Let's Save Ramin Let's Save Peat Swamp Forests - ITTO

Let's Save Ramin Let's Save Peat Swamp Forests - ITTO

Let's Save Ramin Let's Save Peat Swamp Forests - ITTO


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<strong>Let's</strong> <strong>Save</strong> <strong>Ramin</strong><strong>Let's</strong> <strong>Save</strong> <strong>Peat</strong><strong>Swamp</strong> <strong>Forests</strong>IHO PO 426106 Rev. 1 (F)The Prevention of Further Loss and the Promotion of~Rehabilitation and Plantation of Gonysty/us spp (<strong>Ramin</strong>) ~~~.~in Sumatra and Kalimantan ..;:

lET'S SAVE RAIINLET'S SAVE PEAT SWAMP FORESTSTHE FACTS ON RAMINSpecies and Population Distribution<strong>Ramin</strong> is a trade name of Genus Gonysty/us. Gonysty/us consists ofmore than 30 species and only Gonysty/us bancanus has beenwidely explored its biological, ecological and economical status(Figure 1-4). Knowledge on other species within the Genus is still, extremely limited especially on many aspects, such as biology,ecology and their potential uses.G. bancanus naturally grows in peat swamp forest areas in easterncoast of Riau, Jambi and South Sumatra (Sumatra) and West andCentral Kalimantan (Kalimantan).The Regeneration StatusRegeneration of G. bancanus is mostly reliant on the naturaloccurrence. Artificial regeneration is extremely limited due to somebarriers, such as limited provision of high quality planting materialsand under developed plantation technology. Interval flowering andfruiting season is most critical barrier in the provision of planting .materials. In the other hand, propagation through vegetative is stillinsignificant.Current Policies on <strong>Ramin</strong>,There are two prominent policies on ramin currently applying inIndonesia.(1). Logging moratorium through out the country, except, oneconcession holder in Riau (PT Diamond Raya Timber) which<strong>Let's</strong> save ramin

has been granted certificate of SFM from Indonesia EcolabelInstitute (LEI), Chain of Custody from Forest StewardshipCouncil (FSC).(2). The inclusion of ramin into Convention on International Trade ofEndangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES), inAppendix III (2001) and up-listed into Appendix II (2004).The purposes of logging moratorium and listing into CITESAppendix are to reduce excessive logging and to prevent further lossof ramin population as well as to control international trade of ramin.Indonesian CITES Management and Scientific AuthorityManagementAuthorityDirectorate General of Protection and Nature ConservationMinistry of ForestryGedung Manggala Wanabhakti Block VII. 7th FloorJI. Gatot SubrotoSenayan Jakarta 10270, IndonesiaTelephone : (62 - 21) 572 0227; 5734818Fax: (62 - 21) 572 0227; 5734818Email : cites@dephut.go.idContact: Directorate of Biodiversity ConservationScientific AuthorityIndonesian Institute of ScienceJalan Gatot Subroto 10Tromol Pos 1250Jakarta 10012, IndonesiaTelephone: (62 - 21) 511 542Fax: (62 - 21) 520 72262 <strong>Let's</strong> save <strong>Peat</strong> <strong>Swamp</strong> <strong>Forests</strong>

Contact: Botanical DivisionResearch Center for BiologyIndonesian Institute of SciencesJln. Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km 46Cibinong BogorIndonesiaTelephone: (62 - 21) 8765066Fax: (62 - 21) 876 5062Email: herbogor@indo.netidLocal Authority associated with ramin (CITES-listed species)Balai Konservasi Sumber DayaAlam (BKSDA) RiauPhoneandfaxno. (62-761)63135Balai Konservasi Sumber DayaAlam (BKSDA) JambiPhone and fax no. (62 - 741) 62451Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) South SumatraPhone and fax no. (62 - 711 ) 41 0948Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) WestKalimantan Phone and fax no. (62 - 561 ) 747004Balai Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA) CentralKalimantanPhone no. (62 - 536) 3221268Fax no. (62 - 536) 3237034Rules and Regulation Related to Appendix 11of CITESUnder CITES Appendix 11 rules and regulation, the harvest of raminshould meet the following requirement:<strong>Let's</strong> save ramin

