Lettering Pro Plus - Amazing Designs

Lettering Pro Plus - Amazing Designs Lettering Pro Plus - Amazing Designs

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Installation 9EXPORTED OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES OR TO ANY FOREIGNENTITY OR "FOREIGN PERSON" AS DEFINED BY THE U.S.GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION,ANYONE WHO IS NOT A CITIZEN, NATIONAL OR LAWFUL PERMANENTRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. BY AGREEING TO THE TERMS OFTHIS LICENSE YOU ARE WARRANTING TO ACTION TAPES, INC. THATYOU ARE NOT A "FOREIGN PERSON" OR UNDER THE CONTROL OF A"FOREIGN PERSON".I. GENERAL:This License is the entire agreement between us, superseding anyother agreement, and any discussions, oral or written, and may not bechanged except by a signed written agreement. This License shall begoverned by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State ofTexas, excluding that body of law applicable to choice of law andexcluding the United Nations Convention on Contracts for theInternational Sale of Goods and any legislation implementing suchConvention, if otherwise applicable. If any provision of this License isdeclared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal, orunenforceable, such a provision shall be severed from the License andthe other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Venue for anylitigation brought relating to the <strong>Pro</strong>duct or to this License shall be inDallas, Texas.ACTION TAPES, INC. GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF CLIPARTAND STOCK PHOTO IMAGESACTION TAPES, INC.'s <strong>Pro</strong>ducts may contain numerous clipart andimages (collectively referred to as the "Images") which are eitherowned by ACTION TAPES, INC. or are licensed from a third-party. Asa user of ACTION TAPES, INC. products, you are free to use, modifyand publish the Images as you wish, subject to the restrictions set outbelow. If you are uncertain as to whether your intended use is incompliance with the Guidelines set out below, we recommend that youseek the advice of your own attorney or legal counsel. ACTIONTAPES, INC. will not provide you with an opinion as to whether youruse is in compliance with these Guidelines.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation

10<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Drop-DownsQuick StartIntroduction InstallationFont Styles Glossary

Installation 11Installation○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○Drop-DownsQuick StartIntroduction InstallationFont Styles Glossary

Installation 13Software Installation1. Begin installation on the Windows Desktop. Close allopen programs.2. Place the CD in the CD-ROM drive.3. Your CD will now automatically install. See Figure Inst-14. If the install does not automatically start:5. From the Windows desktop, click on the Start button.6. Click on the Run button.7. At the Run prompt, type the letter of your CD-ROM Drivefollowed by Setup. (Ex: D:\SETUP or E:\SETUP)You may also press the Browse button and click on theCD-ROM drive. In the window, locate and click on the filenamed setup.exe. Once the setup.exe file is highlighted,press Open. This will copy the file name to the commandprompt. Press the Return or Enter key.Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsFigure Inst-1Font Styles Glossary

14<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>6. Read the entirelicense agreement. Ifyou agree to its terms,click Yes.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation7. Enter requestedinformation, includingthe serial number foundon your CD case.Click Next.8. For normalinstallation Click Next.9. Click Finish.Figure Inst-2Figure Inst-3Figure Inst-5

Installation 15RegistrationFollow the steps below in order to acquire youractivation code and run <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>. Yoursoftware will function for only ten days without anactivation code.To start the program: Double click on thedesktop icon for <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> or:1. Go to Start and click on <strong>Pro</strong>grams.2. Click on Great Notions.3. Click on <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>.Introduction InstallationQuick StartFigure Reg-1Drop-Downs5. The registration information box willappear. Type in all of requested information,including the 15 digit serial number located on yourCD, including the dashes.Example: 0000-00000000-000Font Styles Glossary6. After all the registration information has beenentered, there are four ways you may register yoursoftware : Web site, E-mail, Fax or Telephone.

16<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction InstallationWarning:Once registration is complete, you cannottransfer registration to another person. Thismeans you cannot sell, trade or give away thesoftware to any other person. Activationcodes will only be given to registered users ofthe software.1. Website RegistrationA. Type in all requested information,including the 15 digit serial numberfound on your CD, including thedashes.Example: 0000-00000000-000Pay special attention to First Name, MI, Last Name andSerial Number. Make sure there are no spaces before orafter these four fields and that everything is spelled the wayyou want it to be displayed in your software.B. Connect to the Internet and go tohttp://www.amazingdesigns.com– Select “Activation Codes” in the top menu.– At the bottom of the page select “Click hereto go to the activation code screen”– The dialog asking for your product serial# appears.C. Type in your 15 digit serial numberand click on Submit.

Installation 17D. Type in all the information exactlyas it appears in your software,including registration number.E. Click Submit Query.F. Write Down your activationcode now.G. Run software and type theactivation code in the Activation Codefield.H. Click on Register Now.2. E-mail RegistrationE-mail registration information toadsupport@greatnotions.com.Include Serial and Registration numberin the e-mail.3. Fax RegistrationOpen the software program and the Registrationscreen appears. At the bottom of the registrationform click on Print Registration button. Fill out theregistration form and fax to 214-352-7249.4. Telephone RegistrationCall 800-553-1691 and receive an activationcode from an <strong>Amazing</strong> <strong>Designs</strong> Technician.Telephone support personnel areavailable Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to9 p.m. Central Time. If you reach our voicemail system, please leave your name,telephone number and best time to call.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation

Installation 19Follow the steps below in order to run yoursoftware.To start the program:1. Go to Start.2. Click on <strong>Pro</strong>grams.3. Click on Great Notions.4. Click on <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>.After clicking OK on the Registration screen,<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> will appear on your screen as shownin Figure RM-1. Your <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong> softwareis properly installed and is ready to use.Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsFigure RM-1Font Styles Glossary

20<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Drop-DownsQuick StartIntroduction InstallationFont Styles Glossary

Introduction○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○About This Manual<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong> is for both the experiencedembroiderer as well as the novice. This manualis not only filled with information about how touse the program, but it also includes many timesavingtips that will make you more productive,efficient and effective in your embroideryprojects.

Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation22<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>File Formats<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong> will allow designs to be openedso lettering can be added. Supported formats for “Open”and “Save” functions are listed below.GNC (*.gnc)A “GNC” file is a scalable format used with <strong>Amazing</strong><strong>Designs</strong> software. When this format is resized usingSmart Sizer Gold, the program automatically regeneratesthe design with a stitch count appropriate for the newsize.<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> will not resize any design. <strong>Lettering</strong>created in <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> is output in expandedstitch files, in one of the formats listed below.Expanded formats require Size Express or asimilar program in order for stitches to berecalculated to result in a stitch count appropriatefor the new size.CSD (*.csd)A “CSD” file is an expanded file format that workswith DOS HuskyGram, Toyota POEM and SingerEmbroidery Unlimited.DST (*.dst)A “DST” file is an expanded file format developedfor the Tajima commercial embroidery machine.EXP (*.exp)A “EXP” file is an expanded file format originallydeveloped for commercial embroidery machines.

