WAREMA Mobile System® WMS Central transmitter

WAREMA Mobile System® WMS Central transmitter WAREMA Mobile System® WMS Central transmitter


Getting startedWAREMAWMS Central transmitter6.5 Operating example:Operating products6.5.1 Operating a productdirectlyThere are several ways to operate a product (a channel) with the WMS Centraltransmitter. You can operate the product directly, preselect positions orrecall a scene.The product responds directly to the press of a button on the WMS Centraltransmitter.Main menu Products Product typeButtonAction/resultIn the main menu, press the function button repeatedly untilthe selection cursor is on the [Products] line.Press the ok button.The [Select product type] menu opens.Using the function buttons, select the product type that youwould like to operate.Press the ok button.All products of this type are displayed.The buttons that are relevant to the particular product areactivated on the right.Operate the product using the function buttons. In the followingexample, the product is an external venetian blind:Short: The slats tilt upLong: The product moves upThe product stopsShort: The slats tilt downLong: The product moves downShort: The product moves to the stored comfort positionLong: The comfort position for the product is storedNOTE A detailed overview of the operating functionsof the various product types can be found inChapter 4.3 on page 20.The status display indicates the transmission after everyoperating step:GREEN: The central transmitter is transmittingRED: The command is not confirmed (e.g. the receiver isoutside of the transmission range)36We reserve the right to carry out improvements890405_0•en•01.11.2009

Getting started6.5.2 Operating a product bypreselecting the positionThe position is preset. The product does not move to the set value until thevalue is enabled.Main menu Products Product type ChannelButtonAction/resultIn the main menu, press the function button repeatedly untilthe selection cursor is on the [Products] line.Press the ok button.The [Select product type] menu opens.Using the function buttons, select the product type that youwould like to operate.Press the ok button.All channels of this type are displayed.Using the function buttons, select the channel that you wouldlike to operate.Press the ok button.All parameters of this channel are displayed. In the exampleshown here of the external venetian blind, the position andslat angle can be changed.Use the selection cursor to select a line whose entry youwish to change (in the example: slat angle).Use the arrow buttons on the right to adjust the parameter tothe desired valueConfirm the changed value with OK.The new value is now sent to the actuator and the product ispositioned accordingly.The status display indicates the transmission process:GREEN: The central transmitter is transmittingRED: The command is not confirmed (e.g. the receiver isoutside of the transmission range)890405_0•en•01.11.2009 We reserve the right to carry out improvements 37

Getting started<strong>WAREMA</strong><strong>WMS</strong> <strong>Central</strong> <strong>transmitter</strong>6.5 Operating example:Operating products6.5.1 Operating a productdirectlyThere are several ways to operate a product (a channel) with the <strong>WMS</strong> <strong>Central</strong><strong>transmitter</strong>. You can operate the product directly, preselect positions orrecall a scene.The product responds directly to the press of a button on the <strong>WMS</strong> <strong>Central</strong><strong>transmitter</strong>.Main menu Products Product typeButtonAction/resultIn the main menu, press the function button repeatedly untilthe selection cursor is on the [Products] line.Press the ok button.The [Select product type] menu opens.Using the function buttons, select the product type that youwould like to operate.Press the ok button.All products of this type are displayed.The buttons that are relevant to the particular product areactivated on the right.Operate the product using the function buttons. In the followingexample, the product is an external venetian blind:Short: The slats tilt upLong: The product moves upThe product stopsShort: The slats tilt downLong: The product moves downShort: The product moves to the stored comfort positionLong: The comfort position for the product is storedNOTE A detailed overview of the operating functionsof the various product types can be found inChapter 4.3 on page 20.The status display indicates the transmission after everyoperating step:GREEN: The central <strong>transmitter</strong> is transmittingRED: The command is not confirmed (e.g. the receiver isoutside of the transmission range)36We reserve the right to carry out improvements890405_0•en•01.11.2009

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