Resolution 13-03-19 Approving the Proposed Fiscal Year ... - TriMet

Resolution 13-03-19 Approving the Proposed Fiscal Year ... - TriMet

Resolution 13-03-19 Approving the Proposed Fiscal Year ... - TriMet


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Date: March 27, 20<strong>13</strong>To:From:Board of DirectorsNeil McFarlaneSubject: RESOLUTION <strong>13</strong>-<strong>03</strong>-<strong>19</strong> OF THE TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITANTRANSPORTATION DISTRICT OF OREGON (TRIMET) APPROVINGTHE PROPOSED FISCAL YEAR 20<strong>13</strong>-14 ANNUAL BUDGET FORSUBMISSION TO THE MULTNOMAH COUNTY TAX SUPERVISING ANDCONSERVATION COMMISSION1. Issue or Purpose of Item.The purpose of this resolution is to request that <strong>the</strong> <strong>TriMet</strong> Board of Directors (“Board”) approve<strong>the</strong> proposed 20<strong>13</strong>-14 <strong>Fiscal</strong> <strong>Year</strong> Budget for submission to <strong>the</strong> Multnomah County TaxSupervising and Conservation Commission (TSCC).2. Reason for Board Action.Oregon Budget Law requires Board approval before a budget may be submitted to <strong>the</strong> TSCC.3. Background.Budget Process. <strong>TriMet</strong> must propose and adopt a balanced budget where revenues are equal toexpenditures.Oregon Budget Law requires a process that all local governments must follow to adopt budgets.The first step required by Oregon Budget Law is for <strong>the</strong> Board to approve <strong>the</strong> <strong>Proposed</strong> Budgetfor submission to <strong>the</strong> TSCC. The TSCC will <strong>the</strong>n hold a public hearing on <strong>TriMet</strong>’s ApprovedBudget on April 24, 20<strong>13</strong> immediately prior to <strong>the</strong> Board’s April 24 meeting. The FY14Approved Budget will be returned to <strong>the</strong> Board for final consideration and adoption at <strong>the</strong> May22, 20<strong>13</strong> Board meeting. Amendments to <strong>the</strong> Approved Budget may occur up until Boardadoption of <strong>the</strong> final Budget May 22. <strong>TriMet</strong> must adopt a budget before <strong>the</strong> July 1 start of <strong>the</strong>fiscal year.The FY14 <strong>Proposed</strong> Budget includes $485 million for operations and debt service, $92.5 millionfor General Fund capital programs, and Total Requirements of $1.2 billion including light railprograms, pass through requirements, contingency and ending fund balances.<strong>TriMet</strong>'s successful arbitration award of last summer and stronger revenue growth provide ashort window of financial stability allowing <strong>TriMet</strong> to advance four key priorities:• Stability for riders – <strong>the</strong> budget assumes no fare increases this year and no service cuts;

• State of good repair – <strong>the</strong> budget advances <strong>TriMet</strong>’s state of good repair, substantiallyincreasing bus replacements and using new federal funds to rehabilitate older portions ofour rail system. These investments are more fully described below.• Services fixes – <strong>TriMet</strong> is able to fix a limited number of service problems, such asovercrowded lines, poor connectivity, access to new job centers, and schedule delays dueto increased congestion.• Increase union defined benefit pension plan funding, which is just 52% funded.Revenues. The FY14 <strong>Proposed</strong> Budget includes <strong>the</strong> following revenue assumptions:• Employer payroll tax growth of 6.6% in FY<strong>13</strong> (underlying growth of 5.1%, 1.5% from<strong>the</strong> increase in <strong>the</strong> payroll tax rate) and 8.6% in FY14 (underlying growth of 7.2%, 1.4%from <strong>the</strong> increase in <strong>the</strong> payroll tax rate)• No fare increase. In FY14, passenger revenue is budgeted to increase 5.6% over FY<strong>13</strong>estimated results. Ridership is projected to increase 3% in FY14. The average fixedroute fare is projected to increase approximately 2.6% due to <strong>the</strong> final two month phasein of <strong>the</strong> September 20<strong>13</strong> fare increase in July and August of FY14.• FY14 5307 federal Urbanized Area Formula funds are in <strong>the</strong> budget at amounts authorized for<strong>TriMet</strong> by MAP-21which are <strong>the</strong> same as forecast last year for FY14. FY14 Fixed GuidewayModernization (named State of Good Repair in MAP-21) funds are $9.5 million a year higherthan projected last year. The projected increase in State of Good Repair funds will fundaccumulated on-going light rail maintenance that had not been addressed in <strong>the</strong> forecastpreviously.Expenditures. The FY14 <strong>Proposed</strong> Budget incorporates <strong>the</strong> following operating and capitalexpenditure proposals:• Service: $1.6 million of additional bus service needed to maintain schedule reliability,reduce peak crowding and solve persistent service problems.• Fare Levels: The $1.3 million low income fare program is retained. <strong>TriMet</strong>'scontribution to <strong>the</strong> student pass program is included, as agreed to in an MOU between<strong>TriMet</strong>, <strong>the</strong> City of Portland, and <strong>the</strong> Portland School District.• Union DB Pension: The funding of <strong>the</strong> union defined benefit (DB) pension is increased$4 million a year in FY14 and an additional $2 million on-going in FY15. The fundingincreases in FY14 and FY15 will put <strong>the</strong> plan on a path to full funding by 2<strong>03</strong>1.• Safety: Eleven bus operators are added to prevent excessive consecutive hours of service($956,000 annual cost). We continue annual safety focused training for all operators andsupervisors, and will extend implementation of <strong>the</strong> safety management system. We willalso add contracted security for events and on board presence.• Capital repair and replacement: To maintain service levels, <strong>TriMet</strong> cut back investment incapital replacement and repair significantly over <strong>the</strong> last ten years. This has resulted in an