HUS (*.hus)Introduction 23A “HUS” file is an expanded file format that workswith Viking DOS Customizer and VikingCustomizer 95 software.JEF (*.jef)A “JEF” file is an expanded file format that workswith the Janome 10000 machine.PCS (*.pcs)A “PCS” file is an expanded file format that workswith Pfaff PC-Designer V2.0 (PC), and Pfaff PC-Designer V2.1 (PC) software.PES (*.pes), PEC (*.pec)“PES” and “PEC” files are expanded file formatsthat work with Baby Lock Palette, Bernina Wizardand Brother PE-Design software.SEW (*.sew)A “SEW” file is an expanded file format that workswith Janome Scan-n-Sew PC, Elna Envision ScanPC, Dream Vision and Customizer 2000.SHV(*.shv)A “SHV” file is an expanded file format that workswith the Designer series of machines from Viking.XXX (*.xxx)A “XXX” file is an expanded file format that workswith Singer PSW.Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsFont Styles Glossary

24<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsWhen expanded formats, such as those used byyour embroidery machine, are resized withoutappropriate software to change the stitch countfor the new size, inferior results may occur. Ifreducing size, the same number of stitches arepresent in a smaller area, which could result inthread or needle breakage. When enlarging, thesame number of stitches occupy a larger area,leaving fabric showing through the stitches.Special resizing software such as Size Expressfrom <strong>Amazing</strong> <strong>Designs</strong> will recalculate thenumber of stitches to be appropriate for the newsize, eliminating such problems.CND files are not supported by this version of<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>. CND is a scalable formatused in the commercial embroidery industry.Font Styles Glossary

Introduction 25Terms Used in This ManualIn <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>, there are several differentways to activate the same function or feature:• Clicking your mouse on a drop-down menu• Clicking on an icon• In some cases, pressing a “hot key”, which mayconsist of a combination of keys, is used as a shortcut.No mouse click is needed.When the instructions in this manual suggest that youclick an icon, a picture of the icon button appears.“Choose the Open command from the drop-downmenu File” is the same as “Choose File, Open(Alt+F+O).”Pressing “Alt+F” simultaneously allows you toaccess the File drop-down menu. By holding down the“Alt” key and pressing the “F” key at the same time, thedrop-down menu File. Pressing the “O” key next willactivate the Open command. For example, when you seea key combination like Alt+F+O, remember that youdon’t hold down all three keys at once; press the“Alt+F” and then the “O”.If you aren’t comfortable using such hotkeycommands, remember they are optional. Youcan select any function from a menu by clickingon its heading, or in some cases, a toolbar iconis available.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation

26<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Drop-DownsQuick StartIntroduction InstallationFont Styles Glossary

Quick StartThis selection will give you a quick start on <strong>Lettering</strong><strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>.Lesson 1 <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong> BasicsLesson 2 Arc <strong>Lettering</strong>Lesson 3 Multi-Line <strong>Lettering</strong>Lesson 4 Angle <strong>Lettering</strong>Lesson 5Expert KerningLesson 6 Monogram Styles

28<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Quick Start Lesson 1 -Basic CommandsIntroduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsAfter installing and registering <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong><strong>Plus</strong>, follow the steps below to run the program:Go to Start and click on <strong>Pro</strong>grams. Click onGreat Notions and select <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>. In theupper left screen area, is a toolbar containing icons.Click on the New File icon to open an active workgrid.Click on the Stock <strong>Lettering</strong> icon from thetop toolbar. When the Enter <strong>Lettering</strong> screenappears, click on the small downward arrow to seethe names of available font styles. Select the fontstyle BLOCK from the list.Font Styles Glossary1

Quick Start 29Type in the word NEWELL, in upper casecharacters, as shown below. Press the Enter key onyour keyboard, and then type the word PLUMBINGas shown in Figure 2, which will appear on a separateline below the word NEWELL.You may press the Caps Lock key on yourkeyboard, or hold down the Shift key while typingto get upper case characters.In the box labeled Character Height, type 15. Inthe box labeled Line Space, type 20. This means thatthe letters will be 15mm tall, with 20mm to thebottom of the second line, making a space of 5mmbetween the lines.Click on OK.Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsFont Styles Glossary2

30<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Introduction InstallationAfter you click OK, you will see a work grid thatcontains the boxes that represent the letters that youtyped. As you move your cursor, the boxes follow itsmovement.Each box contains an X, which indicates the box is“selected”. Each action performed using a toolaffects only the letters that are selected.Drop-DownsQuick StartFont Styles Glossary3The lines of lettering are centered with eachother, which is the default alignment setting of theprogram. The preview of the letters will appear at thelocation where you clicked the mouse. When thewhite preview letters are visible, and you move thecursor, the preview remains, and the boxes continueto follow your cursor. When you left click again, thepreview will appear wherever you click.

32<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsFont Styles Glossary6Figure 6 shows the tools that are active whenlettering is placed on the grid. We also see that thelettering is slightly too large for the grid. We willadjust this later in this lesson.The Letter Size tool allows you tomanipulate the size of your letters after they havebeen placed on the grid. This tool is controlled by thearrow keys on your keyboard. Only selected letters(those with X’s inside the box) are affected. In thislesson, we will select two letters and make themlarger than the others.The Center tool aligns text so that each lineis centered with subsequent lines of text. Click on theLeft Align tool on the left side tool bar to alignthe two lines along the left edge

Quick Start 33Place your cursorover the letter N inNewell and click theright button on yourmouse. The box thatrepresents the letter Nwill have an X and theX’s will disappear fromthe other boxes, asshown in Figure 7.You have selected 7the letter N.While holding the CTRL key on your keyboard,place the cursor over the letter P in Plumbing andclick the right button on your mouse. Only the lettersN and P are selected, as shown in Figure 8. Press theUP arrow key on your keyboard to make these twoletters larger as shown in Figure 8.Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsFont Styles Glossary8

34<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction InstallationWe need to spread the two lines apart, becausethe enlargement of the two letters has caused the twoletters to overlap. Click on the Select All toolfrom the left side toolbar to reselect all of thecharacters on the two lines. Each box will again havean X inside, indicating that they have all beenselected, as shown in Figure 9.9After selecting all of the letters, click on theLetter/Line Space tool. Click on the Up arrowkey on your keyboard to move the two lines fartherapart, until there is a small space between the twolargest letters, as shown in Figure 10.10

