9004 - Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

9004 - Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences 9004 - Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

(2) The ability to be ussocintcd with USUHS L'{ relaldu to lhe lenm· nr Lhecomments ra<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> nbiJJty <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rs to Guog,lc search th~ individual's m1me toestablish that association.2. Thil.i pol icy docs NOT apply to <strong>the</strong> following situations:I\. Ltltcrnal pa.~sword-pro rcctcd sudal llll:uiu. upplil:UtillnS employed bylhculty/smffin tbc cduc..'ltiounl or udmini:HruLivt: 1\mctitm:; ol' thl! { fniver~ ity. Fur cxmnple, blogs andwi~is crtmleu in u learning management. content manogement system or in a Google-cloudapplicalion do nolt!lilublish n public presence. 1 herctbrc. this policy do~ nm apply bccau.'-\e<strong>the</strong>y do not mcclthc requirements <strong>of</strong> l)ulJ ln:;tntcliun 8550.0 I (re.ferc.ncf.' (a)}b. A social media presence created hy stucknL-:. faculty. stuff nr l.!onuuctor~ Llun huvennl~:~ssnciaLi.:J lhc.1nst:lves with USUtiS-These applications are J"'ersonal rathl!r thun unolliciul tJSUHS proJscnc.:c. They do nul m.~el<strong>the</strong> sW.\Utory requi remems for nacord kQl;pi.ns.E.l,oticv.l. Lntcn\ct-bnscd C apu.bi!Ltics (.,·~ h..ndos.w~ 2 ./ur'' tle{inition) u!lc is p~n u i nud am.leJlcnurag.~ct "'·hen it fut1ht!rs lhc I ISLIIIS missi011. llowcvcr, lltcy sllall not he nscd to cullccl.di--;1'e-minate, store ot' o<strong>the</strong>rwise prLH,;c~s non-public USUHS infonnation. Since in1cmct-bnscdcapnbiliti ·s arc not whj~ct ro Federul M OuP inrnrrnliLiun nssunm~e {lA) st~mdarus) contmls.or ~n{brcement. <strong>the</strong>y may noL~onsi:;LenLi y pmvide c-onfidt:ntiulily.u. Usc lnstn.lction ~400. 13 (rt!_kl'l!llcrt (d)).liSUUS lnstl·uctiou <strong>9004</strong>, 3/2013 2

. Rt!..:ci\1! UJ)pmv:JI from <strong>the</strong> VPE prior to !he pn..•scncc hcin~ l''ituhlishetl um.lcunfinn that th~: plunnecl Ul\1! lmd l'i-sks ~we bce11us.scsseJ and arc acc~f)tnhh: . Rc~Jth.:st~lnr appf\l\ .11 are submined Yia au on lin~ Sociul h:Jlu Rcgi~ t.nuiun Fnnn (FnC'Insrw,· J).e. 13~ rcgi · tcn~d 011 an ;_(~~lt:mul uflh:1al prc$cnce" list whi~h is mointnin~.:tl by VPE.I hi:> lil-IL should also dor;umenl <strong>the</strong> rt.tle and ·cope <strong>of</strong> Uw e~aernal <strong>of</strong>ticiul prc~~.·nc~. 1.c.purpu!>~ .attdicm:~o: anc.l nume <strong>of</strong> responsible man~• l!.cr.d. Be registered by VPI on <strong>the</strong> Don Sllc1al lv1euia. registrJ.Lwn site(illiJJ. 'u • \t ' ~t ·.t lt:fi~nst·.gut•.'RcJ,.ri.\'l!!n'cJ.\'ftt •.,.,,\'uhmil l . ink.tr~p>:) pt:r DoD Wch I'CJiicy und DuDLrt l'vl CJll-(J~6 .~ lJ~-~ unicial T'Sl"Tl$ ~calo; amli!JL!il~ lWd prO\•idt: Jinks lO lhc UlliH•rsit.y's ulliciulpublk \\~;h:iite (.1111'\l',wrtht ~'.f/11J.t: Ilc activcly mtmitur~J anJ ~\ .dua.t.rJ lhr rnmplia.nc..- '' ith ·ccurity n:quircmt:ntscl'l

