DSP56xxx C Cross-Compiler User's Guide - Tasking

DSP56xxx C Cross-Compiler User's Guide - Tasking

DSP56xxx C Cross-Compiler User's Guide - Tasking


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3–34Chapter 3CharTypeOperandRemarkm memory x:Fvar, x:(r7–i) Stack or memory operandnumber other operand same as number Used when in– and outputoperands must be thesameChar Constraint Operand Remarkj A, C n0..n7 Offset register matchingwith address register. Youmust save and restorethese registers.v A, C m0..m7 Modulo register matchingwith address register.e D a1, b1 High part of accumulator.h D a0, b0 Low part of accumulator.k D a2, b2 Extension word ofaccumulator.g R, S x1, x0, y1, y0 Other part of input registeri R, S x, y Long input registermatching with integer–sizedinput register.f m x:,y:,p:,l: Insert memory space forthe operand.p i $0000..$FFFF Force 16–bit sized constantq i $000000..$FFFFFF Force 24–bit sized constanta, a0, a1, a2, b, b0, b1, b2, x, x0, x1, y, y0, y1,r0..r7, n0..n7 (except user stack pointer r and nregister)

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