Quick Start 35After separating the two lines of lettering, selectthe Letter Size tool from the left toolbar. We willnow make the lettering fit inside the hoop, leaving theletter height unchanged. All the letters are stillselected, so press the left arrow key on yourcomputer’s keyboard until the letters are tuckedinside the hoop.When all the characters appear inside the hoop,click on the Stock <strong>Lettering</strong> tool to complete thelettering. A StitchingOptions screen willappear as shown in Figure11. You can choose to adda Color Change betweenletters, words, or lines. Inthis lesson, we will notadd any color changes.Click on OK. 11After clicking on the Stock <strong>Lettering</strong> tool tocomplete the lettering, the lettering can no laterbe changed.The letters willappear in black on yourscreen as seen in Figure12. The letters nowcontain stitches and canbe saved for stitching inthe format of yourchoice.12Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsFont Styles Glossary

Introduction Installation36<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Go to File, Save, or click on the Save iconfrom the top toolbar, name your file and save it fortest stitching if desired. At the Save In box, click onthe small downward arrow to choose the locationwhere you want to save your creation. Next, click onthe small downward arrow beside the Save as typebox to select your format, and then type your desiredname in the File name box. Click on Save.Drop-DownsQuick StartFont Styles GlossaryOr, click File, Close, and answer No to the “Savechanges to Letter <strong>Pro</strong>?” prompt to remove the designfrom your screen

Quick Start 37Tips on Saving Your <strong>Lettering</strong> CreationsSelect your format first, and then type thename. If the format is changed after typing thename of the file, the name will revert to a defaultname, such as Letter<strong>Pro</strong>1.Set your preferred Save As format in Options,Preferences, so that you don’t have to choose iteach time you save.If you are new to computers, save to a floppy diskso that you know exactly where to find the filelater.Write down the name of the file when saving soyou can do a search later if necessary. To search,go to the Start menu on your computer and clickon Search.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation

Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation38<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Quick Start Lesson 2 -Arc <strong>Lettering</strong>Part One - A Perfect CircleIn this exercise, we will make aperfect circle using two lines of text.From the Directory C:/GN/Let<strong>Pro</strong>/Samples, open the design Basketballonto a new work grid. SelectHoop size 100 x 100mm.1Click on the Stock<strong>Lettering</strong> tool from thetop toolbar. Press the CapsLock key on your computerkeyboard, so that thelettering will be entered inall upper case characters.This will create an evenedge along the top of your top arc. Type the wordTERRELL, then press the Enter key on yourkeyboard. On the next line, type the word TIGERS.Click OK.2Boxes representing the charactersappear on the screen. Click on your leftmouse button to see a preview of theletters. The boxes will follow your mouse,and wherever they are positionedwhen you click your mouse, is where3preview will appear.

Click on the Center Arc tool,located at the left toolbar. The letterson the top line, TERRELL, appear ona top arc, and the letters on the secondline, TIGERS, appear on a lower arc.However, the scale is a little too largefor the size of the design. At thebottom left of your screen, notice 4the Letter Size display reads 8.5w x9.8hmm.Quick Start 39Verify that the Letter Sizetool is selected on the lefttoolbar. Press the Down arrowkey on your keyboard repeatedlyto reduce the height of theletters on the grid. Stop5when the display reads7.0w x 8.1h mm.Move the boxes until they appear centered in apleasing location around the ball. Click the left button onyour mouse for a preview. You may move your mouse awayfrom the preview location for a better look at your letters,as shown in Figure 5.To finalize, click on the Stock <strong>Lettering</strong>tool on the top toolbar and click OKto set the lettering as shown in Figure 6.Click on the Center tool from the toptoolbar to center your creation to thework grid. After the letters turnblack, you can save your creation in 6your desired format and location.Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsFont Styles Glossary

40<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Quick Start Lesson 2 -Arc <strong>Lettering</strong>Part Two - Flattening an ArcFont Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction InstallationIn this exercise, we will make an arc that is lesssteep, so that it fits more closely to the shape of anelliptical object. Depending on the size of the design, itmay be necessary to type the lettering in two steps, aswe will learn in this lesson.Open the sample designFootball onto a new work grid, size100 x 100mm.1Turn on Caps Lock and typethe word RICHLAND in first line.Hit enter and type in RAIDERS onthe second line as shown in Figure 2.Leave the letter height and linespacing as is. Click OK.2Boxes representing thecharacters appear on the work grid,and follow your mouse. Click on theleft button of your mouse to see apreview.3

Quick Start 41Click on the Center Arctool to place the letters on an arc. Asyou can see in Figure 4, the lettersare on a perfect circle arc, which istoo round for the football.4Click on the Arc Sizetool from the left sidetool bar. This tool allowsyou to control the radius ofthe arc. Press the Up arrowkey on your keyboard 5repeatedly to make the arcless round. Notice in Figure 5 that as the arc becomesless round. However, the lines have also become spreadtoo far apart to be in a pleasing arrangement around thefootball design. It will be necessary to enter the twolines separately.From the <strong>Lettering</strong> drop-down menu at the top ofyour screen, select Change <strong>Lettering</strong>, as shown inFigure 6. Delete the second line RAIDERS, leavingonly the top line word, RICHLAND, as shown in Figure6b.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation66b

Introduction InstallationQuick Start42<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Verify that the Arc Sizetool is still selected on the leftside tool bar. Press the Uparrow key on your keyboardrepeatedly to make the arc less7round. Try to make your arcmatch Figure 7. Allow enough space above the designso it does not appear crowded.Click on the Stock<strong>Lettering</strong> tool and click OKto set the top line of lettering institches, as shown in Figure 8.8Drop-DownsFont Styles GlossaryFrom the <strong>Lettering</strong> drop-down menu at the top ofyour screen, select Add <strong>Lettering</strong>, as shown in Figure9. Delete the first line RICHLAND, and press theEnter key on your keyboard to place the cursor onthe second line. Here, type the word RAIDERS, asshown below in Figure 9b.9 9bClick on OK and the letterswill appear in a straight line onthe grid. Click on the Center Arctool from the left toolbar.10

