01-30-2013-Midweek - Wise County Messenger

01-30-2013-Midweek - Wise County Messenger 01-30-2013-Midweek - Wise County Messenger

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4 ALL AROUND WISE • A PART OF THE WISE COUNTY MESSENGER Decatur, Texas, Wednesday, January 30, 2013Am I what?BY GERRY LEWISAre you a glass half-full orhalf-empty kind of person?For the most part, I’m ahalf-full kind of guy. I tendto look for, and even expect,the best in most situations,to see potential and possibilitiesinstead of weaknessesand barriers, and to noticethe roses among the thorns.At least I try to.I also like to laugh and Ithink we all should lightenup a little bit and look forthe humor in everyday situations.The Bible says that acheerful heart is good medicine(Proverbs 17:22). That’sgood to know since I havearrived at the age wheremedicine — and the purveyorsthereof — are becomingmore and more a part of mylife.I recently went to a doctor’soffice I hadn’t been tobefore and had to fill out theobligatory forms. They werereally nice and sent me apacket in the mail to fill outin advance so I wouldn’thave to do it in the waitingroom. I spent over an houron that packet in the comfortof my recliner.At the office, I turned thepacket in at the desk andthen had nothing to keep meoccupied for the next hour.Once I was escorted backto the exam room, a lovelyBRIDGEPORT GUNSGUNS AMMO&CHL Renewal Class(Must Pre-register)Thursday, February 21 • 4:30 - 8:30 p.m.New Applicant Classyoung medical person spentthe next 30minutes askingme mostof the sameq u e s t i o n sI had answeredon paperalready.LifeIt was allMatters worth it, however,whenshe lookedat me (with a straight face)and said, “Are you over 40?”Bless her! She didn’t haveto ask that question. Shecould have answered thequestion correctly by justlooking at my white-whiskeredface. I told her hownice she was to ask. Shetold me she had to.Fast forward one week,and I had just finished acheck-up at another doctor’soffice. I stopped by agrocery store that I likesince I was in the big cityfor the day. At the checkoutline, the young lady whowas bagging my groceriesbegan making small talk.She asked what I was doingfor the day. I told her I wasjust out running around.“Are you retired?” she askedme.Am I what? Seriously?Only a few days earliersomeone actually had toask me if I was over 40! ISunday, February 24 • 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.• Buy• Sell• TradeConsignments Welcome!New & Used Guns • Reloading Supplies • Gunsmithing • Bluing1691 W. US Hwy. 380 • Bridgeport • 940-683-1777www.bridgeportgunsandammo.comhope that whipper-snapperenjoys sacking groceries,because her observationaland conversational skillsare not conducive to careeradvancement!Actually, I thought it waspretty funny, and I enjoyedthe interaction. I’m reallynot interested in slowingthe aging process or tryingto look younger than I am.But I am interested in demonstratingto every generationthe joy that comes inknowing that your life mattersto God.Mrs. Sweetie and I weretalking to a teenager atchurch a few days ago. Wesaid something about being940-627-5987WWW.WCMESSENGER.COMNEWS@WCMESSENGER.COMADS@WCMESSENGER.COMold folks. She told us, “Yeah,but you’re cool old folks.”Am I what? Yeah, morethan half-full.Dr. Gerry Lewis is directorof missions for the HarvestBaptist Association,which is headquartered inDecatur.“Life On The Ridge”...It’s Enough ToMake You Smile!Visit our website: www.GovernorsRidge.comOr call for information – we’d love to have you drop by!(940) 627-1104 Decatur, TX Texas State License #132992Direct Satellite Internet & TV940-683-0090 • 866.571.0003www.dsit.usUp To 12 MBPS!!!Owned and operated by Larry & Ida KirbyBus. 380 West • Decatur, TXHours: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Sun. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.Phone: 940-627-6466DECATURTAX FORMS HERE940-627-9000The Prada Shops • 1650 S FM 51Shop 40,000 Items on-linewith next day deliverywww.iCopyofficeSupply.comGRAPHIC DESIGN • PRINT • OFFICE SUPPLY • FURNITURE • CLEANING & BREAK ROOM SUPPLIES