u. ~j v. ith standnrd!-. lll tnnduct 0 11 th~: c.lisscmimlliou UlH.l discHssiPtlld.n~l11 - J'Ublic in l nrmntie~n .(1) f)o IJOl US~ pCFS

accessing Fuct!hnok la view uUicial gov 1 J~UI I S ~ letl~ml employees sballl·omply "'h.h alllrpplictiMeSumdan:is ntTonduc:[ under ICdctal, chi!. and criminal statutes~ lctleral reg nl~aliuus~ a.n

(I) Protect pc:rt;o1tai pr-ivut:y um.l hc:11lth iufortttaliun. DO NOT ~ hareP ~; rsooo ll y ld~.:nlifiat-l e lnformnllou (PlTI or Prolcctcd Hculth 1-nlhrm:u.iun (I>f U) such o~name. Sodul St!curity number. ngl!, daLt! und place af birth, nHHher's miiidcn nmne.biometric T'e~.:mds., utilitary rank or civiliml gradt; mnriwl stuiU'i, wee, sabiry, hona:/ol11eell Uil lbt!r, drhr~r ·s license, Cllllli l UUUI'\!SSCS, pc i'S\ 1\W phon!! numhcrs. mcuicul uiugnC.l!iiS, mu.lo<strong>the</strong>r f!t:rstmol infonnntion which is linked ton ' P14ci li' indiv id11al. (S,·~.t r&!_/!1rl!nce (h) und(c))(g) At' tilnd). t::n..;;ure 111111hc:re rare rl1Utinl' pmn•tlm!!!l fol' c b c~,: kin g ~m~ i a ls i l L.:~ tious.mediaCh) A\'nid urgnmcnts. \Vh~n eng-aging wh.h SOillcone with an mlVc.!rsarlal posiliun.cnsw-c UtOl Om!·s SLulernents ;lrl." l'iu:tuul, tlroli!:ssionnl, und IHIL c..lisparuginb\-(i) Protect n ad.:1mtrks. copyright. ;tnd permission!->. (.l:.il'c rc}t'I'CI1Ce tj)J.I:JUSe.(j) Do uo~ use lhe \ TSUTTR or dcpnrtltH.:ntulmune to endorse a pnu.lu\.'1. opiniun or(kJ Pursuant Lath~ Lllll(:h Acl <strong>of</strong> 19:1'1 ( 5 U.S. C. 73:! 1-7J16, lts amended in I I}{)J J.do not cng.tgc: in :tcti\'itics tlmt ussocinre USIJHS, it.'l cn nljJOilcm~. or Dol} with any p!:trLisnnpl,lit icn l c atrtp:Ji ~ tl. ell;ctiun. cand idnf~.: . t it cause. Aduitimml information em tht• t latch J\c:t <strong>of</strong>I L)}9 and irs enfnrc~111 ·nt can be tound ut Lht: OOicl;! <strong>of</strong> Spcciu.l Counsel w~hsiw( U'll'\l'.mc xmJt.' • .S.mtriJ,y. Social media presents a new ct <strong>of</strong>1onls fnr imerac1ive. dialog. llo\\ ~ver. nserslllay make <strong>the</strong>msclve:- \ ulnaa.ble by liUSiing circh.:s or Friends unu l.'Olleagucs and disdosingpcrsonol ru~ls 111etre n: udil~. Additionally. th ~ usl' lll" sociul medin sites h.:uJ to a grouter \Vebp rc sc n c~.:. which in tum lendc; to u grcmer risk nf :-;pum and mrgctcd phi. bing alta ·ks. This ('lU ii e~\\'ill ~mlh l ~ USUUS m limit. hutrwt .:limlna Lc:, <strong>the</strong> sccuril> ri sJ,.~ associated wi1b <strong>the</strong> liSe or ocialm~dia ,( I) Sociulmedia wt:bsilcsomJ ~.:merging :-;u~.: iul m~Jin capabilities shall b~ monitoredUild C\ aluuLcu b> <strong>the</strong> N~two rl\ Oticr..Hinrts &. Cotl1mtmicmions (NOC) Tnlimnation Assurance(lA) Leilm ti1r complinnue with .,~~urily rcquit '~IClllS nnd f'nr ftllut.lu lentor obJecrionablc u ....\;!A W <strong>the</strong>: rcf~o:n.' II C'I:~ Ul t~llc/CI~UI'IJ J.~ .2) Wlten ncccs!'ling inlcmcL-based capabilities using SUI IR resuurct:s in anauthorized f!.;t'SliiJUl or un<strong>of</strong>iicial capncily. lndivitluul~ shull t: iut~ l oy soWld op1.autim1s :o~~:(!ur il ytOPSr.C) nll:!usun:s per rejerence (FU(J) Usct•s,shalJ usc good judgmenL and not click. links or open allachmcnts uuJ e~slhc:y or.; fl'1ll11 ~~ Lru~tt:d suurce, given thul cybcr c!'iminals o!lcn pretend to be people <strong>the</strong>y nrcnot in order In u~cr.:iv ~.: individuals imn pcllcll'lning acLinn-s lhut lounch cybcl' o.ttack.,q,duwn l ut~u viruses, and instn.U mal ware and :O."Jl )'W~:tre onto com(ll.IICI'S.USURS hu;truction <strong>9004</strong>, 3/2013 6

