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2002 <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco Corporate Responsibility Report Social IssuesHIV/AIDS & Other Infectious DiseasesBackground: The Human and Business Impacts of DiseaseHIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases are pressingglobal issues with significant human impact and related social, economicand political implications. Nowhere is the impact of HIV/AIDSand these other diseases currently more apparent than in sub-SaharanAfrica, where <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco is the largest U.S.-based investor. Forexample, with 10 percent of the world’s population, Africa accounts for70 percent of the world’s HIV/AIDS cases. Because the disease primarilystrikes people in their 20s to 40s – the most productive segment of thelabor force – it threatens to reverse economic and development stridesAfrican nations have made over the past decade.For individual businesses,HIV/AIDS can challenge theirability to operate. In someAfrican nations, the epidemicmay affect as much as 30 percentof the labor pool over the next20 years, according to the InternationalLabour Organization.But HIV/AIDS is not limited to<strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco helped build a bloodAfrica. According to UNAIDS andbank in Cabinda, Angola, whichthe World Health Organization,reduced HIV cases caused by contaminatedblood from 25 percent toEastern Europe and Central Asiahave the fastest-growing1 percent.HIV/AIDS epidemics worldwide.Approach: Addressing HIV/AIDS on All Fronts<strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco believes that multinational companies are importantparticipants in the global effort to find solutions to HIV/AIDS and otherinfectious diseases. <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco’s HIV/AIDS awareness and preventionprograms in North America date from the 1980s, and since that time, thecompany has developed and supported a variety of other HIV/AIDS programsthroughout its worldwide operations.<strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco’s approach to addressing HIV/AIDS starts with thepremise that it is a preventable disease. Our awareness, prevention,voluntary testing, counseling and related programs focus onemployees, their families and host communities. We also work withgovernments, nongovernmental organizations, multilateral agenciesand international initiatives – such as the Global Business Coalition onHIV/AIDS, the World Economic Forum’s Global Health Initiative, theUnited Nations, the U.S. State Department and the Corporate Councilon Africa’s Task Force on HIV/AIDS – to expand our knowledge of howto effectively combat HIV/AIDS across our operations and share ourexperiences with others.We are reviewing and assessing our worldwide HIV/AIDS programs andpractices. In addition to gathering information about own operations,we are consulting with internal and external experts and reviewing leadingcompanies’ approaches to HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.Future Goals: Developing a Global Policy<strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco intends to adopt a corporatewide HIV/AIDS policydesigned to provide a global standard on such issues as nondiscrimination,testing, employee benefits, confidentiality and occupational healthand safety. We also are developing other tools and resources to help ourbusiness units develop and implement HIV/AIDS programs tailored totheir countries or regions.Case Study >HIV/AIDS Programs in AfricaAccording to UNAIDS and the WorldHealth Organization, at the end of2002 there were 29.4 million adultsand children living with HIV/AIDS insub-Saharan Africa. Approximately3.5 million new infections occurredthere in 2002, and an estimated2.4 million Africans died from theepidemic in that year.<strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco is the largest U.S.-based investor in sub-Saharan Africa,<strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco was an underwritingpartner in A Day in the infectious diseases such as malariaand HIV/AIDS – as well as otherLife of Africa, an international and tuberculosis – have had a profoundimpact on our employees andphotojournalism project withprofits going to AIDS education. their families, our contractors andour host communities throughoutAfrica. In addition to the human toll of HIV/AIDS, we also recognize that thesuccess of our company is linked inextricably to the health and productivity ofemployees and the communities we operate in. <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco is respondingby developing a range of programs aimed at combating HIV/AIDS and otherpublic health issues in Africa.© 2003 <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco Corporation. All Rights Reserved.23

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