The letters will be placed onthe grid in a lower arc. To flattenthe arc to a more elliptical shape,select the Arc Size tool fromthe left toolbar. Press the Uparrow key on your computerkeyboard until you have achievedthe appropriate matching radius toyour top arc.11Quick Start 43At the lower left area of your screen, the degree ofradius is indicated while the arc size tool is active.Introduction InstallationDrop-DownsQuick StartAfter placing the letters in apleasing arrangement, click on theStock <strong>Lettering</strong> tool on the toptoolbar to set the second line oflettering. Click on the Centertool from the top toolbar to centeryour creation to the work grid.Save in your desired format andlocation.12Font Styles Glossary

Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation44<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Quick Start Lesson 3 -Multi-Line <strong>Lettering</strong>It is possible to create lettering on multiple lines ina single step, allowing the proper spacing between thelines. In this lesson, we will create a nursery rhyme in amultiple line arrangement, typing an entire 4-line versein a single operation.Go to File, New,or select the NewFile tool from thetop toolbar. Click onthe Change HoopSize icon from thetop toolbar. Select the180 x 130 BabyLock/Brother (PES)hoop from the list and click on OK.Font Styles GlossaryThe actual hoop size is 130 x 180mm. The programlists this hoop both as 130 x 180 and 180 x 130 sothat you can program longer lines of letteringwithout having to turn the lettering sideways. Thecompleted design can be rotated before saving orat the machine.

Click on the Stock <strong>Lettering</strong> tool on the toptoolbar. Select the font Hobo from the list. Place thecursor inside the large field and typeMary had a little lambQuick Start 45Press the Enter key on your keyboard to go to thenext line. Press the space key to leave a space beforethe first letter of the second line, creating a small indentfor the second line of the poem. TypeIts fleece was white as snowPress the Enter key and typeAnd everywhere that Mary wentPress the Enter key and then the space key tocreate another small indent for the fourth line. TypeThe lamb was sure to go.In the Character Height box, change the valuefrom 10 to 8. In The Line Space box, change the valuefrom 15 to 11.Click OK.The Line Spaceis the distancefrom the bottomof a line to thebottom of thenext line.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation2

Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation46<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Boxes appear onyour screenrepresenting the lettersin the poem. Left clickyour mouse to see apreview. Notice thatthe lines are centeredwith each other as in3Figure 3.Click on the LeftJustify tool on theleft toolbar to alignthe letters on the leftedge. Position theboxes near the top leftportion of the work4grid and left click tosee a new preview. The second and fourth lines will beslightly indented. We are placing the lettering here toleave room for the second verse.Font Styles GlossaryClick on the Stock<strong>Lettering</strong> tool from the toptoolbar, and when the StitchingOptions screen appears, selectBetween Lines, Color Change.Click OK to set the lettering into 5stitches as shown in Figure 5.This will cause the machine to stop at the end of eachline of lettering, allowing you to trim the jump thread,and avoid it being trapped under the letters of the nextline.

Quick Start 47Click on the Stock <strong>Lettering</strong>the previous text lines.tool and deleteType the next line of the rhyme, It followed herto school one day then press enter and press the SpaceBar once to indent and type the next line Which wasagainst the rules Press enter and type It made thechildren laugh and play Press enter and press theSpace Bar once and type To see a lamb at schoolIn theCharacter Heightbox, change thevalue from 10 to8. In The LineSpace box,change the valuefrom 15 to 11.Click OK.6When the boxes appear on the grid, click on theLeft Justify tool onthe left toolbar to alignthe letters on the leftedge. Place the boxesbelow the first verse,leaving a spacebetween the verses,as shown in Figure 7.7Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation

48<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction InstallationWhen you are satisfied with the placement, click on theStock <strong>Lettering</strong> tool on the toptoolbar. When the Stitching Optionsscreen appears, select Between Lines,Color Change. Click OK to set thelettering into stitches as shown in 8figure 8.Both verses are now on the grid, and there is notroom for another verse. The lettering is not centered inthe hoop, rather it is a bit higher than center a shown inFigure 9. To position the verses in the center of the gridbefore saving, click on the Center tool on the toptoolbar.9After clicking on the Center tool the letters will becentered on the grid, as shown in Figure 10.10

Quick Start 49Tips For Multi-Line <strong>Lettering</strong>CreationsDo very long poems or verses in sections.Save after the first line or section, and thensave again after each section under the samename.It is sometimes an advantage to do very long versesone line at a time, so that you can control thelength of each line independently. You can alsoplace letters with extenders strategically to avoidconflicts with tall letters on the line below.Consider using script styles for multi-line letteringcreations to keep trimming to a minimum.Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsIf possible, avoid thread colors that have a highcontrast to the fabric color. This will help keep thethread between the letter “i” and the dot on the iless noticeable.Font Styles Glossary

50<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Quick Start Lesson 4 -Angle <strong>Lettering</strong>Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsIn this lesson we will learnhow to angle letters to match angleson a design. From the DirectoryC:/GN/Let<strong>Pro</strong>/Samples, open thedesign Stick House.1Click on the Stock<strong>Lettering</strong> tool on the top toolbar. Select the fontFUN from the list.Type in the word Home, in upper and lower casecharacters, leaving the Character Height value at 10 andthe Line Space value at 15, as shown in Figure 2. ClickOK.Font Styles Glossary2

Quick Start 51Center the word Home above the roof and click onthe Stock <strong>Lettering</strong> tool Click OK to set it institches. Click on the Stock <strong>Lettering</strong> tool again andtype the word Sweet.3 4Click on the Rotate Line tool on the left sidetoolbar. Press the UP arrow key on your keyboard torotate the word. Place on the left side of the roof andclick the .5 6Click on the and type in the word Home again.Click on the Rotate Line tool and press the DOWNarrow key on your keyboard to rotate to match the angleof the right side of the roof. Click on the to set.Notice theangle degreedisplay at thelower left.78Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation

Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation52<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Quick Start Lesson 5 -Expert KerningIt is sometimes necessary to manually manipulatethe position of letters so that they have a natural andpleasing appearance. Why is this necessary? It is partlybecause of the optical illusions created by certain lettercombinations, and sometimes it is simply becausecertain letter combinations do not mesh well.In the preceding exercises using block letters, youmay have noticed that the boxes for block letter stylesappear on the screen with a small space between eachbox. Ideally, this equidistant spacing would alwayscreate properly spaced letter combinations. In mostcases, block letters need little or no adjustment.More commonly, it is necessary to adjust thespacing, called “kerning”, with script lettering styles. Inthese styles, the boxes come onto the grid almosttouching, yet there are almost always spacing issues.This phenomenon is common in all lettering softwareprograms.In the following four steps, you will learn how tokern any set of lettering. Click on the Stock <strong>Lettering</strong>tool and select the font Diana. Type the word And,with a capital A and the other characters in lower case.Change the Character Height to 20. Click OK.

