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1846 V. ANDRIEU, L. PRALY, AND A. ASTOLFITh<strong>is</strong> function <strong>is</strong> a bijection, strictly increasing, and homogeneous in the bi-limit withd V0 +d 0d V0d V∞ +d∞dapproximating functions s and s V∞. Moreover, from Proposition 2.10,the function x ↦→ α(V (x)) <strong>is</strong> positive definite and homogeneous in the bi-limit withassociated weights r 0 and r ∞ and degrees d 0 + d V0 and d ∞ + d V∞ . Moreover, itsd V0 +d 0d V0d V∞ +d∞d V∞approximating homogeneous functions V 0 (x) and V ∞ (x) are positivedefinite as well. Hence, we get from Corollary 2.15 the ex<strong>is</strong>tence <strong>of</strong> a positive realnumber c 1 sat<strong>is</strong>fying()(G.2) H |x| d0+d V 0r 0, |x| d∞+d V∞r ∞≤ c 1 α(V (x)) ∀ x ∈ R n .On the other hand, from inequality (2.9) in Corollary 2.21, we have the property{}(x, δ) ∈ R n × R m(G.3): α(V (x)) ≥ 2 c δc Vm∑µ i (|δ i |){i=1⊆ (x, δ) ∈ R n × R m :∂V∂x (x) f(x, δ) ≤ −c V2 α(V (x)) }In the following, let t ∈ [0,T) ↦→ (x(t),δ(t),z(t)) be any function which sat<strong>is</strong>fies (2.8)on [0,T) and (2.10) and (2.11) for all 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T . From [32], we know the inclusion(G.3) implies the ex<strong>is</strong>tence <strong>of</strong> a class KL function β V such that, for all 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T ,(G.4)⎧⎨V (x(t)) ≤ max⎩ β V (V (x(s)),t− s) ,sups≤κ≤t⎧ ⎛⎨⎩ α−1 ⎝ 2c δc Vm∑j=1⎞⎫⎫⎬⎬µ j (|δ j (κ)|) ⎠⎭⎭ .With α acting on both sides <strong>of</strong> inequality (G.4), (G.2) gives, for all 0 ≤ s ≤ t ≤ T ,()H |x(t)| d0+d V 0r 0, |x(t)| d∞+d V∞r ∞⎧⎧⎫⎫⎨(G.5) ≤ max⎩ c 1 α ◦ β V (V (x(s)),t− s) , 2c ⎨1c δm∑ ⎬⎬sup µc V ⎩ j (|δ j (κ)|)⎭⎭ .s≤κ≤tTh<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> the linear gain property required. To conclude the pro<strong>of</strong> it remains to showthe ex<strong>is</strong>tence <strong>of</strong> c G such that a small gain property <strong>is</strong> sat<strong>is</strong>fied.First, note that the function x ↦→ H(|x| d0+d V 0r 0, |x| d∞+d V∞r ∞) <strong>is</strong> positive definiteand homogeneous in the bi-limit with weights r 0 and r ∞ and degrees d 0 + d V0 andd ∞ + d V∞( . ( By Proposition 2.10, for i in {1,...,m} the same holds with the functionrx ↦→ µ i H |x|0,i))r 0, |x| r∞,ir ∞ . Hence, <strong>by</strong> Corollary 2.15, there ex<strong>is</strong>ts a positive realnumber c 2 sat<strong>is</strong>fying( ((G.6) µ i H |x|r 0,i)) ()r 0, |x| r∞,ir ∞ ≤ c2 H |x| d0+d V 0r 0, |x| d∞+d V∞r ∞∀ x ∈ R n .Let C i for i in {1,...,m} be the class K ∞ functions defined asC i (c) = max{c qi ,c pi } + c p i q iq i +p i + c pi+qi .From (G.1), we get, for each s>0 and c>0,µ i (cs)µ i (s)= c (1 + [ qi sqi )(1 + c pi s pi ) 1+cp(1 + s pi )(1 + c qi s qi ) ≤ i]s pi+qicqi1+c qi s + s qipi+qi 1+c qi s + s cpi piqi+pi 1+s pij=1.,<strong>Copyright</strong> © <strong>by</strong> <strong>SIAM</strong>. <strong>Unauthorized</strong> <strong>reproduction</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>th<strong>is</strong></strong> <strong>article</strong> <strong>is</strong> prohibited.

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