Decatur, Texas, Wednesday, January 30, 2013 ALL AROUND WISE • A PART OF THE WISE COUNTY MESSENGER 5Quality Counts and the Six Pillars of CharacterBY CHRISSY KARRERIt’s here! The beginning ofthe stock show season hasofficially arrived with thekickoff of the Fort WorthStock Show. Wise County4-H and FFA members willtravel down the road to FortWorth, Houston, San Antonio,Austin and San Angelothis spring and will end theseason at our very own WiseCounty Youth Fair.The youth in the barns areambassadors of agriculture— they are usually the firstthing the public sees as theyare walking through the differentspecies. This is whyQuality Counts educationis important and that themessage they are sharing ispositive and welcoming.Quality Counts is a curriculumthat teaches youthlivestock exhibitors characterand quality assurance.Quality Counts is designedaround the Six Pillars ofCharacter created by the JosephsonInstitute of Ethics.The Six Pillars are: Trustworthiness,Respect, Responsibility,Fairness, Caringand Citizenship. QualityCounts takes each pillar andrelates it to how youth livestockexhibitors can developand use these traits withtheir livestock projects. Tobetter understand how thisis done, let’s look at each pillarand how it relates to ayouth livestock project.TrustworthinessTrustworthiness can beexhibited in youth livestockprojects in many ways. Alivestock exhibitor demonstratesthat they are trustworthywhen they do thingsas simple as accurately recordingbirth and possessiondates, meeting all obligationswiththeir projectsand acceptingthe responsibilityFocuson 4-Hthat comeswith a livestockproject.RespectTo be respectful,livestockexhibitors live by theGolden Rule by treating otherexhibitors, spectators andjudges, as they would liketo be treated. Other waysof showing respect includelistening to parents and advisers,valuing and honoringothers’ opinions and takingproper care of your animal.ResponsibilityA responsible exhibitorwill develop the knowledge,skills and judgment aboutthe desired characteristicsof their animal and how toprepare it for the show. A responsibleexhibitor will alsodo each job as well as it canbe done, be a role model forpeers and other exhibitorsand keep record books upto-date.FairnessLivestock exhibitors canshow fairness by treatingall people fairly. This meansthat they listen to others’ideas and try to understandtheir feelings, live up to allagreements and refuse tolet personal preferences orprejudices get in the way ofmaking a fair decision.CaringOften, caring can bethought of as one of themost important pillars. Ifwe do not care, then whyare we involved in livestockprojects? A caring exhibitortreats animals humanelyat all times, sharesresources with others andis not cruel or insensitivetoward other people.CitizenshipAn exhibitor can showgood citizenship by obeyingthe rules of the show;promoting good characterwithin their clubs, chapters,and communities; andby protecting the environmentduring the raising oftheir project. Citizenshipshould be shown to theprojects (animals) as wellas people.While these are some briefways that the six pillars arereflected in livestock projects,let us remind you thatthere are many more. Inaddition, many of the traitsthat are under one pillarare interchangeable withanother pillar. LivestockCall940-627-5987to get yourmessagedelivered!WWW.WCMESSENGER.COMprojects are a vehicle thatteach participants manythings they will use lateron in life. Developing ouryouth’s character can onlylead to a brighter future.CROSSWORD PUZZLEChrissy Karrer is a WiseCounty Extension agent.Remember627-SLABFor all your concrete needs!Insist on QualityConcrete, Inc.Ty Kennedy 940-627-SLABFREE ESTIMATESWISESERVICE DIRECTORYCOUNTYAUTOMOTIVEHOLMESAuto SupplyOur 69th Year Serving Wise CountyAuto Parts • Heavy Duty Truck Parts • Tools &Equipment • Oil Field Supplies and HydraulicHoses • Welding Supplies803 W. 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REYES HOMEREMODELINGRREYESHR.COMYour Local Trusted & Recommended ContractorLow Reasonable PricesHome RepairsNow Accepting Credit Cards for Small RepairsSilvia 940.399.3460Renier 940.399.9450For Pictures and More information visit us atINSULATIONWALL FOAM INSULATIONFOR EXISTING HOMESWould you like to loweryour utility bills?Up to 50% Utility SavingsClass 1 Fire Resistant & 80% Noise CancellationGo to www.homesulatefoam.com to learn more!Call today for a FREE estimate!Cody Wadsworth (940) 389-5333SEPTIC SYSTEMSTAYLORSeptic ServiceWe install all types of septicsystems & repair old onesWe Pump and Clean TanksAll Types of Dirt Work: House Pads • Roads• Driveways • Topsoil Hauling • Select Fill,Sand and Gravel • Storm Shelters InstalledHAY FOR SALEDanny Taylor • 940-389-3068GET LISTED!GET YOUR BUSINESSLISTED ON THIS PAGE FORAS LITTLE AS $30 PER WEEK!Call Lori, Lisa, Laura, Kelly or Ken at 940-627-5987or email ads@wcmessenger.com

