Slayt 1 - RTC, Regional Training Centre - Turkey

Slayt 1 - RTC, Regional Training Centre - Turkey

Slayt 1 - RTC, Regional Training Centre - Turkey


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Problems in finding suitable lateral boundaryconditions and expressions for Fx, Fy, H, E and PFor lateral conditions – effect of (topography) mountains have to be included inthe model via the lower boundary condition and choice of vertical coordinate.Fx and Fy are ―friction‖ terms which modify the momentum equations – raisesneed for the addition of physics to primitive eqs.The diabatic heating term H also consists of several effects which can bewritten: H = H L (ascent) + H C (convection) + Hr + H SParameterization problem – trying to express subgrid–scaleprocesses in terms of the large-scale dependent variablesEvaporation (E) can be due to moisture flux from surface and evaporation ofprecipitationPrecipitation Rate—related to H L and H C , precipitation efficiency…

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