1999, v40, n4 - Methodist University

1999, v40, n4 - Methodist University

1999, v40, n4 - Methodist University


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Athletic Hall of Fame Inductees AnnouncedThe Athletic Department established the<strong>Methodist</strong> College Athletic Hall of Fame in •October 1998. Nominations are now open forthe third class to be inducted Friday evening,Nov. 3, 2000.The first two classes of inductees included:Gene Clayton, Ann Davidson, Karen Grant,Rob Pilewski, Paul Sanderford, the late BruceShelley, Anne Thorpe, Jay Kirkpatrick, BeckyBurleigh, Mason Sykesand David Holmes. Anattractive wall plaque bearing likenesses of theinductees has been installed in the March F.Riddle Center.The following criteria for eligibility ofcandidates will be utilized for the selection ofindividuals:1.) The candidate must not have represented<strong>Methodist</strong> College as a student-athlete for aminimum of five years immediately precedingthe date of induction.2.) The candidate may not be a member ofthe <strong>Methodist</strong> College athletic staff for aminimum of two years immediately precedingthe date of induction. The candidate must haveheld a responsible staff position at the Collegeand must have been in good standing at thecompletion of such relationship with theCollege.3.) The candidate's athletic achievements andcontribution to sports while at <strong>Methodist</strong>College or as an Alumnus/Alumna must be sooutstanding that there is no question of his/herqualifications for such an honor.4.) The candidate must be of good characterand reputation and not have been a source ofembarrassment to the College.5.) The candidate must have left the Collegeas a graduate, or in good standing, and in goodstanding with <strong>Methodist</strong> College officials.6.) All candidates shall be considered withoutdiscrimination on the basis of sex, race ornational origin.7.) Written nominations will be receivedbeginning immediately with a deadline of April1, 2000. Nominations should include thecompleted nomination form and a brief resumeand should be directed to:Bob McEvoy / Director of Athletics<strong>Methodist</strong> College5400 Ramsey StreetFayetteville, NC 28311910-630-7182 • Fax: 910-630-1300<strong>1999</strong> ATHLETIC HALL OF FAMEINDUCTEESL. to R., David Holmes, Mason Sykes,Jay Kirkpatrick. Becky Burleigh couldnot attend, but sent a video thank-you which was shown at the banquet.All nominees from 1998 and <strong>1999</strong> not alreadyinducted, will automatically be considered forinduction this year. A nomination form maybe obtained by calling the above listed number.So do not hesitate and do not delay. Nominatean individual deservingof this prestigioushonor!Dr. Hendricks visits with Eddie Williams and Mr.Swink at the Me Athletic Hall of Fame banquet.Jay Dowd presents Hall ofFame Award to Mason Sykes.13 <strong>Methodist</strong> CollegeTollay

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