(4) Users sbn.tl nlways u~ tho ,;trtlnge!sl pa. sword combinations nllowed. comprised<strong>of</strong> as mony <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> combination!i <strong>of</strong> lower nnd upper-case lattcrs. munbcrs. and symbols possible.Users shall change rasswords frequently nnd usc ditlcrcnt passwords for bnnking and linuncioJsites. and personal web-based email than those for any o<strong>the</strong>r site.f. ~,Sl~(I) Re~po n sibilityoutlined below:tbr establishing. publishing, Bnd updnting contcnl \·viii vary as(a) 1\t <strong>the</strong> Uoi vcrsiL) nnJ $~o: h ool lcvd. th.; purpose will primarily be outreach.and it is 11 conunand decision to create <strong>the</strong> socinl media pr~sctt~c. In !hes~..• situmions. VPE isresponsible tbr monitoring <strong>the</strong> content on each tJSlJHS pagc3 lq ensure thul u nmsistenl,tnissiot1-lt)cllst:d messuge is being conveyed und thnt <strong>the</strong>} tn-e ntlht:ri11g to <strong>the</strong> Social Ml:di:.~Pulic)l.tb) When faculry members employ socinJ rncdiu in d11S$, <strong>the</strong>y will register <strong>the</strong>presence witll V Pl:. and will be responsible fur moniwring th~;: conll'lll to ensure aJhcrcw.: · tolhl! Social McJ.in Pulky.(])Under no citctunstnnces will Ull) inuividutd nt lJSUHS pcmut CLJ\SSlHl!D.UNC'LASSU;lED CONTROl l.FD INFORMJ\TION {UC'I), or FOR OFHCLJ\L USeONLY (fOUO) material to be posted on a sociuJ tm:diu :-itt.'. rr -;u ·h mah:riul is discovcrctloo a ~oci:d m eU.ia.~i L~ managed ny USUHS, it will be immediately lnken down ond rcpmt·d~o t h~ Securi ty Mmmg~:r (SEC) tuld lulormutilln Assurance (NOC).(3) The status <strong>of</strong> Classi fled, UCl. or PO 0 data docs not change ns u result <strong>of</strong> unyunauthorized disclosure <strong>of</strong> idcnticnl or simllar information on a social media or website(e.g .• WikiJ caks) and shnll not he po~tcu to u1 lill"l.!u !hun any ~odnl111cdiu site "'ithin <strong>the</strong>\ ISliHS enterprise (referent.'(' (h))(a) 13wry incliviuuul inth~ USUIJS community who hus been grunted uuthoril'ationliJr uc.:ccss tu~;lussifkcl infomn11ion hns unirmccl by <strong>of</strong>ftciul clussitied inforrnation nondisclosureugreemenl (SF-311) to prot~ct this infonnntion even if found in tmprotcctcd nrcns.(b) JfCiussificd, UC.:I, 0 1 H)UU inlonnarion appear. in <strong>the</strong> public mcJin, DuDpersonnel must he cnr\,;ful nnt to make tJtl>' Slti!CII Ic n l or conunc:nlllml wnuld eM lirm <strong>the</strong>accuracy or v-erify <strong>the</strong> dassi11cation or slutus <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> inl'ormul!un (rl'(t.!rcm:o (i)) .(4) Whenever possible (e.g.. Fuuchook., Linkedln: etc.), u 11mnul policy slntcmcntwill be posted on u li1 J~lJHS :;ovinl tnl.!uia (f.'nc:lo.wr~t ·1) . The: polic.>f sl

