Slayt 1 - RTC, Regional Training Centre - Turkey

Slayt 1 - RTC, Regional Training Centre - Turkey

Slayt 1 - RTC, Regional Training Centre - Turkey


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Excerpts from Aristotle’sMeteorologica There are two reasons for there being more winds from the northerly than thesoutherly regions. First, our inhabited region lies toward the north; second,far more rain and snow is pushed up into this region because the other liesbeneath the sun and its course. These melt and are absorbed by the earth andwhen subsequently heated by the sun and the earth’s own heat cause a greaterand more extensive exhalation. Let us now explain lightning and thunder, and then whirlwinds, firewinds andthunderbolts; for the cause of all of them must be assumed to be the same. Aswe have said, there are two kinds of exhalation, moist and dry; and theircombination (air) contains both potentially. It condenses into cloud, as wehave explained before, and the condensation of clouds is thicker toward theirfarther limit. Heat when radiated disperses into the upper region. But any ofthe dry exhalation that gets trapped when the air is in process of cooling isforcibly ejected as the clouds condense and in its course strikes thesurrounding clouds, and the noise caused by the impact is what we callthunder.

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