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2002 <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco Corporate Responsibility ReportSocial IssuesCommunity Engagement (Continued)The following are illustrativeof our community programs,reflecting the geographic diversityof our operations and varietyof community activities:> Skills Development inPoliteknik Caltex Riau, sponsoredNigeria: <strong>Chevron</strong> Nigeriaby Caltex Pacific Indonesia, is theLtd, <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco’s affiliatefirst university of its type in centralin Nigeria, and the NigerianSumatra.National Petroleum Corp.,in partnership with the International Foundation for Education andSelf-Help and the Nigerian Opportunities Industrialization Centres,have developed the Technical Skills Acquisition Project. The projectprovides a yearlong job training program for youth in remote NigerDelta communities, where unemployment is acute. About 160 menand women have completed the program since it was started in 1996,and half have found paid employment in their field. <strong>Chevron</strong>Texacohas invested more than US$1 million in the project and plans toexpand the program to 120 trainees per year.> Technical Institute in Indonesia:In Riau Province on the Indonesianisland of Sumatra, PT Caltex Pacific Indonesia (CPI), a <strong>Chevron</strong>Texacosubsidiary, sponsored the Polytechnic Caltex Riau (PCR), the province’sfirst elite polytechnic university. PCR offers study programs in computerscience, telecommunications and electrical engineering. Duringits first year of operation in 2001, some 640 students – more thantriple the capacity at the time – applied to the polytechnic. By 2010, thecampus expects to enroll 5,000 students. The school is adding newstudy programs in 2003 and 2004 that match the province’s businessneeds and contribute to its economy. CPI’s support of the universityincludes capital outlays of US$5.45 million and operating funds forthe first three years, estimated to be approximately US$1.3 million.> Helping Street Children in the Philippines: Caltex (Philippines) Inc.,a wholly owned <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco affiliate, is working with the governmentto help Philippine street children move out of poverty. TheCaltex Fund Street-to-School program, which was started in 1999 inpartnership with two nongovernmental organizations in Manila, hasprovided shelter, scholarships and training for nearly 500 young peoplesince the program began. Indirectly, the program affects thousandsmore who participate in various livelihood and skills training initiativessponsored by Caltex. In 2002, Caltex brought in several newnongovernmentalpartners to expand the program nationwide. A companionprogram launched in late 2001, the Caltex In-Plant TrainingProgram, provides practical work experience for the older youth inthe program at the company’s Xpress Lube stations and with Caltexretailers. In 2002, the Street-to-School program won the Institute ofPetroleum’s community initiative award.> Supporting Education in Saudi Arabia: In Saudi Arabia and thePartitioned Neutral Zone, Saudi Arabian Texaco (SAT) contributesto health, education and cultural initiatives, including sponsoringthe Al-Jasser Library in Saudi Arabia, which helps preserve the heritageof the Arabian Peninsula. SAT also sponsors the Al-Birr CharitableSociety, which addresses the social and economic needs ofSaudi citizens, providing training in a range of skills, as well as anumber of other education programs and institutions.> Small Business Development in Kazakhstan: In 1999 in Atyrau,Kazakhstan, <strong>Chevron</strong> Muniagas Inc. (CMI), <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco’s whollyowned subsidiary, launched a Small and Medium Enterprise (SME)Program, in partnership with the United Nations Development Program,the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development andthe U.S. Department of State. CMI and its partners created the threeyearSME Program with the goal of making community investmentsthat promoted sustainable, grassroots economic development. TheSME Program transferred entrepreneurial skills to local businesses,funded low-interest and no-collateral loans to Atyrau entrepreneurs,and helped prepare nearly 280 business plans, of which more than25 percent were approved for loans. The program concluded, asplanned, in 2002.> Increasing Literacy in Latin America: Throughout Latin America andthe Caribbean, <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco supports a variety of community projects,including building medical and dental facilities, providing homesfor orphans, and drilling water wells. In particular, <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco andits partners focus on supporting education projects in the region. InVenezuela, for example, 2,500 students have benefited from schoolrestoration projects that the company has supported since 1996. InBrazil, 3,000 adults and children attained basic language competencyskills through the company’s national literacy program. In Colombia,a cultural and learning center built by the company serves 6,000 localchildren. In Argentina, <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco’s local affiliate and a partnerbuilt Ruca Quimpen, a school that provides lodging, food and medicalservices to 40 children and their families.© 2003 <strong>Chevron</strong>Texaco Corporation. All Rights Reserved.15

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