Spring Data MongoDB - Spring Web Services - Parent - SpringSource

Spring Data MongoDB - Spring Web Services - Parent - SpringSource

Spring Data MongoDB - Spring Web Services - Parent - SpringSource


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please define productname in your docbook file!• Criteria mod (Number value, Number remainder)Creates a criterion using the $modoperator• Criteria ne (Object o)Creates a criterion using the $ne operator• Criteria nin (Object... o) Creates a criterion using the $nin operator• Criteria norOperator (Criteria... criteria)Creates an nor query using the $nor operatorfor all of the provided criteria• Criteria not ()Creates a criterion using the $not meta operator which affects the clause directlyfollowing• Criteria orOperator (Criteria... criteria)Creates an or query using the $or operatorfor all of the provided criteria• Criteria regex (String re) Creates a criterion using a $regex• Criteria size (int s)Creates a criterion using the $size operator• Criteria type (int t)Creates a criterion using the $type operatorThere are also methods on the Criteria class for geospatial queries. Here is a listing but look at thesection on GeoSpatial Queries to see them in action.• Criteria withinCenter$center operators(Circle circle) Creates a geospatial criterion using $within• Criteria withinCenterSphere (Circle circle) Creates a geospatial criterion using $within$center operators. This is only available for <strong>MongoDB</strong> 1.7 and higher.• Criteria withinBox (Box box) Creates a geospatial criterion using a $within $box operation• Criteria near (Point point) Creates a geospatial criterion using a $near operation• Criteria nearSphere (Point point) Creates a geospatial criterion using $nearSphere$center operations. This is only available for <strong>MongoDB</strong> 1.7 and higher.• Criteria maxDistance (double maxDistance) Creates a geospatial criterion using the$maxDistance operation, for use with $near.The Query class has some additional methods used to provide options for the query.Methods for the Query class• Query addCriteria (Criteria criteria) used to add additional criteria to the query• Field fields () used to define fields to be included in the query results• Query limit (int limit) used to limit the size of the returned results to the provided limit (usedfor paging)• Query skip (int skip) used to skip the provided number of documents in the results (used forpaging)• Sort sort () used to provide sort definition for the results1.4.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT<strong>Spring</strong> <strong>Data</strong> <strong>MongoDB</strong> -Reference Documentation 46

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