Can colour really stimulate grey matter? - Duluxtrade.ie

Can colour really stimulate grey matter? - Duluxtrade.ie

Can colour really stimulate grey matter? - Duluxtrade.ie


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can <strong>colour</strong> <strong>really</strong><strong>stimulate</strong> the<strong>grey</strong> <strong>matter</strong>?

Whenever you need assistance,contact the people at Dulux Trade.www.duluxtrade.co.ukDulux Trade is committed to helpingour cl<strong>ie</strong>nts deliver safe, stimulatingand <strong>colour</strong>ful environments for staffand students alike, and we will workwith you closely to bring our unrivalled<strong>colour</strong> expertise to bear on anyprojects you are currently planning.We have a proven track record in theeducational f<strong>ie</strong>ld and genuinely understandthe problems and pressures faced, frommaking best use of limited funds toach<strong>ie</strong>ving job completion with minimumdisruption. With thousands of buildingsrequiring ongoing maintenance, Dulux Tradeis in a unique position to help ensure thatany new build or refurbishments provide theoptimum educational environment in termsof <strong>colour</strong>s, texture, finish and amb<strong>ie</strong>nce.Index4812The influenceof <strong>colour</strong>; ourinternational<strong>colour</strong> expertsforecast trendsfor the yearahead.6Our productsand servicesare geared todeliveringprecisesolutions intoday’seducationalsector.Our productsare speciallyformulated forthe demands ofthe educationalenvironment.10We ensure thatthe rightproducts arespecif<strong>ie</strong>d, andare availablewhen andwhere they areneeded.Case stud<strong>ie</strong>sdemonstrate howwe have made asignificantcontribution tomajor educationprojects.14Our SustainabilityPolicydemonstrateshow Dulux Tradeis committedto promotingresponsiblecorporatecitizenship.23

Colour design is an integral part of thephysical building and has a fundamental impacton the interior use. With careful application<strong>colour</strong> enhances peoples' understanding andappreciation of a well designed environment.Mark Green, Fruition DesignThe Dulux Trade brand has a var<strong>ie</strong>tyof product ranges which have beendeveloped in our own world leadinglaborator<strong>ie</strong>s to deliver precisesolutions to a wide range of interiorand exterior coverage challenges.Numerous stud<strong>ie</strong>s point to the fact that thecorrect use of <strong>colour</strong>s and textures withinplaces such as schools and colleges canhave a dramatic and measurable effect inenhancing the learning environment.That's why at Dulux Trade we have set outto create the most comprehensive range of<strong>colour</strong>s and effects on the market, includingprimers, decorative finishes, special effects,exterior and maintenance coatings.PRODUCT, COLOUR AND SERVICEAlongside our advanced technical formulations we have also developed a system thatencompasses product, <strong>colour</strong> and service and helps guide individual projects throughfrom concept to completion. Results ach<strong>ie</strong>ved to date confirm that it exceedsexpectations and delivers solutions greater than its parts.Over the following pages you will find br<strong>ie</strong>f details of our various product ranges,including incredibly tough interior matts, paint that makes rooms feel physically bigger,anti-bacterial formulations and fire-retardant coverings. Whatever your particularrequirement, there is sure to be an answer in the Dulux Trade range.a product for every purpose67

