Billing and Payment - nyseg

Billing and Payment - nyseg Billing and Payment - nyseg


With Budget Billing, youcan spread your energy costsevenly over 12 months.Billing OptionsWe offer several billing and paymentoptions to make paying your NYSEG billeasy and convenient.Estimated BillingNYSEG customers receive a bill every month.We make every attempt to read meters everyother month. On the months we do not read themeter, we send an estimated bill, which is basedon the amount of energy used for a similar periodthe previous year, temperature and energy prices.Any difference between actual and estimated useis corrected in the next bill based on an actualmeter reading.Customer Meter ReadIf you prefer to be billed based on actual energyuse on the months we would normally send youa estimated bill, or if you have an inside meterand it’s not convenient to provide us access tothe meter, you can participate in our CustomerMeter Read service. With this service, you sendus your meter reading at, by callingrecord your meter reading on a card, on an ourautomated telephone line, 1.800.600.2275.2 Questions? Visit or call 1.800.572.1111

We then bill you based on the readings youprovide. You can select to receive a reminder –either a phone call or postcard – when yourreading is due.You can also select how often we remind you (onthe months we’re not in your area or every monthif your meter is inside).It is a Public Service Commission requirementthat we read your meter at least once a year toverify readings and to make sure the meter isworking properly.Budget BillingFirst, we estimate your yearly bill based on your previous use ofelectricity and/or natural gas. We thendivide the estimated yearly bill by 12to get your monthly budget billingamount.Your account will be reviewedevery three months to ensurethat your budget billing amountreflects your actual use and, if necessary,we will adjust the amount ofyour monthly payment. These reviews helpavoid having either a big credit or a large amount due whenyour budget billing year ends and ensures that your account isbalanced in the 12th month.The most common reasons for adjusting your monthly paymentare for changes in the number of people at home and if theweather has been colder or warmer than normal.Each bill you receive will show when your budget year ends,the total amount billed to date, how much energy you’ve usedto date and the difference between these two amounts, yourBudget Balance.After balancing your account in the 12th month, we willrecalculate your new monthly installment and your budgetbilling account will be automatically renewed unless yourequest that it be discontinued.Questions? Visit or call 1.800.572.1111 3

We then bill you based on the readings youprovide. You can select to receive a reminder –either a phone call or postcard – when yourreading is due.You can also select how often we remind you (onthe months we’re not in your area or every monthif your meter is inside).It is a Public Service Commission requirementthat we read your meter at least once a year toverify readings <strong>and</strong> to make sure the meter isworking properly.Budget <strong>Billing</strong>First, we estimate your yearly bill based on your previous use ofelectricity <strong>and</strong>/or natural gas. We thendivide the estimated yearly bill by 12to get your monthly budget billingamount.Your account will be reviewedevery three months to ensurethat your budget billing amountreflects your actual use <strong>and</strong>, if necessary,we will adjust the amount ofyour monthly payment. These reviews helpavoid having either a big credit or a large amount due whenyour budget billing year ends <strong>and</strong> ensures that your account isbalanced in the 12th month.The most common reasons for adjusting your monthly paymentare for changes in the number of people at home <strong>and</strong> if theweather has been colder or warmer than normal.Each bill you receive will show when your budget year ends,the total amount billed to date, how much energy you’ve usedto date <strong>and</strong> the difference between these two amounts, yourBudget Balance.After balancing your account in the 12th month, we willrecalculate your new monthly installment <strong>and</strong> your budgetbilling account will be automatically renewed unless yourequest that it be discontinued.Questions? Visit <strong>nyseg</strong>.com or call 1.800.572.1111 3

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