the harvest in no contravention with the rules and regulation ofthe country.the harvest should not cause detrimental effect to the survival ofthe species.Procedure of Transport (Export) Permit Application for Exportof Wild lifeExtracted from Ministry of Forestry Decree No. 44 7/Kpts-11/2003 andLetter of Directorate of Biodiversity ConservationNo.S.162/IV/KKH-4/2007).1. The request for Transport Permit is addressed to Director ofBiodiversity Conservation2. Request for new Transport Permit, the following documentsshould be submitted:Export application form (called Form-C)Inspection report by local BKSDAThe information on the origin of specimenRecommendation letter from relevant Association and itscorresponding quotaThe valid permit from Director General of PHKA to act asdistributor of wildlife3. To Renew the Transport Permit or change of address, thefollowing documents should be submitted:Application to renew (extend) ofTransport Permit or changeof addressThe previous Transport Permit<strong>Let's</strong> save <strong>Peat</strong> <strong>Swamp</strong> <strong>Forests</strong>

THE FACTS ON PEAT SWAMP FORESTCurrent Policy on <strong>Peat</strong> <strong>Swamp</strong> ForestConservation of peat swamp forest for selected areasConversion of peat swamp forest areas to other uses, such as forIndustrial Forest Plantation, Oil Palm Plantation and othercommunity settlements.HOW CAN YOU CONTRIBUTEAs CommunityProvide or report any case of illegal logging/harvest and illegaltrade of ramin to local Authority and CITES ManagementAuthority as listed above.Avoid purchase of illegal ramin log and timber and report anysuspicious product to local Authority.Protect any remaining ramin trees and population in your areaand try best to plant even for single seedling.Provide information regarding flowering and fruiting season toScientific Authority and Regional Research Center (RRC) inPalembang and RRC-Banjarbaru to the following offices:Regional Research Center of South Sumatra, Palembang(phone and fax no. (62 - 711) 414864).Regional Research Center of South Kalimantan,Banjarbaru (phone no. (62 - 511) 4772085, -fax no. (62-511 )4773222).<strong>Let's</strong> save rami"

As ForesterActively participate in the conservation and protection of raminand its habitat from fire, encroachment, illegal occupation andconversion.Actively participate in the rehabilitation and plantation programof ramin in your area.Actively participate in the supervision and monitoring ofsustainable management of ramin and its habitat in accordancewith your best knowledge and expertise. .Actively participate in the improvement process toward thesustainable management of ramin and its habitat.As Officer (CITES MA and Loc.a/Authority)Pro-actively search data and information regarding theconservation and protection status of ramin and its habitats.Pro-actively maintain communication with relevant authoritieswith specific to monitoring and supervision.Continue collecting and _compiling data and information onramin.Continue developing strategy toward the sustainablemanagement of ramin.<strong>Let's</strong> save <strong>Peat</strong> <strong>Swamp</strong> <strong>Forests</strong>

Example of types of illegal practice in the forestry sector (Adoptedfrom Keong, 2006).A. Illegal occupation offorest landsA 1. Invasion of public forested lands by rural families, communitiesor private corporations in order to convert to agriculture orother usesA2. Practice of slash and burn agriculture on invaded landsA3. Landless peasants illegally occupying forested areas to forcegovernments to grant land ownership rights to them andbuying land from peasantsA4. Obtaining logging concessions through bribes.B. Illegal loggingB1. Logging protected speciesB2. Logging outside concession boundariesB3. Logging in protected areasB4. Logging in prohibited areas other than B3 - e.g . steep slopes,river banks, catchments areasB5. Removing under/over-sized treesB6. Extracting more than the allowable harvestB7. Logging without authorizationB8. Logging when in breach of contractual obligationsC. Illegal timber transport, trade and smugglingC 1. Export/import of timber from protected/restricted speciesC2. Log export/import in defiance of trade banC3. Illegal export/import of restricted tim ber other than C 1 and C2C4 Other unauthorized movement of timber across State, nationalor international boundariesC5. Unauthorised domestic movement of timber (usually illegallyharvested timber)C6. Exporting and importing specimens of tree species bannedunder international law, such as CITES, or those tradedwithout proper documentation across international boundaries<strong>Let's</strong> save ramin

