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BLENDED LEARNING IN DC PUBLIC SHOOLSDANIEL K. LAUTZENHEISER AND TARYN HOCHLEITNERultimately settl<strong>in</strong>g on four: ST Math, Lexia, MyON,and iReady, which offers Common Core–aligned diagnosticand <strong>in</strong>struction for both read<strong>in</strong>g and math.The contract with Education Elements also camewith <strong>in</strong>tensive coach<strong>in</strong>g for the school’s leadership andteachers, as well as technical support.Any transition like this is bound to face certa<strong>in</strong> hurdlesthat are difficult, if not impossible, to prevent. Thefirst computers Foster ordered, almost 60 mach<strong>in</strong>estotal, were purchased <strong>in</strong> February 2013 but did notarrive until May because of a delay <strong>in</strong> the district’s procurementoffice. The next batch of 100 Dell computersRandle Highlands bought came with more than 30defective devices.Once the computers arrived and were operational,the school ran <strong>in</strong>to problems with the DCPS ma<strong>in</strong>frame.Then, Education Elements had given eachstudent a unique log<strong>in</strong> name and password that was<strong>in</strong>tended to work with each of the four content providers,but the Education Elements and Randle Highlandsnetworks failed to <strong>in</strong>terface correctly. To top itall off, one teacher resigned right after the school yearbegan, mean<strong>in</strong>g the school had to recruit and hire areplacement.Foster also highlighted some unique challenges ofimplement<strong>in</strong>g a <strong>blended</strong>-<strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong> model <strong>in</strong> the elementaryschool context, especially for k<strong>in</strong>dergarteners,who do not yet have the attention span to sit through30 m<strong>in</strong>utes of computer-based <strong>in</strong>struction each day.The system had to be tweaked, with Foster shorten<strong>in</strong>gthe time to 25 m<strong>in</strong>utes. Foster was not alone <strong>in</strong> f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>gshe had to make adjustments for her youngest students.Scott Cartland, pr<strong>in</strong>cipal at Wheatley EducationCampus, a jo<strong>in</strong>t elementary and middle school facility,noted that when it comes to assess<strong>in</strong>g k<strong>in</strong>dergartenersonl<strong>in</strong>e “you’re measur<strong>in</strong>g as much their ability to navigatea mouse and screen” as you are their cognitive abilities.Foster’s and Cartland’s counterpart at KetchamElementary School, Maisha Riddlesprigger, agreed.“Another challenge for some of the younger kids isactually the use of the mouse to manipulate some ofthe programs. . . . I th<strong>in</strong>k it’s just their dexterity at thatearly age.”With the rotation model up and runn<strong>in</strong>g, and withteacher support and external fund<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> place, Fosterseems optimistic that this new <strong>in</strong>structional design willpush Randle Highlands <strong>in</strong>to higher proficiency rates.Her approach has been thoughtful, and the logisticalhiccups she is fac<strong>in</strong>g seem to be fairly <strong>in</strong>evitable practicalhurdles of lead<strong>in</strong>g a <strong>blended</strong>-<strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong> transition.Hart Middle School: Teach to One Math. Our daycont<strong>in</strong>ues at Hart Middle School—a different school,a different <strong>blended</strong>-<strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong> model. At Hart, almost allstudents receive the entirety of their math <strong>in</strong>structionthrough a <strong>blended</strong> model via a partnership with theNew York City–based nonprofit New Classrooms. ForHart, which enrolls 517 students <strong>in</strong> grades six througheight, this means that for three 80-m<strong>in</strong>ute blocks eachday, an entire grade level is <strong>in</strong> the school’s newly renovatedbasement <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong> math via New Classroom’sTTO model.New Classrooms is the bra<strong>in</strong>child of Joel Rose, a formerfifth-grade teacher who was work<strong>in</strong>g for the NewYork City Department of Education as chief executivefor human capital <strong>in</strong> 2009 when he founded a programcalled School of One. School of One is a math <strong>in</strong>structionalprogram housed <strong>in</strong> New York City’s Departmentof Education and currently operat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> four middle<strong>schools</strong>. Its chief aim is to use technology to createhighly personalized <strong>in</strong>struction for students.Us<strong>in</strong>g both state assessments and daily m<strong>in</strong>i-assessmentsto gauge student <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong>, and tak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>toaccount student preferences, School of One createsa personalized daily schedule for each student. Eachschedule, or “playlist,” assigns a student to one of severalmodes of <strong>in</strong>struction, called modalities, that worksbest for the student on the basis of the content for thatday. For example, one student might spend part of theday with teacher-led <strong>in</strong>struction, followed by <strong>in</strong>dependentstudy. Another might marry the teacher-led<strong>in</strong>struction with peer-to-peer work. A third might doa mix of small-group work and virtual practice us<strong>in</strong>gan onl<strong>in</strong>e program. Teachers are able to track studentperformance <strong>in</strong> real time, and every student is assessedwith a m<strong>in</strong>i five-question quiz at the end of each day,the results of which will build the student’s playlist forthe next day.School of One was greeted with a great deal of fanfare;Time magaz<strong>in</strong>e heralded it as one of the best <strong>in</strong>novationsof 2009. 17 In 2011, Rose left School of Oneto the auspices of the New York City Department of9

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