specially formulated for schoolsDiamond Matt: know your 10x tableDiamond Matt sets the benchmark in ultra-toughtrade paints. In fact, it's ten times more durable thaneven Vinyl Silk finishes and as tough as acryliceggshell, meaning that it can be scrubbed clean timeafter time without affecting the attractive matt finish.In a busy school or college environment it's a hugelypractical choice. For a water-based satin finish that'sLight & Space: for brilliant resultsPyrosh<strong>ie</strong>ld: full marksfor fire retardancyPyrosh<strong>ie</strong>ld is the result of an intensive and rigorousresearch and testing programme. It has the ability todelay the early stages of fire spread at a time whenthe pupils and staff in the school building maystill be making their way to safety.ten times tougher than traditional solvent-basedfinishes, there's Diamond Satinwood. Its superior scuffresistance keeps the paint looking better for longer.The Diamond range also includes a quick dryingEggshell that has a tough mid-sheen finish combinedwith exceptional adhesion and durability.Light & Space uses revolutionary Lumitec technologythat helps to reflect up to twice as much light aroundthe room, making even the smallest, darkestschoolrooms look and feel more spacious comparedwith our conventional emulsion paints of a similar hue.The effect is ach<strong>ie</strong>ved with a combination of morereflective paint components and cleaner tinting recipes.Result: rooms that feel up to 12% bigger with an energysaving of between 14% and 28%.Anti Graffiti Coatings: drawingon exper<strong>ie</strong>nceThis extremely hard wearing finish has superb adhesion with the ability to withstand rigorouscleaning and minimise the need for re-decoration following incidents of graffiti. This product isalso suitable for a wide range of hyg<strong>ie</strong>ne sensitive areas, such as kitchens.Woodcare: for wood thatlooks good longerWith hard wearing products available in acomprehensive <strong>colour</strong> range for both interiorand exterior use - appropriate for hardwoodsand softwoods - we combine technicalexpertise with tradition, style and fashion,Weathersh<strong>ie</strong>ld: reliable in the extremeThe Weathersh<strong>ie</strong>ld range comprisesproducts specially formulated for use onexterior timber, metalwork and masonry,offering superior protection for up to 8 yearson timber and up to 15 years on masonrysurfaces.Thanks to extended maintenancecycles, the value for money is excellent.Aquatech: low on odour,high on sustainabilityAquatech Gloss and Undercoat have beenspecifically formulated to offer a low odoursolution that is also low on VOCs – volatileorganic compounds. It's ideal for use inensuring we always have the products toprotect and enhance your buildings. A rangeof Dulux Trade and Cuprinol Trade productsare available.educational premises, allowing areas to bepainted with minimal disruption to the dailytimetable. Aquatech is also quick drying andhighly durable.Sterish<strong>ie</strong>ld: helpingprevent bacteriamultiplicationSterish<strong>ie</strong>ld from Dulux Trade is a decorative coatingthat actively inhibits the survival of bacteria, suchas E. coli, on walls. Developed for use in highrisk environments it shows enhanced anti-bacterialactivity when washed or scrubbed, making it idealfor busy areas.89

From technical specification servicesto nationwide product availability, weprovide the support you need toensure project success.It isn't only important to have the rightproducts, but also to have them available,when and where you need them. That's whyall our products are available nationwide via■ We run the only painting contractoraccreditation scheme that independentlyaudits applicant compan<strong>ie</strong>s for systems,quality and practice.2,500 distribution centres throughout theUK and Ireland. This includes over 160Dulux Decorator Centres, conven<strong>ie</strong>ntlylocated and well stocked, so that yourcontractors will never be far from an outlet.■ We spend over £30 million per year onresearch and development, putting usin pole position to deliver products thatcomply with impending solvent reductionlegislation. We are committed to■ We have management teams in placeboth centrally and locally to maintainthe collaborative relationships requiredto service long term projects withconsistent quality.maintaining this investment in newproduct development so that ourcl<strong>ie</strong>nts continue to reap the benefits,ensuring that we remain the marketleading paint manufacturer.How we can support the project process'Prev<strong>ie</strong>ws' - the unique facilitythat lets you see the finishbefore it has startedThe 'Prev<strong>ie</strong>ws' system allows rooms and buildings whichneed painting to be digitally photographed and thenre-created with our <strong>colour</strong> experts' recommendedalternative <strong>colour</strong> schemes appl<strong>ie</strong>d to them. It shows,with a high degree of realism, how the finished project willlook, which can be of major assistance when consultingwith staff, governors and other interested part<strong>ie</strong>s.Colour consultants - expertguidance on a wide spectrumof <strong>colour</strong> issuesOur exper<strong>ie</strong>nced <strong>colour</strong> consultants provide free adviceon a wide var<strong>ie</strong>ty of <strong>colour</strong> related topics and the mostappropriate <strong>colour</strong>s for use in alternative environments.They understand your requirements in terms of valuefor money, aesthetic appeal, durability, safety and longterm sustainability.Colour and contrast guideWhilst the choice of <strong>colour</strong>s can enhance both the waya building looks and works, careful <strong>colour</strong> selection canparticularly improve the ability of visually impaired peopleto move around a building more easily, particularly onstairwells and corridors.Our unique Colour and Contrast Design guidelines havebeen produced to give building designers and specif<strong>ie</strong>rsa soundly researched <strong>colour</strong> technique, which enhancesspatial awareness and allows eas<strong>ie</strong>r identification of keybuilding features without sacrificing the building'saesthetic appeal and meeting your duty of care underthe Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).Specialist partnering servicesWe lead the way in professional specification services.We specialise in providing total solutions that add valueto projects by working in an open spirit of collaborationand trust. We are taking the lead in Partnering within thepublic sector, and have a proven track record of successworking alongside cl<strong>ie</strong>nts, contractors and specif<strong>ie</strong>rs.Quality approved contractorsIn addition to the dedicated teams withinDulux Trade, it is also recognised that qualityapproved contractors are a key component inensuring that projects are delivered on time, onbudget and to the required quality specification.You can make use of the well-established DuluxTrade Contract Partnership scheme whichprovides quality assured contractors working toan agreed code of conduct with the technicalsupport of Dulux Trade.Cyclical maintenancecomparison modellingThe principles of procuring via best value ensurethat costs are not looked at in terms of thecurrent time or budget period, but in terms of thelong term costs and value for money associatedwith maintaining your buildings.We have developed an approach to cyclicalmaintenance costing, which is consistent withboth the principles of best value and partnering,and builds upon our ‘Total Solutions’ best fit sitespecific specification services.1011