4 ALL AROUND WISE • A PART OF THE WISE COUNTY MESSENGER Decatur, Texas, Wednesday, January <strong>30</strong>, 2<strong>01</strong>3Am I what?BY GERRY LEWISAre you a glass half-full orhalf-empty kind of person?For the most part, I’m ahalf-full kind of guy. I tendto look for, and even expect,the best in most situations,to see potential and possibilitiesinstead of weaknessesand barriers, and to noticethe roses among the thorns.At least I try to.I also like to laugh and Ithink we all should lightenup a little bit and look forthe humor in everyday situations.The Bible says that acheerful heart is good medicine(Proverbs 17:22). That’sgood to know since I havearrived at the age wheremedicine — and the purveyorsthereof — are becomingmore and more a part of mylife.I recently went to a doctor’soffice I hadn’t been tobefore and had to fill out theobligatory forms. They werereally nice and sent me apacket in the mail to fill outin advance so I wouldn’thave to do it in the waitingroom. I spent over an houron that packet in the comfortof my recliner.At the office, I turned thepacket in at the desk andthen had nothing to keep meoccupied for the next hour.Once I was escorted backto the exam room, a lovelyBRIDGEPORT GUNSGUNS AMMO&CHL Renewal Class(Must Pre-register)Thursday, February 21 • 4:<strong>30</strong> - 8:<strong>30</strong> p.m.New Applicant Classyoung medical person spentthe next <strong>30</strong>minutes askingme mostof the sameq u e s t i o n sI had answeredon paperalready.LifeIt was allMatters worth it, however,whenshe lookedat me (with a straight face)and said, “Are you over 40?”Bless her! She didn’t haveto ask that question. Shecould have answered thequestion correctly by justlooking at my white-whiskeredface. I told her hownice she was to ask. Shetold me she had to.Fast forward one week,and I had just finished acheck-up at another doctor’soffice. I stopped by agrocery store that I likesince I was in the big cityfor the day. At the checkoutline, the young lady whowas bagging my groceriesbegan making small talk.She asked what I was doingfor the day. I told her I wasjust out running around.“Are you retired?” she askedme.Am I what? Seriously?Only a few days earliersomeone actually had toask me if I was over 40! ISunday, February 24 • 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.• Buy• Sell• TradeConsignments Welcome!New & Used Guns • Reloading Supplies • Gunsmithing • Bluing1691 W. US Hwy. 380 • Bridgeport • 940-683-1777www.bridgeportgunsandammo.comhope that whipper-snapperenjoys sacking groceries,because her observationaland conversational skillsare not conducive to careeradvancement!Actually, I thought it waspretty funny, and I enjoyedthe interaction. I’m reallynot interested in slowingthe aging process or tryingto look younger than I am.But I am interested in demonstratingto every generationthe joy that comes inknowing that your life mattersto God.Mrs. Sweetie and I weretalking to a teenager atchurch a few days ago. Wesaid something about being940-627-5987WWW.WCMESSENGER.COMNEWS@WCMESSENGER.COMADS@WCMESSENGER.COMold folks. She told us, “Yeah,but you’re cool old folks.”Am I what? Yeah, morethan half-full.Dr. Gerry Lewis is directorof missions for the HarvestBaptist Association,which is headquartered inDecatur.“Life On The Ridge”...It’s Enough ToMake You Smile!Visit our website: www.GovernorsRidge.comOr call for information – we’d love to have you drop by!(940) 627-1104 Decatur, TX Texas State License #132992Direct Satellite Internet & TV940-683-0090 • 866.571.0003www.dsit.usUp To 12 MBPS!!!Owned and operated by Larry & Ida KirbyBus. 380 West • Decatur, TXHours: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Sun. 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.Phone: 940-627-6466DECATURTAX FORMS HERE940-627-9000The Prada Shops • 1650 S FM 51Shop 40,000 Items on-linewith next day deliverywww.iCopyofficeSupply.comGRAPHIC DESIGN • PRINT • OFFICE SUPPLY • FURNITURE • CLEANING & BREAK ROOM SUPPLIES

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