Quick Start 531234There is a noticeable gapbetween the letter A and the letter N.The other letters have only a verysmall gap. To remove the small gapbetween the letters N and D, clickon the Letter/Line Space tool,and press the LEFT arrow key onyour keyboard several times. Leftclick the mouse to preview theletters to verify that the gap betweenthe N and D has been closed.To close the gap between the Aand the letter N, we must select theletter A. Hold the pointer over theletter A., and click the RIGHTbutton on your mouse. The boxrepresenting the letter A is now theonly box with an X inside,indicating it is the only letter“selected”.Press the Left arrow key onyour keyboard repeatedly until thebox representing the A is slightlyoverlapping the box representing theletter N. Preview for desired effect.You may reselect all of thecharacters by clicking on the SelectAll tool on the left toolbar. Clickon the to set the stitches.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation

54<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction InstallationQuick Start Lesson 6 -Using Monogram Font<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong> contains two font stylesdesigned especially for monogramming. They areMonogram and Diamond. These fonts are designed togive quick, reliable results creating three letter classicmonograms.It is traditional that the large letter in the centerrepresents the last name of the individual. The firstname initial appears to the left, and the middle initialgoes to the right of the large initial.There are optional embellishments that frame theinitials. In this lesson, we will learn how to createbeautiful monograms every time.Click on the and select the font Monogram. Inthis font, each letter must has two versions, each inupper case. The lower case keys are used to create thesmaller scale letters that go to the side of the largerinitials. The large initial in the center is represented byupper case characters on the keyboard.The optional embellishments must be keyed inusing the number keys on the keyboard. There are twosets of optional embellishments. We will create anexample using the letter A on the opposite page.

Quick Start 55Using the font Monogram font, type in the followingcharacters1aAa2The numbers 1 and 2 bracketing the letters represent theembellishments at each end of the monogram, resulting inthis monogram:Using the font Monogram font, type in thefollowing characters3aAa4Introduction InstallationQuick StartThe numbers 3 and 4 bracketing the lettersrepresent the embellishments at each end of themonogram, resulting in this monogram:Drop-DownsTo create a monogram for Rebecca Ann Bowen,type the characters3rBa4Font Styles Glossary

Introduction InstallationQuick Start56<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Quick Start Lesson 6 -Using Monogram StylesPart Two - Diamond MonogramThe Diamond monogram style is similar to theMonogram font in that it has three letters in themonogram. Each side of the Diamond style monogramis embellished with . There is one style ofembellishment available for the Diamond monogram.These are represented on the keyboard by theparentheses ( ).For the Left letter use the lower case letters. For theCenter letter use Upper Case letters. For the Rightletter use the numbers and symbols on your keyboard.(See page 57 for the chart for each Right letter)Drop-DownsFont Styles GlossaryClick on the and select the font style Diamond.We will create a monogram using the letter A, showingeach version. Type in(aA1)The resulting monogram:To make a Diamond monogram for Samuel EdwardHughes, select File, then New. Click on and type in:(sH5)The resulting monogram:

Quick Start 57Type in a lower case character for the left (first) initial.Type an upper case character for the center or last initial. Thesymbols for the right character can be found on the chartbelow.Right initial ➔ TypeA 1B 2C 3D 4E 5F 6G 7H 8I 9J 0K -L =M !N #O $P %Q&R ;S :T ‘U “V +W /X *Y ,Z .Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsFont Styles Glossary

58<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Drop-DownsQuick StartIntroduction InstallationFont Styles Glossary

Drop-Down Menus○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○Immediately below the each title bar at the top ofthe program screen is a drop-down menu. Thiscontains all the commands that <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>provides.This chapter cover the seven Drop-Down Menus:FileEditViewOptions<strong>Lettering</strong>WindowHelp

Introduction Installation60<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>FileNew (Ctrl+N)Click on “New” to open a blank work grid. Use thiswork area for placing lettering.Open (Ctrl+O)Click on “Open” to open the design of your choice.Drop-DownsQuick StartFont Styles GlossaryTo switch between open designs, go to Windowand click on the design you would like to workwith. Or you can use the hotkey combinationCTRL+TAB.

Drop-Down Menus 61The box to the right of “Look in” shows the folderor sub-directory where the Open command is looking.Click on the “Up One Level” icon to goup one level in the directory.Click on the “List” icon, to change the view ofyour files to look like the directory below.Introduction InstallationQuick StartTo the right of “Files of Type” you can choose whattype of embroidery format you wish to open.Drop-DownsFont Styles GlossarySee the Manual chapter titled “File Formats” fora list of supported formats.

62<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>After selecting a design its name will appearin the “File name” box. Click on “Open” to load thedesign on the work grid.Introduction InstallationQuick StartAcross the top of the main screen is the title bar.It will display the file name of the open design. Ifyou are working in a new file, and have not yetsaved, it will display a default name such as“Let<strong>Pro</strong>1”.Click the “Browse” button to open abrowse-by-icon window as shown here.Drop-DownsFont Styles Glossary

Drop-Down Menus 63When using the Browse function, you can sortyour designs by name or extension.Click on the arrowbeside the directoryselection box toshow a list of available sub-directories. Use this arrow tochange to a different directory when using the Browsemode.This icon navigates to the first design.This icon navigates back one page ofdesigns.This icon navigates back one design.This icon navigates forward one design.This icon navigates forward one page ofdesigns.This icon will navigates to your last design.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction InstallationAfter selecting a design, click on “OK”to load a design to your screen.

64<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Click the “Cancel” button, to cancel theopen command.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction InstallationCloseClick on “Close” to close the active window. Ifchanges have been made to the design and it has not beensaved, you will be prompted to do save.Close AllClick on “Close All” to close all active windows. Ifchanges have been made to any of the designs and theyhave not been saved, you will be prompted to save.Save (Ctrl+S)Click on “Save” to save changes to an existing file.The Save command saves your document under the samename, replacing the previous version. When you finishusing <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>, save your work before closingthe program.You should periodically save while you work sothat you don’t lose your work in the event of apower interruption or hardware failure.

