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2002 <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco Corporate Responsibility Report Environmental IssuesBiodiversity (Continued)tional, The Smithsonian Institution, The Nature Conservancy and theWorld Conservation Union.We also continue to expand our knowledge of how to address biodiversityissues in our operations through our participation in the jointBiodiversity Working Group of the International Petroleum IndustryEnvironmental Conservation Association and the International Associationof Oil and Gas Producers (OGP). We are also members of the jointeffort between OGP and the International Association of GeophysicalContractors to address effects of oil and gas exploration and productionnoise on the marine environment, as well as OGP’s project to developguidelines for conducting environmental baseline surveys in deep water.To help protect sensitive areas around our operations, several<strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco business units have created a set of HabitatManagement Guidelines. These guidelines, which were developed incooperation with technical experts and are supplemented with trainingfor employees, provide business units with information and tools toprevent damage to local habitats and provide guidance on land restorationwhen impacts do occur.> <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco also funds related research: In Angola and the Gulf ofMexico, the company supports research and monitoring of whalesand dolphins; in coastal Panama, the company supports research inmangrove and coral reef ecosystems.Future Goals: Establishing a More Systematic ApproachOver the past several years, our understanding of biodiversity conservationconcerns has expanded. As a result, we have identified the opportunityto more systematically manage the issue by better integrating it intoour Operational Excellence Management System. In 2003,<strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco’s international exploration and production company isbeginning to evaluate the work products from the Energy & BiodiversityInitiative. This includes identification of priorities and opportunities totest and adapt EBI products for use in our operations. We also are initiatingefforts to promote more awareness of biodiversity conservation inour company, defining the extent of our operations in or near legallyprotected and biodiversity sensitive areas, understanding the implicationsof the Convention on Biological Diversity and promoting industryuse of the EBI products.Performance: Demonstrating Biodiversity Conservation Around the World<strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco has a number of specific programs to address biodiversityconservation, particularly where we operate in areas of high biodiversityvalue or sensitivity. For example:> In Papua New Guinea’s biologically diverse Southern HighlandsProvince, <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco’s operations have been cited as a model forcompatibly operating in diverse ecosystems.> On Barrow Island, a Class A Nature Reserve off the west coast ofAustralia, and in parts of California’s San Joaquin Valley, the companyprotects endangered species and their habitats as part of its explorationand production operations. The Barrow Island operation hasreceived numerous awards in the past two years, including recognitionfrom the Institute of Petroleum, the Australian PetroleumProduction and Exploration Association and World Oil.> Several <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco refineries engage in voluntary biodiversityconservation projects, including conversion of wastewater treatmentponds into aquatic habitat in Richmond, California; habitat enhancementfor endangered El Segundo Blue butterflies in SouthernCalifornia; and incorporation of wildlife habitat into refinery remediationplans at Cincinnati, Ohio.Case Study ><strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco’s Pembroke Refineryhas developed a BiodiversityAction Plan for its operations.Pembroke Refinery’sBiodiversity PlanIn late 2001, <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco’sPembroke refinery in Pembrokeshire,Wales, developed and began implementingits Biodiversity Action Plan(BAP). The plan was produced byecologists from Ulster University inconjunction with the CountrysideCouncil for Wales, a nongovernmentalorganization dedicated to environmentalprotection of the region.The refinery’s BAP aligns with andsupports the local community’s BAP,which is required by law.Pembroke Refinery’s BAP identifiesthe major habitats in the 1,250 acres it owns outside its main operatingarea, which include seminatural grasslands, extensive hedgerow networks,a native mature oak woods and a marshland. The plan provides guidancefor the company to monitor, manage and enhance the diverse range of habitatsin the area. Primary activities in 2002 were:© 2003 <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco Corporation. All Rights Reserved.51

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