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BLENDED LEARNING IN DC PUBLIC SHOOLSDANIEL K. LAUTZENHEISER AND TARYN HOCHLEITNERRandle Highlands Elementary School: StationRotation. In the 2012–13 school year, Randle HighlandsElementary School did not have a s<strong>in</strong>gle computer<strong>in</strong> any of its classrooms. One year later, becauseof the school’s commitment to partner with the centraloffice to adopt <strong>blended</strong> <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong>, each classroomhas eight computers, and each school day has 90 m<strong>in</strong>utesof <strong>blended</strong> math <strong>in</strong>struction and 120 m<strong>in</strong>utes of<strong>blended</strong> ELA <strong>in</strong>struction. (The additional time forELA is once aga<strong>in</strong> driven by DCPS literacy goals forthe current school year; the extra 30 m<strong>in</strong>utes is usedfor writ<strong>in</strong>g.) Students rotate through three stationsdur<strong>in</strong>g the 90-m<strong>in</strong>ute <strong>blended</strong>-<strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong> blocks: up toeight students sit at computers, work<strong>in</strong>g on onl<strong>in</strong>e targetedpractice; a small group works on an <strong>in</strong>dependentactivity; and the rema<strong>in</strong>der huddle together for a teacher-ledlesson. This model divides a large classroom <strong>in</strong>tosmaller chunks while giv<strong>in</strong>g students targeted practiceon certa<strong>in</strong> activities.The impetus beh<strong>in</strong>d this shift is Randle Highlands’dynamic pr<strong>in</strong>cipal, Tracy Foster. An environmental scientistby tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, Foster spent her early career work<strong>in</strong>gfor the Environmental Protection Agency <strong>in</strong> San Franciscobefore decid<strong>in</strong>g to change tracks and take a teach<strong>in</strong>gjob. In 2007, as a part of the New Leaders pr<strong>in</strong>cipalfellowship program, she transitioned to adm<strong>in</strong>istration,with spells at the DCPS Hugh Brown campus and aturnaround with Friendship Public Charter School. In2011 she took the helm at Randle Highlands.Foster is adamant that chang<strong>in</strong>g a school’s culturemust take priority over any technological changes. Tothat end, the school worked to reduce truancy and suspensionsand make academic ga<strong>in</strong>s, especially <strong>in</strong> ELA.The result<strong>in</strong>g improvements placed Randle Highlands<strong>in</strong>to that middle-tier for both math and ELA—nota chronically underperform<strong>in</strong>g school that was eligiblefor additional resources from DCPS, but not atop performer either. “[We] have had a very difficulttime push<strong>in</strong>g the school over the 50 percent mark <strong>in</strong>tohigher levels of proficiency,” Foster said. The DCPS<strong>in</strong>terventions were too low-level, geared toward <strong>schools</strong>with higher percentages of fail<strong>in</strong>g students. RandleHighlands needed someth<strong>in</strong>g more.Foster’s answer was <strong>blended</strong> <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong>. She was look<strong>in</strong>gfor a tool to provide more tailored <strong>in</strong>struction, andher teachers were push<strong>in</strong>g for a small-group modelthat would give them more focused time with theirstudents. DCPS leadership also sees this as a majoradvantage of <strong>blended</strong> <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong>. Brian Pick expla<strong>in</strong>s,“There really is a powerful human capital aspect tothe <strong>blended</strong> <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong> model [with] the teachers <strong>in</strong> theroom able to work with a small group of students giv<strong>in</strong>greal-time active feedback.” He cont<strong>in</strong>ues,The other th<strong>in</strong>g that excites me [about <strong>blended</strong> <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong>]is the teacher’s ability to <strong>in</strong>crease the number of‘at bats.’ In a traditional delivery model you teachyour lesson on fractions one time and then you wait ayear to teach that lesson aga<strong>in</strong>. And here was a modelwhere a teacher was gett<strong>in</strong>g two or three at bats a day.In this model you are gett<strong>in</strong>g so good at teach<strong>in</strong>g thatlesson because you do it so often.Foster is adamant that chang<strong>in</strong>g aschool’s culture must take priorityover any technological changes.Foster first used $45,000 of her local school fundsto make an <strong>in</strong>itial computer purchase. Then came theDell Foundation grant, $250,000 to use explicitly for<strong>blended</strong> <strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong>. “We had already developed a twoyeartechnology plan [to] try to overhaul the <strong>in</strong>frastructurehere <strong>in</strong> the school,” Foster recalled. “But <strong>in</strong>[November 2012] we received this grant, and we felt itwas ideal, because we were already focus<strong>in</strong>g on smallgroup<strong>in</strong>struction.” The school already had the commitment,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g teacher buy-<strong>in</strong>, and had alreadyallocated local school funds for a computer purchase.The Dell grant was transformative, though, both <strong>in</strong>provid<strong>in</strong>g f<strong>in</strong>ancial power and <strong>in</strong> giv<strong>in</strong>g Foster thestructure to implement her vision properly.The contours of the grant were broad and gaveRandle Highlands a fair amount of flexibility <strong>in</strong> howit designed its classrooms. The school partnered withEducation Elements, a for-profit education consult<strong>in</strong>gcompany founded <strong>in</strong> 2010 that helps <strong>schools</strong> implement<strong>blended</strong>-<strong>learn<strong>in</strong>g</strong> models. For the first year ofthe program, Foster leaned heavily on the recommendationsof Education Elements for content providers,8

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