Drop-Down Menus 65Save AsClick “Save As” to save a file under a different nameor in a different format.Introduction InstallationClick on the small arrow to the right of “Save asType” to select the embroidery format you wish save.Type the desired name of the design in “File Name”as shown here.After typing the name of the design in “FileName” shown, click on the “Save” button and the designwill be saved to the destination previously designated .Quick StartDrop-DownsFont Styles Glossary

66<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Print (Ctrl+P)Click “Print” to print a copy of your design to apiece of paper.Introduction Installation<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong> will print the design, the file name,its size, number of stitches and number of colors.Print PreviewClick on “Print Preview” to display how the printedpage will appear.Drop-DownsQuick StartFont Styles Glossary

Drop-Down Menus 67Print SetupClick on “Print Setup” to bring up the print setupdialog box as shown here.Introduction InstallationYou will be able to change the type of printer,properties, paper size and orientation within printsetup.Last Files Opened or SavedIf the design was one of the last four designs used,you can open it by choosing the design name from thehistory list of files between “Print Setup” and “Exit” menu.ExitClick on “Exit” to close <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>.Quick StartDrop-DownsFont Styles GlossaryIf you have not saved your work, you will beprompted to save your work.

Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation68<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>EDITUndo (Ctrl + Z)Click on “Undo” to cancel the last action youperformed on your design.VIEWUse this to recover from a mistake.Redo (Ctrl + Y)Click on “Redo” to cancel the last action youperformed on your design and place it back to its originallook.ZoomTo the left of Zoom, you will notice an arrow. Bymoving your cursor to Zoom, a sub-menu will appearwith In, Out and Actual as shown below.Font Styles GlossaryInClick on Zoom “In” to zoom in.

OutClick on Zoom “Out” to zoom out.Drop-Down Menus 69ActualClick on Zoom “Actual” to place the design back toits opening default.“Zoom In” magnifies the view of the design while“Zoom Out” reduces it. These are just viewingsettings, and have no effect on the actual designsize.Main Toolbar - Top of Screen(Main Toolbar - top of screen)Click on “Main Toolbar” to add or remove theMain Toolbar options from the screen. This isdenoted as a check mark. If there’s no checkmark, the function is turned off. If you see thecheck mark, the function is on.The “Main Toolbar” is the row of icons found at thetop of the screen. As a default, they are always selected“ON”.Color Toolbar - Bottom Left of ScreenFont Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction InstallationThe “Color Toolbar” is the row of colors found atthe bottom left of the active screen. As a default, they arealways select “ON”. Click on “Color Toolbar” to add orremove the Color Toolbar option from the screen. This is

70<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>denoted as a check mark. If there’s no check mark, thefunction is turned off. If you see the check mark, thefunction is on.Introduction Installation<strong>Lettering</strong> Toolbar - Top of ScreenThe “<strong>Lettering</strong> Toolbar” is the row of iconsfound on the left side of the active screen. As adefault, they are always “ON”.Drop-DownsQuick StartFont Styles GlossaryStatus Bar - Bottom Right of ScreenClick on “Status Bar” to add or remove the “StatusBar” options from the screen. This is denoted as a checkmark. If there’s no check mark, the function is turned off.If you see the check mark, the function is on.The “Status Bar” is the row of icons found on theleft side of the active screen. As a default, they arealways “ON”.

OPTIONSDrop-Down Menus 71Hoop SizeClick on “Hoop Size” to bring up a dialog boxwhere you can choose the machine and hoop size for thedesign to be used as shown below.Introduction InstallationWhen looking at the work space grid, it’simportant to note that each square of the gridequals 10 millimeters by 10 millimeters. (10mmX 10mm). Your design and lettering must fitwithin this grid.If you are not used to using the metric system, itmight be a little confusing to think in millimeters.The exact measurement of an inch is 25.4 mm.To make it simpler, round it off to 25mm in aninch. So, 100mm is four inches, two inches is50mm, and so on.Quick StartDrop-DownsFont Styles Glossary

72<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsDensity SettingsClick on “Density Settings” to bring up the dialogbox . Simply put, density values measure the distancebetween the stitches. Here, you can control the quality ofyour lettering by increasing or decreasing the number ofstitches.In the dialog box, you will find two ways to adjustthe density of the lettering: By Percentage or ThreadWeights.Font Styles GlossaryIn the percentage method, if you type a number thatis higher than 100, stitches will be added. If you type anumber that is lower than 100, stitches will be removed.You may get better results on terry cloth bychanging the density to 110% or 120%. Onlightweight fabrics, change the density to 90% orlower.

Drop-Down Menus 73In the “Thread Weight” method of changing density,the default is for thread size 40wt. If you change theweight to 60wt, the number of stitches will be increasedbecause weight of the thread is thinner than 40wt. If youchange the setting to “Yarn”, fewer stitches will begenerated because the thread is much thicker.PreferencesClick on “Preferences” to bring up the dialog box.Introduction InstallationDrop-DownsQuick StartIn the Preferences box are several options that canbe set according to your specific sewing machine andpreferences.Font Styles Glossary

74<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsIt will save time to select a default “Save As”format. For example if you always save yourdesigns for a Viking, it may be set here instead ofchanging the file type every time you save.The figure above shows the design splitting optionfor Viking/Husqvarna machines. This option willsplit the design at every 12th color change, accordingto the requirements of certain machinemodels.Font Styles GlossaryThe setting above is for Pfaff PCS users. The firstoption saves files that are 100% compatible Pfaff PCS.The second option will split the design at every 16th colorchange, as required by certain machine models.When a design is split, the file name will berenamed with an A, B, C etc. at the end of the file.For example; if you have a design named16044.GNC and this design has 13 colorchanges in it, the file will be saved as16044_A.HUS and 16044_B.HUS.

Drop-Down Menus 75Check Maximize Design on Opening to set everydesign loaded into <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> to open to its maximumsize on the screen.Realistic View ControlThe Realistic View Control is set to a default stitchlength of 20mm, which is almost 3/4 of an inch. This isthe longest stitch length that the software will display.Stitches that are longer will be omitted from the displayeven though they exist in the design file. This alerts youto the fact that the stitches are too long to be serviceable.In some cases the monogram must be madesmaller to reduce the length of the stitches. In othercases, you can recreate the monogram, selecting the“Change to Fill” option on the Main Selection page.More on this in the Fill Function Lesson.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction InstallationSatin to Fill conversion at 10 mm.

76<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsCheck enable Smart Stitch to maintain thestitching integrity of your lettering creations. SmartStitch is a function of the software that is activatedonly for the lettering added to a design. If satin stitchcolumns in your lettering become too wide, they willbe automatically converted to a fill stitch. If satinstitch columns are too narrow, the column will beconverted to a running stitch.Selecting the appropriate setting shown aboveassures Janome/New Home software users that savedSEW creations will be compatible with Scan-n-Sew PCV1.x. Select Dream Vision/Customizer 2000 to enable 78colors for Elna/Janome/New Home in your colorpalette. Save EMD as Singer is for Singer XL5000owners.Font Styles GlossaryA check mark beside the box “Clean-up ‘Junk’Stitches” will enhance your lettering integrity.Cleanup “Junk” Stitches is a function which cleansup any stitch that is smaller than the selected value. Thedefault is 0.5mm. This means that any stitch within a 1/2mm will be removed from any lettering within a 90 degreewindow. The 90 degree window ensures that lock downstitches do not get eliminated. Such small stitches couldcause thread breaks and will not be missed in the appearanceof your lettering.