accumulation of capital replacement and repair that had been minimally addressed in priorfinance plans. This budget turns that around:• Buses: Because of <strong>the</strong> increase in payroll tax revenues <strong>TriMet</strong> is increasing busreplacement purchases from 40 per year FY<strong>13</strong> to FY16 (160 buses) to 70 buses in FY<strong>13</strong>,60 in FY14, 64 in FY15 and 60 in FY16 (254). The entire fleet will be low-floor, lowemission and air conditioned, and at <strong>the</strong> desired 8 year average age by FY16, four yearsearlier than previously expected.• Rail: Additional State of Good Repair funds will help pay for <strong>the</strong> additional labor andmaterials for Type 2 light rail vehicle progressive overhauls, Blue Line station safety andrenewal improvements (“Renew <strong>the</strong> Blue”), improvements to <strong>the</strong> Steel Bridge to restorelight rail speeds to 15 miles per hour, and o<strong>the</strong>r projects. All are improvements thataddress <strong>the</strong> safety and reliability of service.• Operating Facilities: The FY14 <strong>Proposed</strong> Budget funds an accumulation of operatingfacilities replacement and repairs. These include replacing bus maintenance hoists thatare approaching 40 years of age, and end of life maintenance for <strong>the</strong> Center Streetoperating facility.• Customer Facilities: The FY14 <strong>Proposed</strong> Budget provides funds to refurbish damagedplatform and station finishes, particularly at <strong>the</strong> Hollywood, Washington Park and SunsetTransit Centers.With 96% of construction funding provided by our federal, state and local partners, $440 millionis budgeted for Portland-Milwaukie Project Light Rail Transit Project in FY14.The FY14 <strong>Proposed</strong> Budget is balanced and complies with Oregon budget law.It must be emphasized that <strong>TriMet</strong>’s cost structure is unsustainable due to <strong>the</strong> high and increasingcosts of health insurance benefits for union employees, retirees and dependents. The FY14<strong>Proposed</strong> Budget assumes <strong>TriMet</strong>’s current contract proposal and <strong>TriMet</strong> sustains <strong>the</strong> July 2012binding arbitration decision. Should <strong>TriMet</strong> lose ei<strong>the</strong>r case, we will need to plan broad budgetreductions in all budget areas in FY15.4. Options.The Board may choose to amend <strong>the</strong> 20<strong>13</strong>-14 <strong>Fiscal</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>Proposed</strong> Budget before sending it to<strong>the</strong> TSCC. The deadline for submission to <strong>the</strong> TSCC is May 1.5. Recommendation.The General Manager recommends adoption of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Resolution</strong> approving <strong>the</strong> FY<strong>13</strong>-14 <strong>Proposed</strong>Budget for submittal to <strong>the</strong> TSCC.DA/CP/PC

RESOLUTION <strong>13</strong>-<strong>03</strong>-<strong>19</strong>RESOLUTION OF THE TRI-COUNTY METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATIONDISTRICT OF OREGON (TRIMET) APPROVING THE PROPOSED FISCALYEAR 20<strong>13</strong>-14 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR SUBMISSION TO THE MULTNOMAHCOUNTY TAX SUPERVISING AND CONSERVATION COMMISSIONWHEREAS, <strong>TriMet</strong> develops and approves its Budget pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes(ORS) Chapter 294; andWHEREAS, pursuant to ORS 294.423, <strong>TriMet</strong>’s Board of Directors constitutes <strong>TriMet</strong>’sBudget Committee (Committee); andWHEREAS, pursuant to ORS 294.331, <strong>TriMet</strong>’s Chief Financial Officer serves as BudgetOfficer and primary liaison with <strong>the</strong> Multnomah County Tax Supervising and ConservationCommission (TSCC); andWHEREAS, ORS 294.428 provides that <strong>the</strong> Committee shall approve <strong>the</strong> Budget assubmitted by <strong>the</strong> Budget Officer or as revised by <strong>the</strong> Committee; andWHEREAS, ORS 294.431 requires <strong>TriMet</strong> to submit its Budget to <strong>the</strong> TSCC;NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED:That <strong>the</strong> proposed fiscal year 20<strong>13</strong>-14 Budget as submitted, including technical correctionsand revisions, is approved and shall be submitted to <strong>the</strong> Multnomah County Tax Supervisingand Conservation Commission.Dated: March 27, 20<strong>13</strong>Presiding OfficerAttest:Recording SecretaryApproved as to Legal Sufficiency:Legal Department

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