WAREMA Mobile System® WMS Central transmitter

WAREMA Mobile System® WMS Central transmitter WAREMA Mobile System® WMS Central transmitter


FavouritesWAREMAWMS Central transmitter7.3.1 Changing the favouritenameYou can assign the favourite a name of you choice.Main menu Favourites Manage favourites Change favourite nameButtonAction/resultIn the main menu, select the [Favourites] menu and pressok.The [Favourites] menu opens.Using the selection cursor, select the desired favourite.Press the button.The [Manage favourites] menu is displayed.Using the selection cursor, select the[Change favourite name] menu item.Call up the function with ok.The following menu is displayed.Enter the desired name for the favourite (for entering texts,see also Chapter 6.4 on page 35).Leave the menu using the button.The [Manage favourites] menu opens again. Pressing thisbutton several times takes you back to the main menu.46We reserve the right to carry out improvements890405_0•en•01.11.2009

Favourites7.3.2 Selecting an iconTo help you identify a favourite quickly, each favourite can be assigned anicon.Main menu Favourites Manage favourites Select iconButtonAction/resultIn the main menu, select the [Favourites] menu and pressok.The [Favourites] menu opens.Using the selection cursor, select the desired favourite.Press the button.The [Manage favourites] menu is displayed.Using the selection cursor, select the [Select icon] menuitem.Call up the function with ok.The following menu is displayed.Select the desired icon using the arrow buttons.NOTE The button returns the icon to the beginning of theicon list. The button can be used call up the iconstored last.Leave the menu using the button.The [Manage favourites] menu opens again. Pressing thisbutton several times takes you back to the main menu.You can select from the following icons:890405_0•en•01.11.2009 We reserve the right to carry out improvements 47

Favourites7.3.2 Selecting an iconTo help you identify a favourite quickly, each favourite can be assigned anicon.Main menu Favourites Manage favourites Select iconButtonAction/resultIn the main menu, select the [Favourites] menu and pressok.The [Favourites] menu opens.Using the selection cursor, select the desired favourite.Press the button.The [Manage favourites] menu is displayed.Using the selection cursor, select the [Select icon] menuitem.Call up the function with ok.The following menu is displayed.Select the desired icon using the arrow buttons.NOTE The button returns the icon to the beginning of theicon list. The button can be used call up the iconstored last.Leave the menu using the button.The [Manage favourites] menu opens again. Pressing thisbutton several times takes you back to the main menu.You can select from the following icons:890405_0•en•01.11.2009 We reserve the right to carry out improvements 47

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