Drop-Down Menus 77<strong>Lettering</strong>Add <strong>Lettering</strong>Click on “Add <strong>Lettering</strong>” to bring up the Enter<strong>Lettering</strong> dialog box as shown below.Introduction InstallationDrop-DownsQuick StartClick the down arrowto the right of FONT toshow the list of letteringstyles available with yoursystem, as shown to the right.Click on the one you wish touse.Font Styles Glossary

78<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction InstallationThe figure above shows the box where you willtype the text you wish to embroider.After typing, click OK to set thestitches in the lettering.Click on Cancel to close the “Enter<strong>Lettering</strong>” dialog box without making any changes to yourdesign.Use this sameicon to exit out of the letteringfunction. Click on the icon after you have completedyour lettering, to set the letters in stitches. The StitchingOptions box appears.

Drop-Down Menus 79You may choose to add a Color Change betweenletters. This will add a color stop between each letter inyour text. This might be used with the children’s handwritingFUN for a colorful, creative effect.You may also select Color Change to add a colorstop between words.Introduction InstallationQuick StartYou may select Color Change between lines oflettering.Selecting Color Change between lines will cause yourmachine to stop before beginning the next line,because it is waiting for you to change color. Even ifyour lettering will be all one color, this give you theopportunity to clip the long thread between the lines,preventing it from being trapped under the next line oftext.Click on OK to set the stitches in thelettering the way you have set up the parameters orDrop-DownsFont Styles Glossaryclick oncreated.and lettering will not be

80<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>Change <strong>Lettering</strong>Click “Change <strong>Lettering</strong>” to display the Enter<strong>Lettering</strong> dialog box as shown below.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction InstallationThis feature is used if you wish to change the textor font style while in the <strong>Lettering</strong> function.Select AllClick “Select All” to select all letters typed in, withan “X” in the middle of each letter box.Font StyleClick “Font Style” to display the dialog box asshown here.This “Select Font Style” box will change the fontstyle to all letters with an “X” in the box.

Drop-Down Menus 81DensityClick “Density” to display the dialog box as shownbelow.In the Density Settings screen, there are two waysto adjust the density of the lettering. You can adjuststitch density by percentage and Thread Weight.The best way to understand “Adjust stitchdensity” is to remember that if the number ishigher than 100, stitches will be added. If thenumber is lower than 100, stitches will beremoved.You may get better results on terry cloth bychanging the density to 110%. And changing thedensity to 90% for knits.In “Thread Weight” the default is 40 wt. If you setthe weight to 60 wt, there will be an increase institches due to the thickness of the thread beingso much thinner than 60 wt. You will also find if seton “Yarn”, there are fewer stitches.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation

82<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>Click on OK to make the appropriatechanges to the lettering, depending on what option indensity setting options you set.Introduction InstallationQuick StartClick on Cancel to close the densitysettings command without making any changes to yourlettering.This feature can be used after the letters havebeen set, however it affects only the lettering, notthe design. If you have already set your lettersand they have turned black, but you have not yetsaved, you can still change the density here.Drop-DownsFont Styles Glossary

Drop-Down Menus 83SetSizeClick “Size” to change the size of the lettering.To change the height and width of the lettersproportionately larger, tap your UP ARROW KEY.To change the height and width of the lettersproportionately smaller, tap your DOWN ARROWKEY.To change the width of the letters larger, tap yourRIGHT ARROW KEY.To change the width of the letters smaller, tap yourLEFT ARROW KEY.Letter/Line SpacingClick “Spacing” to change the line spacing andletter intervals on your lines of text.To add more space between lines of text, tap yourUP ARROW KEY.To reduce the space between line of text, tap yourDOWN ARROW KEY.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation

84<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>To add more letter interval spacing, tap yourRIGHT ARROW KEY.To subtract from the letter interval spacing, tap yourLEFT ARROW KEY.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction InstallationSpinClick “Rotation” to give you the ability tochange the rotation of the lettering.To rotate counter clockwise, tap yourUP ARROW KEY.To rotate clockwise, tap yourDOWN ARROW KEY.ItalicClick “Slant” to give you the ability to italicize yourlettering.To italicize letters to the right, tap yourUP ARROW KEY.To italicize letters to the left, tap yourDOWN ARROW KEY.Arc SizeClicking “Radius” to give you the ability tochange the radius on your line of lettering.To make the radius larger, tap yourUP ARROW KEY.To make the radius smaller, tap yourDOWN ARROW KEY.

Drop-Down Menus 85Line AngleClick “Line Angle” to rotate each letter on its line.To rotate counter clockwise, tap yourUP ARROW KEY.To rotate clockwise, tap yourDOWN ARROW KEY.AlignFigure2-21LeftClick “Left” to justify all lines of text to the left.CenterClick “Center” to center all lines of text.RightClick “Right” will justify all lines of text to the right.ArcClick “Arc” icon to place line one and line two ofyour text on an arc.When using two lines of text with the “Center Arc”icon, the Rotate Line icon will rotate the lines oftext on the arc.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation

Introduction Installation86<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>WINDOWNew WindowClick on “New Window” to open the same design ina separate window. On the window’s title bar it will listthe design’s file name followed by a version number. Forinstance, if you have the design 61094.pcm open andclick on “New Window”, another window with the samedesign will open. The title bar on the new window willstate “61094.pcm:2” and the original window’s title barwill display “61094.pcm:1” (because it is the original or“1st”).Quick StartDrop-DownsFont Styles GlossaryCascadeClick on “Cascade” to stack all the open designs in<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>. The title bars of each design will bevisible.TileClick on “Tile” to place each open window next toeach other, shrinking the size of the window (but not thesize of the design) so that they will fit next to each other.Arrange IconsClick on “Arrange Icons” to arrange your icons atthe bottom of your screen should they get out of place.This only works if the designs on your screen are fullyminimized.

