single survey of the distribution oflarvae and postlarvae (Cruise TO-64-1 of June, 1964)and this shows clearly the flushing-out of theseforms (Figure 7) which are distributed in a linearmanner from an origin to the south of Punta San Eugenioso that progressively older individuals werefound progressively farther to the south along themain line of flow of the <strong>California</strong> Current; thenumbers of individuals per standard volume did notdiminish along the series and there was no indicationthat the megalops taken in the far south-west wererandom stragglers, so that the data was consistentwith the major part of the population of larval formsbeing drifted offshore in the direction of the RevillaGigedo Islands.Johnson (1960) shows how a planktonic populationof crustacean larvae can maintain itself in the <strong>California</strong>Current for periods of the order of 6 monthsand then settle effectively enough to maintain anadult population along the coast ; it can be surmisedthat over a similar period (which is probably adequateto attain capability of first settlement to thebenthos) a proportion of the larvae of Pleuromodesplanipes mould similarly be maintained in the eddysystem of the <strong>California</strong> Current without being sweptout to sea. These might then commence alternationbetween the benthic and pelagic phase over the continentaledge within their first 2 years of life.It can be seen from Figure 3 that all the recordsof occurrence in the oceanic area are within the extensionof the <strong>California</strong> Current, and none are withinthe Equatorial Counter Current to the south; thisdistribution carries the implication that there is nolikely transport in the mixed layer which could returnthese individuals to the coast; however, a clearpossibility exists of a simple descent to only about 200meters to achieve return transport on the northwesterlyflowing undercurrent.This possibility is demonstrated, for example, byReid (1965) who shows that the Pacific IntermediateWater moves north-eastwards towards the coast overmuch of the area occupied by offshore and oceanicpelagic crabs ; the temperature tolerances of Pleuroncodes(Table 3) and the depth of benthic records in-

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