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2002 <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco Corporate Responsibility ReportSocial IssuesCommunity Engagement (Continued)Case Study >Angola Partnership Initiative> Science and Math Education in North America: Since 1991,<strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco has sponsored Family Science, a program designedto build interest and skills in science and math. The program encourageschildren of diverse backgrounds, especially minorities and females,to consider science-based careers. Family Science includes workshopsfor teachers, parents and students in select locations in the UnitedStates, Mexico and the Philippines. By including parents in the training,Family Science increases the likelihood that learning and an interest inscience will continue outside the classroom. Since 2001, more than200 workshops have been held, and multiple scholarships have beengiven to instructors to expand the program in other communities.In 2002, as Angola emerged from 30 years of civil war, more than one-thirdof its population was displaced, and the social and economic fabric of thecountry was torn. <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco, whose wholly owned subsidiary CabindaGulf Oil Company Limited has operated in Angola since the 1950s, has beenone of the largest foreign investors in the country. With the ending of thewar, we resolved to expand ourongoing community programs to dosomething that would have a meaningfulimpact in helping the peopleof Angola recover from theirdecades of strife.© 2003 <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco Corporation. All Rights Reserved.16The Angola Partnership Initiative After research and discussion withis helping more than 3,000 key stakeholders, <strong>Chevron</strong>TexacoAngolan families through its initiated a major new program, thesupport of small-scale farming. Angola Partnership Initiative. Themission of the Initiative is to buildhuman capacity with a focus on the development of small and mediumsizedenterprises. The primary focus areas of the program are:> strengthen the supply of vocational training,> expand the supply of micro-credit,> introduce business development services, and> strengthen the enabling environment for socialand economic development.Under the initiative, we have developed formal partnerships with the UnitedStates Agency for International Development (USAID) and the United NationsDevelopment Program (UNDP). Together, we have established a combinedgoal to raise US$50 million to support this initiative. Additional partnershipsand alliances are under discussion. <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco has committed US$25million to support this effort.Two projects already launched under the initiative are a program to supportthe revitalization of the agriculture sector and the formation of a new microcreditbank. Both projects focus on job training and creation, and providetechnical assistance and financial stimulus for locally owned small andmedium enterprises.The agricultural effort combines immediate hunger relief to the most vulnerablesegment of society and longer-term agricultural development throughseed multiplication and seed variety experiments. It also supports the creationof some 200 farmer associations. This effort is designed to supportapproximately 160,000 rural families – representing more than 600,000individuals – with the goals of increasing food security, decreasing reliance

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