(c) Di:....:rim..intll a iliultlg\11!. Comments rn>~de ;Jhont U ~U II S un c\l\!mul ... odulmedio sites and allcnmm..:nt~ maclc: b) pnllicipants on nn) socinl 111.:uia J)l.:~cn~ u..:rossUSU H~ \\ill r(.'quire monito1i11g and l' \'llluatiun. lhc content and 10nc <strong>of</strong> a C\lllllllcnt wi llUl!l1.!11llinl! wbetbet· net ion is nccc sscu) . IJcdsion t r~cs atlJressing o ption~ lor both cxtt.:mnlund i ntcrnal po::.t:i ng:\ ur~ nt l~ndo.wr~· ' 5 nnd 6. rcspc:cli"d) .g. QisdoiUiers uud Bunm.·rs,Pl tu.:~ <strong>the</strong> following message in u prominL'Illlo~nu on e.ach authori7ed pttJ.lC ospnu.:l icablc:(I ) If <strong>the</strong> social mcdi::t rru' tdc1 as u1m Ill ing or unable to bJock <strong>the</strong> displu) 111'cunllltcrciul ad\ enisetn.:nls, plac.: th~ fo lhH\ ing mc!i-sug~ in a prominent locauon tm ~achnuthuritcd pugc :'lS pntcticabh!:" l hi.' upp~arnncc nr l.:llllllll~rd , tl ad\ am ising and hyperlinks inscl't~od h~· th~: huo.:t t~r thi ... :-;t: rvi~;edocs Jtol conslillll

llu.: I USUHS or C'(lrnpnnc:ntlls ph;uo;-.:d to rmniciJlllte inthi!i open. un-mt.lr.ll!r:tted lbrurn in nrdcr toincrease go\ ernltlelll tnm-.potr"'ll>:) . pr,11111HC pub I ic p.trticipalioo, nnd cnCnllror,l! ~illlllborutionPlease nntl:" thntthc ftiSU iiS c,1r l'tltnpnnentl cine~ I tOt ~:unlrol, moclrrntc: 1'1 cnJm~c <strong>the</strong> com ment .,r,;p i nioll~ pHtvided b> visilC1f'ldisseminatiou . to -.•n.surc jnJormmiC\11 is rc\ it'\\etl cleared. and uuthud/col(lr relcuse lo I hepubLic ...." lJSUH. c:ngagcmcuL iu Sl'lciul mecliu is bifurcated inro ollicial and un<strong>of</strong>ficialc n gn~'-' llt cn ts und V.PE

