nsn 6115-00-033-1395 - Igor Chudov

nsn 6115-00-033-1395 - Igor Chudov

nsn 6115-00-033-1395 - Igor Chudov


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TM 5-<strong>6115</strong>-631-14&PTable 3.2. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) – CONT.B - Before D – During A – After W - WeeklyM – MonthlyIntervalItem to be inspected.Procedure: check for andhave repaired, filled, oradjusted as needed.Equipment is notready/available if:28FIRE EXTINGUISHERInspect and weigh fire extinguisher.(See paragraph 3-12.)29TRAILER FRAME30Inspect entire chassis frame for damage,cracks, and broken welds.SWITCH BOXInspect for broken or damaged connectorsInspect for frayed or broken wires and wireinsulation. Inspect for loose connectionsat the switch box. Inspect rotaryswitch for loose or missing parts andcorrect operation.Frame is obviouslvbroken or cracked.Connectors will nottighten or if partsare damaged ormissing, bare wiresare exposed or ifrotary switch isdefective orunoperational.Section IV TROUBLESHOOTING3-10. Power Unit Troubleshooting. There are no troubleshooting procedures authorized at operator levelfor the power plant end item. Troubleshooting procedures for the individual generator sets and trailerare contained in their respective technical manuals referenced below.a. Generator Set Troubleshooting. Refer to TM 5-<strong>6115</strong>-584-12 for troubleshooting procedures.b. Trailer Troubleshooting. Refer to TM 9-2330-213-14&P for troubleshooting procedures.Section V. OPERATOR/CREW MAINTENANCE3-11. Enclosure Maintenance. Maintenance of the enclosure at operator level is limited to replacementof the fitted cover and/or the bows.a. Fitted Cover Replacement. (See figures 3-1 and 3-2.)(1) Removal.(a) Untie 25 ropes ( 1, figure 3-1 ) fastening fitted cover to trailer body (2).Change 1 3-19

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