Drop-Down Menus 87HELPNumber of designs opened: CTRL+TABBelow the divider line you will find the list of openfiles. This can range from one file to as many as youdecide to open. They will be numbered in the order theyhave been opened with a check mark next to the activefile. The active file is the one you are currently workingon.About <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>Click on “About <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>” to display the userinformation shown below.Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsFont Styles Glossary

88<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>Drop-DownsQuick StartIntroduction InstallationFont Styles Glossary

GlossaryFigure GL-1Main ScreenIn this chapter you will find a brief summaryof eachfunction. For more detailed information on how aspecific feature works, see the chapter dealingwith that feature or function.

90<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong><strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong> FeaturesIntroduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsABCDEFFont Styles GlossaryABCDEFDrop-Down MenuMain Menu Toolbar<strong>Lettering</strong> ToolbarMain ScreenColor BarStatus Bar

Glossary 91ADrop-Down MenuDrop-Down FileNew: Opens a new work grid.Open: Opens a design on a new work grid.Close: Closes active screen.Close All: Closes all screens.Save: Saves contents of active screen.Save As: Saves contents of active screenunder a different name.Print: Prints contents of active screen.Print Prev.: Shows preview of what the printerwill print.Print Setup: Set up options for printer.Exit: Exits <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong> program.Figure GL-4EditFont Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction InstallationDrop-Down Edit1515Undo:Redo:Cancels last action.Reinstates last action.

92<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-DownsDrop-Down ViewZoom In: Enlarges view of screencontents.Zoom Out: Reduces viewing scale ofscreen contents.Zoom Actual: Displays screen contents in 1:1scale, or actual size.Main Toolbar: Toggles display of Main Toolbar.Color Toolbar: Toggles display of Color Toolbar.<strong>Lettering</strong> Toolbar: Toggles display of <strong>Lettering</strong>Toolbar.Status Bar: Toggles display of Status Bar.Font Styles GlossaryDrop-Down OptionsHoop Size:Density Settings:Preferences:Set size of hoop.Set lettering density.Set designs options.

Glossary 93Figure GL-7OptionDrop-Down <strong>Lettering</strong>Add <strong>Lettering</strong>: This is where you start whenyou want to add lettering toyour design.Change <strong>Lettering</strong>: Edit text.Select All: Select all letters.Font Style: Select new font style.Density:Set-Size:Set-Spacing:Set-Rotation:Set-Slant:Set letter density.Modify height and width ofletters. Use Up, Down, Leftand Right arrow keys.Modify letter interval and linespacing. Use Up, Down, Leftand Right arrow keys.Modify letter rotation. UseUp, Down arrow keys.Italicize letter. UseUp, Down arrow keys.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation

Introduction Installation94<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Set-Radius:Set-Line Angle:Align-Left:Align-Center:Align-Right:Align-Arc:Change radius of arc. UseUp, Down arrow keys.Modify Line rotation .UseUp, Down arrow keys.Left justification of text.Center lines of text.Right justification of text.Set line 1 and/or 2 on arc.Quick StartDrop-Down WindowDrop-DownsFont Styles GlossaryNew Window:Cascade:Tile:Arrange Icons:Drop-Down HelpAdd a new window.Cascade all active windowsTile all active windowsArrange all minimized designs.Help Topics: Help Topics access the<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong> Manualthrough Adobe Reader.About <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>: Displays versioninformation.

BFigure GL-10Main Menu ToolbarGlossary 95ToolbarsNew:Open:Browse:Save:Opens a new work grid.Opens a design on a newwork grid.View available designs inpicture form.Saves contents of activescreen.Quick Start Introduction InstallationSave All:PrintSaves contents of all activescreens.Prints contents of activeDrop-DownsUndo:Redo:Zoom in:screen.Cancels last action.Reinstates last action.Enlarges view of screencontents.Font Styles GlossaryZoom Out:Reduces viewing scale ofscreen contents.

96<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Introduction InstallationQuick StartDrop-Downs13View Window: Draw box with mouse toenlarge specific area of the screen. Place cursorabove an to the left of the desired area, hold downleft mouse button, and drag a box around thedesired area.Center:Hoop Size:Density Settings:Centers design.Set size of hoop.Set lettering density.Add <strong>Lettering</strong>: Stock lettering tool.Click on this tool to begin lettering. Click on itagain when lettering is set, to complete lettering.About <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong>: Displays versioninformation.Font Styles Glossary

Top Toolbar ToolsC<strong>Lettering</strong> ToolbarEnter Text:Edit text.Glossary 97Select All:Font:Letter Density:Letter Size:Letter / Line Space:Spin:Italic:Arc Size:Rotate Line:Select all letters.Select new font style.Set letter density.Modify height andwidth of letters. UseUp, Down, Leftand Right arrow keys.Modify letter intervaland line spacing. UseUp, Down, Leftand Right arrow keys.Modify letter rotation.Use Up, Down, arrowkeys.Italicize selectedletter(s). Use Up, Downarrow keys.Arc Size: Change radiusof arc. Use Up, Down,arrow keys.Modify Linerotation. Use Up,Down arrow keys.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation

98<strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Alignment ToolsLeft Justify:Left justification ofFont Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction InstallationEonColor BarCenter Icon:Right Justify:Color Bartext.Center lines of text.Right justification oftext.Center Arc: Set line 1 and/or 2arc.The “Color Bar” allows you to change the colors ofthe screen contents according to your machine’scolor palette. The colors are displayed in the orderof stitching, from left to right. Click on the color chipthat represents the portion of the design that youwant to recolor. You will see a screen that lookslike this. Click on the small downward arrow toselect your machine type. Click on the desired newcolor, and then click on OK. When the screenreappears, that segment will be displayed in thenew color.If the color palette doesnot show all the availablecolors for your machine,click on Options menu,and click on Preferencesto select your specificmodel.

FStatus BarGlossary 99Status BarThe Status Bar at the bottom of the screen tracksthe statistics of the screen contents.At the far left side of the screen, the displayreads Idle before the lettering process begins.When the mouse is placed over a tool, it shows thename or function of the tool. After lettering hasbegun, the height and width of the characters areat the bottom right side of the screen.St: The next item to the right is the StitchCount display. This shows the stitch count of thelettering only, and does not include the stitch countof any design opened on the grid.Clrs: Indicates the number of colors in thelettering only, and does not include the number ofcolors in any open designs.Sz: Indicates the size of the size of the firstletter in a sequence. Right click over any letter tosee its size displayed in millimeters.Pos: Indicates the location of the screencontents relative to the center of the grid.Font Styles Glossary Drop-Downs Quick Start Introduction Installation

100 <strong>Lettering</strong> <strong>Pro</strong> <strong>Plus</strong>Drop-DownsQuick StartIntroduction InstallationFont Styles Glossary

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