passing with flying <strong>colour</strong>sMany professional decorators and contractorschoose to work with Dulux Trade not only forthe quality of the products but also for thedepth of service.Every project has its own particular challenges, and our experts are always on hand to provide practicalhelp and advice. Here are just some of the recent projects we have been involved with:ORIEL HIGH SCHOOL,CRAWLEYPROJECT DETAILSPainting the main blocks and circulationareas of the school, such as corridors andentrance halls.PRODUCTS USEDDulux Trade Diamond MattAs well as being aesthetically pleasing,Diamond Matt provides a robust low sheensurface that is better at hiding undulations andblemishes on large wall surfaces. “It’s a qualityproduct that covers well, looks good and isextremely hard wearing. We selected aproduct that optimised maintenance costs,”said Gary Bentley, Senior Buyer at maincontractor HBG Construction. “And lessdisruption for maintenance is a real bonus in aschool environment.” A special latexcomponent gives durability and stainresistance, whilst a hard pigment providesexceptional scrub and polishing resistance.Marks and stains can be washed away easily,time and time again, without affecting thepaintwork. The cost savings ach<strong>ie</strong>ved meanmore funds can be invested in the structuralmaintenance of the buildings in the long run.ST BENEDICT CATHOLICSCHOOL, DERBYPROJECT DETAILSTo give a new lease of life to the school’sclassroom blocks by repairing and repaintingthe buildings.PRODUCTS USEDDulux Trade Weathersh<strong>ie</strong>ld Aquatech Opaque,Window Care Repair System, Dulux TradeWeathersh<strong>ie</strong>ld Exterior Gloss SystemDulux Trade Contract Partner Riley & Cowere brought in to not only repair andrepaint the timber clad classrooms, but alsoprovide a 5 year guarantee for the work.After consultation with Dulux Trade technicaldepartment, Riley & Co chose to paint thebuildings using Weathersh<strong>ie</strong>ld AquatechOpaque. Damaged timber windows wererestored using the Window Care RepairSystem and painted using the Weathersh<strong>ie</strong>ldExterior Gloss System. As well as providinglong term protection, this helped avoid thecost of replacing the windows. HeadteacherChristopher Reynolds said, “The school’sbr<strong>ie</strong>f was met in a cost and time effectiveway and I felt in control throughout”QUEEN’S COLLEGE,LONDONPROJECT DETAILSTo restore the façade of this magnificentGeorgian building to its former glory.PRODUCTS USEDDulux Trade Weathersh<strong>ie</strong>ld Exterior GlossSystem and Weathersh<strong>ie</strong>ld All SeasonsMasonry PaintTasked with repainting all the masonry,windows, doors, railing and other externalsurfaces, contractors A Diamond & Sonbegan with the College’s front door. Herethey used the Weathersh<strong>ie</strong>ld Exterior GlossSystem as it is perfect for tolerating theexpansions and contractions of wood.On the stonework, Weathersh<strong>ie</strong>ld AllSeasons Masonry Paint was used which,while protecting surfaces, also allows themto “breathe” – letting water vapour passthrough the paint’s surface rather thancausing it to bubble and lift. Explaining whyhe always uses Dulux Trade products onprojects like this, Mr Diamond said, “When Iknow a cl<strong>ie</strong>nt is spending a lot of moneypainting a building, I know I need to chooseproducts which are <strong>really</strong> going to last well.”1213