D. Transfer pricing and other illegal accounting practicesD1. Declaring lower values and volumes on exports.D2. Declaring lower values and volumes on imports.D3. Declaring lower values and volumes on provision of services,including manipulating debt cash flows to transfer money to asubsidiary or parent company, e.g. inflating debt repayment toavoid taxes on profits .E. Under-grading, under-measuring, under-valuingE1. Under-grading timberE2. Under-declaration ofvolume/quantityE3. Under-valuing export or domestic price of timberF. Misclassification of speciesF1. Misclassification of species to avoid higher taxes, royalties ordutiesF2. Misclassification of species to circumvent species-specificharvest and/or trade restrictionsF3. Classification of lesser-used species as accepted marketspecies in order to gain market accessG. Illegal processing of timberG 1. Operating without a processing licenceG2. Ignoring environmental, social and labour laws and regulationsG3. Using illegally obtained wood in industrial processing8 <strong>Let's</strong> save <strong>Peat</strong> <strong>Swamp</strong> <strong>Forests</strong>

For further information please contact the following address:<strong>ITTO</strong> PO 426/06 Rev. 1 (F)The Prevention of Further Loss and the Promotion of Rehabilitationand Plantation of Gonysty/us spp (<strong>Ramin</strong>) in Sumatra andKalimantanCenterfor Forest Nature Conservation Research and DevelopmentJI. Gunung Batu No. 5BogorPhone:62-251-633234Fax: 62-251-638111E-mail: raminpd426@yahoo.co.id<strong>Let's</strong> save rami"

Figure 1. The Fruit of ramin (G. bancanus) (documented by FRIM- ·UNDP/GEF PSF Project)Figure 2. <strong>Ramin</strong> (G. bancanus) at seedling stage10 <strong>Let's</strong> save <strong>Peat</strong> <strong>Swamp</strong> forests

Figure.3. <strong>Ramin</strong> (G. bancanus) at sapling stageFigure 4. A stand of <strong>Ramin</strong> (G. bancanus) (documented by KadeSidiyasa)<strong>Let's</strong> save rami" 11 ~~

Figure 5.1. Map of Riau Province showing potential seed sourcesof ram in.PT Diamond Raya TimberSenepis Nature ReserveKerumutan Nature ReservePT Bina Daya BintaraPT Ara Ara AbadiTesso Nilo National Park1-----+ PT Riaupulpr-----+ Kampar Peninsula12<strong>Let's</strong> save <strong>Peat</strong> <strong>Swamp</strong> <strong>Forests</strong>

Figure 5.2. Map of Jambi Province showing potential seedsources of ramin .Berbak National ParkPT Putra Duta Indah Wood __ ~~. - !<strong>Let's</strong> save ramin

.....>..j::>.Figure 5.3. Map of West Kalimantan showing potential seed sources of ramin' 00 110"' '"' 13'"+ ++ + + ~ .... + + ..'00 ,oa 110 11' 112f~j"D~ rOlljW18Pura"'11.SEBARAN POHON RAMIN(Gonystylus banc anus)KALlMANTAN BARATNA1:407215950 0 50 Klom eters..........LEGENDA :tbukota Kebupel.nlbukote P~ in$ilokes! R.mtn (data stkunder)Lokes! Rtllnin (data primer)c::::J BENGKAYANGc:::J KAPUAS HULUc:::J KETAPANGr:::l KOTA PONTIANAKc::::J KOTA SINGKAWANG= lANOAI

Figure 5.4. Map of Central Kalimantan showing potential seed sources of raminSEBARAN POHON RAMIN(Gonystylus beneenus)KALIMANTAN TENGAHCl)25 0 25 Kilomet.rs~P,h.ft R.lMIn(Om S." .. 4ef).. ,1'10 .. Ihmin(O",. ,".!fur)Ib",.t.K.ro"",.t.1II~,,*.t. P"p~si8.US_k .... shp8ARSEl. _ TN. s. ... ", .. "-->.(]'I~.

NOTE:Photo in by Kade Sidiyasa, Tajudin Edy Komar, and Tukirin Partomihardjo

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