WAREMA Mobile System® WMS Central transmitter

WAREMA Mobile System® WMS Central transmitter WAREMA Mobile System® WMS Central transmitter


SystemWAREMAWMS Central transmitterButtonAction/resultUsing the function button, select [Daylight saving time].Here the current setting is indicated by two symbols betweenwhich you can change using the buttons ( : off,: on).NOTE When you activate the[Standard/daylight saving time, automatic]function in the next menu line, the system automaticallyswitches between standard and daylight savingtime (the entry in the [Daylight saving time] line isignored).Using the function button, select[Central control unit provides system time].When this function is activated, the central transmitter sendsthe time into the network at regular intervals. All networkcomponents that execute time-controlled functions or havetheir own clock function use the time set in the WMS Centraltransmitter.NOTE When there are multiple WMS Central transmitters in anetwork, this function should only be activated on oneof these.Leave the menu using the button.The [Settings] menu opens again. Pressing this buttonseveral times takes you back to the main menu.114We reserve the right to carry out improvements890405_0•en•01.11.2009

System9.3.3 Adjusting the backgroundlighting and standbyNOTEYou can adjust the brightness of the background to your specific lightingconditions. You can also select how many minutes after the last press of abutton the central transmitters goes into sleep mode to save energy.If you set the brightness to a low value (e.g. 50%), the central transmitter runsconsiderably longer before the batteries need to be replaced. When the centraltransmitter is supplied via the charging station, it always remains active.Sleep mode only becomes active if rechargeable batteries are being usedand after the set time period elapses.Main menu System Settings BacklightButtonAction/resultIn the main menu, press the function button repeatedly untilthe selection cursor is on the [System] line.Press the ok button.The [System] menu opens.Press the function button again until the selection cursor ison the [Settings] line.Press the ok button.The [Date/time] menu opens:Using the function button, select [Backlight].Press the ok button.The [Backlight] menu is displayed. The top menu line,[Brightness, backlight], is selected.Use the function buttons to set the desired brightness.The change you make immediately become visible on thedisplay.Press the button briefly: The value changes slowly.Press and hold the button: The value changes rapidly.NOTE The button can be used to load the default valueof a parameter.The button can be used to reverse the entry; thevalue stored last is displayed again.After setting the brightness, change to [Delay Standby] usingthe function button.890405_0•en•01.11.2009 We reserve the right to carry out improvements 115

System<strong>WAREMA</strong><strong>WMS</strong> <strong>Central</strong> <strong>transmitter</strong>ButtonAction/resultUsing the function button, select [Daylight saving time].Here the current setting is indicated by two symbols betweenwhich you can change using the buttons ( : off,: on).NOTE When you activate the[Standard/daylight saving time, automatic]function in the next menu line, the system automaticallyswitches between standard and daylight savingtime (the entry in the [Daylight saving time] line isignored).Using the function button, select[<strong>Central</strong> control unit provides system time].When this function is activated, the central <strong>transmitter</strong> sendsthe time into the network at regular intervals. All networkcomponents that execute time-controlled functions or havetheir own clock function use the time set in the <strong>WMS</strong> <strong>Central</strong><strong>transmitter</strong>.NOTE When there are multiple <strong>WMS</strong> <strong>Central</strong> <strong>transmitter</strong>s in anetwork, this function should only be activated on oneof these.Leave the menu using the button.The [Settings] menu opens again. Pressing this buttonseveral times takes you back to the main menu.114We reserve the right to carry out improvements890405_0•en•01.11.2009

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