i. Prb~.\:-C I) If <strong>the</strong>re is J :-u1'I!)' or lnLI';l h~ uppnl\ed b~ Vl'l:- .lnJ ii.!;H ~:tl) l{1)lc anJ :•1.'\lpe. All sndolml.'uiu stL~o:s within lh!! I I 'LI IIS ~ nt c1 pri~~' !;hall cl~t~rl y<strong>the</strong>ir 10h.: und Nt'upc.(ul Pro\ iJ~.: links l\l th~ USl lllS ul'lidul publlc \~\':b~i t c nt1J. wl11: 11 uppropritll c,th ~.: suhon.l inntc scb~1ol/di.' J'H II' I m ~nt 's ol11cjal public w~bs itl' Studq11 c l tt~Ot:iul tn~uiu pages Uli ·•ruvot itr:s.' I inl..s nrcrwrmissibh: 10 ar1.y l'lon-llnD site Lhul olkrs infbn11alion or sorvic~~s r~ I B t ~d In lhi! function ormission o[un USUI IS t'ntcrprise sucial mcJia prl.'scnce; howevl!r, nno-11uiJ links rcquil'c 111(!Ji.)lll\\\ in~ li i 'it:lt~ i nH:r:llfoillliS l n!!h'Uclilln 90(J.a, 3/2013

··The nppc::ITWlce oC llypctlink~t dm:s not t..'t:ltbtimte cudor:;cm :nt h) th~ Dl.!pllrttnenltll Dclcn!\C.Unli'om1cd Service~ llnivc.:rsiLy <strong>of</strong>' <strong>the</strong> lle:-~lth c:icnC\:s (USlJHS). OT it~ cnmpol\clllll <strong>of</strong>uon-Unit..:d Stat!!'\ Om c.:mmcnt sites OJ' <strong>the</strong> inl(>mli.Uinn. proJucts or service!\ contain~ thc.:n:in.Whih: <strong>the</strong> lJSllHS and lts cotnpo n~11t s lllll) or may not use <strong>the</strong>se sites as uOcmJ media silt:!' "ithin<strong>the</strong> { · ~lliiS enterpris«.! 3J'C in ~umpllum.:t: '' llh tillS polrcy ..\!though\ l'L· h:t..-. ultunali!oversight. lh~: s~Lloul or ucpurtmcntl

(a} A rccnru ol' <strong>the</strong> original pcl-1llins; nnd. if:trplicuhlc. iLII ctiit,ccl vcr:-;ion.(h) Oat c.: und tinw <strong>the</strong> 11n$lintt o!!cllm.:tl.(c) Dul~.: ·111lllinw·th1! posling w:ll:i rernoved or edited.(J) Ret1sons for <strong>the</strong> uclion taken.(21 Rcporls :-:hnll be SLJbmilled to VPE und/or NOC lnfom1arion A'isumncc (if~eC"mityi ss ue~ apply) t~nd can be r.uhmittcd vin an online "Sm.:iH.I Media edit Record l ~m:m.'' VPE sba.I.lbrief Lh~o; US U H.S Chief a[ Sta IT au all remoYo.ll~·dit ing uctlt111S.(3) 1muul archi vi11g. l11e f701A retJu.iremenLS Jor public access to infonnutinn fromwithin <strong>the</strong> t:X!!~.:ULivc branch cn:ali.: a need ror ducwn~ntlllion unti archiving <strong>of</strong> social mediaactivity (re{t.m·m·e (k)). SC'Iciol m~din:H.lmini~lrn t ors nr..: rc spo n s ibl~: ln dn tht! li1l luwing:(n) ~kcll'oLucally ~upl lll'l! nU u~ L ivlty 0 11 <strong>the</strong>ir ~cia! media sites. TheJll.!rioJldly ul' this ~uplurc JIHI) 'ury \\ iLh th~ vnluult: ul' l.nt.tlk ou t1 give11 site, bur shnlJ benn kss tlmn quarwrly.(b) Submit a cumpllation \Jr capluJ-el.! Lral'lk Ill VPF ~!Ultrt~rly .F. IUfccthlc Uulc. rhis IIISLIIII!tlun is c.ITcclivc imlllcdiul!!ly.('hudi:!s L. Rice, (vi DPrl!s id~t11lindosurc;:s:l . L{cl\!r..,.nces2. Dcliuitions3, LJSlJ l-IS ~~1ci~ll M~di