painting a responsible pictureAt Dulux Trade we run our business in asustainable way - responsibly, with integrityand with respect for the interests of thoseaffected by our operations.Our policyWe are committed to the principles of sustainabledevelopment and those of the UN Global Compactto promote responsible corporate citizenship. OurSustainability Policy addresses more than just thedirect impact of our manufacturing operations. It alsoencompasses our relationships with employees,suppl<strong>ie</strong>rs, customers and the communit<strong>ie</strong>s where weoperate, as well as stewardship across the supply chain.Our objectivesLegal complianceComply with all relevant laws and regulations and takeany additional measures we consider necessary.Ethical operationsConduct our business with integrity, respectinghuman rights wherever we operate, as set out in ourCode of Conduct.www.icipaints.comHuman rightsUphold principles set out in the United NationsUniversal Declaration of Human Rights and the UnitedNations Global Compact and expect equivalentstandards from our business partners.www.unglobalcompact.orgContinuous improvementSet demanding targets and measure progress toensure continuous improvement in our performanceand promote the interchange of good practice andtechnology throughout Dulux Trade.Risk managementAssess social (including health, safety and security),environmental and ethical risks within our businessprocesses.Responsible Care ®Apply the chemical industry's Responsible Care ®principles wherever we operate throughout the world.www.ici.com/sustainabilityAch<strong>ie</strong>vement highlightsThe Dulux Environmental Wash SystemBy converting paint washings into water and a smallamount of solid waste, the Dulux Environmental WashSystem allows painting tools to be cleaned withminimal ecological impact. Rated by the EnvironmentalAgency as a low risk activity, the system does notrequire a waste management licence.Dulux Trade Contract PartnershipsTo help promote sustainable working, thisgroundbreaking accreditation scheme has developedguidelines covering waste management, theapplication of the Control of Substances Hazardousto Health (COSHH) regulations, The Painter’s Codeof Practice plus Diversity and Equality polic<strong>ie</strong>s.Towards zero emissionsThrough streamlined lifecycle analysis we can assessa product or service’s environmental sustainabilityacross its full life cycle and identify areas of weakness,such as emissions and waste from decorative paints,as well as reducing the amounts of paint andconstruction waste going to landfill.www.icipaints.co.uk/sustainability1415

Contact UsFor product / Health and Safety data sheets please visit our website www.duluxtrade.co.uk.For more information or technical advice please contact Dulux Trade Technical Advice Centre on 0870 242 1100ICI, The ICI roundel, DULUX, DULUX TRADE, GLIDDEN, the Glidden device, POLYCELL, CUPRINOL, the Dulux Trade Contract Partnershipdevice, PYROSHIELD, AQUATECH, HAMMERITE, COMMUNITY, LIGHT & SPACE, WEATHERSHIELD, STERISHIELD, PREVIEWS and thedistinctive liver<strong>ie</strong>s are trademarks of the ICI group of compan<strong>ie</strong>s. © ICI 2007 ICI Paints, Wexham Road, Slough SL2 5DSPulp used in this paper is not bleached.Vegetable ink has been used to print this brochure.T27076

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