A Proposal of a Mathematical Roadmap for Scilab DRAFT - Projects

A Proposal of a Mathematical Roadmap for Scilab DRAFT - Projects

A Proposal of a Mathematical Roadmap for Scilab DRAFT - Projects


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6.2 Existing features in MatlabMatlab provides the haltonset, sobolset and scramble functions in the Statisticstoolbox :• haltonset• sobolset• qrandset.scrambleMatlab provides a collection <strong>of</strong> PDFs, CDFs and associated random numbergenerators. For example, it provides the betapdf, betacdf, betainv and betarndfunctions :• betapdf• betacdf• betainv• betarndThe binopdf function in Matlab : binopdf or the normpdf functions normpdf areeasy to develop in <strong>Scilab</strong>, but this is a loss <strong>of</strong> time. Even more, naive implementationsleads to wrong numerical results. This topic is developped on the wiki at :Contributor - statsMatlab provide several fitting functions, based on maximum log-likelihood principle:• betafit• bin<strong>of</strong>it• lognfit• normfitMatlab provides negative likelihood functions <strong>for</strong> parameter estimations :• normlike:• betalikeThe ksdensity function in Matlab provides a kernel smoothing density estimateksdensityMatlab provides statistics associated with common distribution functions :• normstat• hygestatMatlab provides several plotting features, including boxplots : boxplot and DOEplots : interactionplotMatlab provides hypothesis testing functions, such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov onesample test : kstest or one sample T-test : ttest16

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