Enclnsur~ 1REFERENCES(u) DoD Tnstru~:lion 8550.01, "DoD Internet S~rviccs and lnrcrn~t-based Ca pabUltic~" datedSeptember II , 2012.{b) f1t1D lnstrut:Linn 5400. 11 . ··nullllrivac.:y Prowum." dttted Seprcmber 1. 2011.(c) DoD Instruction 8SOU.2. ··J.nrormation i\.ssurauce lnrplctn cnUJ Lion:~ dateJ rebrunry 6, 2003 .(d) DnD lnslruclitlll 5400. 13, "Public A!1l1irs (rt\) O]tt:l'iJLions,'' dut.. "

F.ndo!lure 2UF.FINl'fiONSI. luh.:rllct -basecl Csl?.;!hil itic~ . All pub I k h acccssihlc in fontssson forum-: (t• g YuuTuhc, hsc-l.!bnok . \ l y~ p:.t l:!! I" itt.:t c,lmtnen·inlcusuil s u~h a' Yahoo. etc.).1 Oflicinl F.xlemal Pres~ncc_ Ottidal public allbirs tH;tsvitie$ concluch:d ws non Dul> sites on <strong>the</strong>lt\h.:rnet (c:.g .• USU liS Vt•l: un racd>nuk und I'-' Jlh.:-r).l L:Sl!!_ IS Pl!_blic. \\ eh5ilc::. 1 rS l llS puhh~ \\ l!b:.l tl.''t .trc infomltlli\'11 r~SPUI .;-.. runili'J in \\hoi I! orin part h.,. <strong>the</strong> h.:ckull _government Bnd or ,,p~:rntt>d f.) l JSllHS. Ct~ utract nr or o<strong>the</strong>r nrganrJn tinnson ~hal r ul u~ l 1:-LS_...,l iSllliS lust ruction <strong>9004</strong>, l/10 13

F.ndosure 3USlJ SOCIAL MEDIA RF.GlSTR~ATIQN FORMUSUHS Social Media Registration FormTo!:

Enclosua·e 4F.XAMPl.F. SOCV.I. MROIA COMMENTS POUCVWelcome to <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial 1 irtscn name <strong>of</strong> soc.illl media prcScltc~.: I·W~: lwp~; you will find our pug~ l(l he u U!\erul sour~e ul' nr:\\s uptlnt~s und in!"onnalinn uboul1JSI n I. activit.ii!S. 1!\Cnls, publications, and progmms. We also hope it will becom~ a pl~ccfor you to cotmect. make friends. and be o purl or our online community. We rl!t:Ob'11il.l! thntit's yout community. IJul "~.: also wnnt yuu 10 be cognizmll that it is nn OfoPTCIAL pug.c for<strong>the</strong> IJniformeJ Scrvkc llnivcrsi1y <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Scicm:cs {LISLIIISl or one or its COnlPOllClllS."' hich ore all par-r ur lh!! li.S. Department <strong>of</strong>'Dcfen!l~ .•This ls Ull open Hcademic lhru111. 1 his is nul lhl.! pluce fur pcr·sunal mtnck!i, spum or rams.Pl!r our cumnu:11LS polil.:y, ""' "ill dt'lcte comm~nls if' Lhe) im;lw.l4' on <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> follo'"'ng;• nm:atening. slanderous, or obscene language:• Personal anacks• Discl'itnulnhH1' longu::wc (including hate ~p"cch) bnsc-d on race. nariol}{tl origin,o~..: . g~ndcr. sexual oricntulion. religion or disability• Se\uall:;- explici t mut~riul un!.l ulhi!r mat~riilllhal wuuiJ nolut\.· tht.:IHW ifpuhJishl!d lll:rc• • pam. soliciwtruns. uJ, t:rlls~rnenL-;, or und~tph~rublc Jangllilgc• Comru.ents thut suglAcst or cncour

