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BLENDED LEARNING IN DC PUBLIC SHOOLSDANIEL K. LAUTZENHEISER AND TARYN HOCHLEITNERkeynote address from President Obama). These effortsshould be applauded, but such examples tend to bemore the exception than the rule when it comes to therealities fac<strong>in</strong>g most <strong>schools</strong>.In this paper, then, we ask: what does it take to pursuea mean<strong>in</strong>gful digital <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong> strategy <strong>in</strong> the large,urban districts that educate a significant percentage ofour nation’s kids? 1 Thanks <strong>in</strong> large part to the tenureof former <strong>schools</strong> chancellor Michelle Rhee, DC hasbeen <strong>in</strong> the national spotlight for its pursuits <strong>in</strong> teacheraccountability and charter school<strong>in</strong>g, and it is seen bymany observers as one of the country’s lead<strong>in</strong>g districts<strong>in</strong> school reform.How does digital <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong> fit <strong>in</strong>to this school reformagenda? What progress has the district made, whatobstacles do its leaders face, and what lessons have theylearned? Answers to these questions will illustrate someof the steps other similar urban districts must take asthey grapple with the possibilities and challenges of digitalclassrooms.Welcome to DCWash<strong>in</strong>gton, DC, enrolled more than 80,000 students<strong>in</strong> 232 <strong>schools</strong> <strong>in</strong> the 2012–13 school year. 2 More than40 percent of those students were <strong>in</strong> charter <strong>schools</strong>,leav<strong>in</strong>g just over 45,000 students <strong>in</strong> 111 <strong>schools</strong> <strong>in</strong> theDistrict of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS)—a largedistrict, to be sure, but smaller than the likes of NewYork City (995,000 students) or Los Angeles (667,000students). 3 Demographically, the student body is 72percent black, 14 percent Hispanic, and 10 percentwhite. Ten percent of students are English-languagelearners. In 2012, the district’s high school graduationrate was 56 percent. 4To understand DCPS efforts <strong>in</strong> digital <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong> isto see first and foremost how they fit <strong>in</strong>to the largerreform ecosystem Chancellor Kaya Henderson is foster<strong>in</strong>g.In 2012, Henderson and Mayor V<strong>in</strong>cent Grayannounced a five-year strategic plan to improve DC<strong>schools</strong>. Called “A Capital Commitment,” the planset five goals: <strong>in</strong>crease academic achievement, <strong>in</strong>vest <strong>in</strong>chronically struggl<strong>in</strong>g <strong>schools</strong>, <strong>in</strong>crease the high schoolgraduation rate, improve student satisfaction, and<strong>in</strong>crease enrollment.The goals are ambitious. The first, for example,aims for at least 70 percent of students to be proficient<strong>in</strong> read<strong>in</strong>g and math by 2017 (only about 50 percentof students are at that level currently). 5 In addition tothe Capital Commitment plan, for the 2013–14 academicyear DCPS has specific goals to <strong>in</strong>crease familyengagement, attract highly qualified teachers andpr<strong>in</strong>cipals, and improve literacy <strong>in</strong>struction. Collectively,these goals drive most of the district’s current<strong>in</strong>itiatives, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g revamp<strong>in</strong>g libraries <strong>in</strong> 45 elementary<strong>schools</strong> to foster small-group literacy <strong>in</strong>struction,extend<strong>in</strong>g the school day <strong>in</strong> n<strong>in</strong>e <strong>schools</strong>, and plac<strong>in</strong>gassistant pr<strong>in</strong>cipals for literacy and read<strong>in</strong>g specialists<strong>in</strong> 11 <strong>schools</strong>. 6Us<strong>in</strong>g digital <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong> to transform theeducational experience is hard work.Another <strong>in</strong>itiative the district is pursu<strong>in</strong>g to advanceits academic goals is <strong>blended</strong> <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong>, a form of digital<strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong> that comb<strong>in</strong>es traditional teacher-led <strong>in</strong>structionwith onl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>in</strong>struction on the part of the student.Brian Pick, head of the DCPS Office of Teach<strong>in</strong>g andLearn<strong>in</strong>g—which covers all matters of professionaldevelopment, formative assessments, enrichments,<strong>in</strong>tervention, and curriculum design—expla<strong>in</strong>s, “Kayahas been a strong supporter of <strong>blended</strong> <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong> as asolution to accelerate student achievement. . . . Webelieve that ed tech and the <strong>blended</strong> <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong> solutionsthat are out there will help us reach our goals <strong>in</strong> theshort timel<strong>in</strong>e we have.” 7 This commitment is echoedby John Rice, who oversees DCPS forays <strong>in</strong>to the<strong>blended</strong>-<strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong> world: “Chancellor Henderson hasidentified five capital commitments that we’re try<strong>in</strong>gto reach by 2017. And we want our <strong>blended</strong> <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong>efforts to align with those as much as possible.”Blended Learn<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the Nation’s CapitalBefore 2011, <strong>blended</strong> <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong>’s presence <strong>in</strong> Districtof Columbia classrooms was haphazard, appear<strong>in</strong>gonly <strong>in</strong> places where enterpris<strong>in</strong>g teachers or adm<strong>in</strong>istratorshad decided to experiment on their own; a2

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