Enclu urc SRESPONSE ASSRSSMF.NTD}!.:ClSlON TREE (EXTERNAL)WEB POSTINGI I !GIJrr.-1 lr ~'I ll,. 10c ~ wrr lllllllllt1~ lll!c: My·~l , ~•oiiM

Enclosur e 6RF..SPONS £ ASSESSMF.NT llFC'lSION TREE (INTERNAL)IS RESPONDINGWORTHWHILE?IS THE POSTOBSCENE?USUHS Response Assessment~IQn Tree for Posts on InternalU.S.UHS Owned Sites-C..-..t.. ..... ~EDIT POST'I ...................~-eMil~~­~CONCURRENCEfw ' ""'' J' • clrw¥• "'~" Ull! J.b!!All ~ "' ~m~'ll!d 1:1 tu a f3WII .lll\l ~~l">fl)l ~ta l r 1'(,1 lrll.liii!W'> JI U•~ ~"1tT~YI '1 0IJH·.i• ' ..It' rI •;.O 1 ·~ l(lj! ··•It t h h ;hi) IU~ U('t~r,t LUL h'-~It., ~ w ur • tn"' .,Vll !)o'11t1I h~ l'ull diugraui i!) available at : hflp ·l/grw.};I! UUmU5.USU I~S lmtruction 9110-', ~/201 3

Enclo~un 7I. Uoog.le-1- is tt ~o:n n stnrn l y t:\IO}Ving 50ciJimcuiu tool with tht;: purpose or shnring. inforrnatiunwith nth,rs. These ·on.~; i sh.:n t l'haug~.~ and n1pld upiliUL'!i qukklr mak~ fin~ ~ pccific. h.'p-b) -steppuli~.:ies llutllcnt.2. (h..:neral tisa~e Ouid;:uw~ .a. 1\s wiili uoy sod a! iiJicJUl' Liuu, guod judt'lliL'IIl :sni.l cffecth l ' Ct111111lllnicali01l ur · t .:~tu ircJ .b. To u.se fiooglc+. w;ers nm"l crcatl! u ( 1oogle+ pr<strong>of</strong>ile. \.\ hich IS pub! i..: l) 'bihlc to anyonet111 Lh~ "eb. I fo\\C\ e 1, cud1 user l:'Jll l'huu:-;r: "wch iu.l'omli!tilln iu <strong>the</strong>ir pmlih; ltl llh,lrl.! pub lid)or \\ilh just spt:t:ilic drdcs. uuJ \\hkh infmm.ttiunln 1-ecp prhm ~Z .c. I h~o· delimit setting for l.ISUI IS G~..1ogk Apps fnr l!!.li\L"rllmenl (Gel\')

Enclosure HSOCIAL i\lF.UIA 1-:1.>1"1 FORM--Social Media Edit RecordPI!!;, ... : u ,,, U'l- ror -, Jn u~.,; uu ~ '""' :: ct .. lllt :ll.l · nnJ; 'if :;;r .:t1Tnl1\l~t tor '"= t ~A.,11•r11. " .! ~:-;:.;.li!i\1 •e.1u.• II. 0· 11 I ~!':1tl 1th ~ll re r •l 0·:10 lntJ C'ri.. 1 SI.IH.O r ;-u- o;¥li. LIH ~ ill ll l•(\101, ,•uC•.t ·,;ct.r.Jml;,;;t,)fl o r till i. III~ O I.) E.Oil R~ c

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