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<strong>OPTION</strong> <strong>#1</strong>If your chapter would like to participate in a group filing, asadministered by DBSA, please follow the detailed instructions.Place an “X” in each box as you complete each section. Please pay closeattention to the instructions to help us process your re-affiliation in a timelymanner.**NOTE: There are colored arrows indicating required information fields on all legaldocuments and forms. As part of incorporation, your chapter will need to submit a copy of its Bylaws toDBSA.Bylaws are rules or policies adopted by a corporation to govern its actions. Bylawswill include details about electing Board of Directors (whose names you will use on theArticles of Incorporation paperwork).o If your chapter does not have current Bylaws, review the enclosedsupplemental incorporation materials, which include sample bylaws and abylaws questionnaire. Have your group create, review and vote to adopt thebylaws, and send us a copy.o If your chapter already has Bylaws, revise them to include the January 1st toDecember 31st fiscal year and assure they do not conflict with any provision ofthe DBSA Affiliation Agreement, and send us an updated copy. Complete the Articles of Incorporation. PLEASE FILL OUT ARTICLES 3 AND 6ONLY.This information will be used to include your chapter in DBSA’s group incorporationfiling with the State of Illinois. If you do not currently have chapter directors or officers,this means you will have to designate three or more members as directors (as outlinedin your chapter’s bylaws). This does not make these individuals personally liableor responsible.o Use BLACK ink when filling out the form.o Please note that P.O. boxes are not acceptable for address purposes. Also notethat this information may be subject to public disclosure in accord with law,although this is highly unlikely.o Article 3: Fill in the names and addresses of three or more chapter directors.o Article 6: Have the directors sign their names, with their printed name directlybelow. Also, have them again fill in their address next to their signature. Atleast one director must sign their name. Complete the Consent to be Included in Group Exemption form. Fill out therequested information. The “approved by” line can be completed by any participant ofthe chapter. By signing this, your chapter gives its permission to be included in theDBSA group filing with the IRS for 501(c)3 status (federal tax exemption). To beincluded in the group exemption, your chapter will need to adopt the same fiscal yearas our national organization, January 1st to December 31st.

Complete the Form SS-4. PLEASE FILL OUT BLANKS 7A and 7B ONLY, andSIGN at BOTTOM.As part of the group filing for 501(c)3 status, each chapter must be assigned anEmployer Identification Number (EIN). This Form SS-4 is the application submitted to theIRS for that number. The EIN is the number you will provide to individuals ororganizations when they make donations to your chapter. This allows the donation to be“tax deductible” for them.o Print the name and social security number of one chapter director in Blanks 7Aand 7B, respectively.o Have that same director print their name and title at the bottom of the page.o Directly below their printed name and title, have the director sign and date theform.Signing this form does not make the individual personally liable or responsible. Return all of the above to DBSA postmarked by January 31, 2010 with yourre-affiliation materials.DBSAAttn: Chapter Relations730 N. Franklin, Suite 501Chicago, Illinois 60654

<strong>OPTION</strong> #2If your chapter wishes to incorporate as a not-for-profitcorporation on their own, please follow the detailedinstructions.Place an “X” in each box as you complete each section. Please pay closeattention to the instructions to help us process your re-affiliation in a timelymanner. Return proof that your chapter (or host organization) is seeking incorporatedstatus. These documents include:A copy of your Articles of Incorporation.A copy of letter of incorporated status from your state (if completed).A copy of your chapter’s current by-laws.A copy of your federal IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN)certificate. Return all of the above to DBSA postmarked by January 31, 2010 with yourre-affiliation materials.DBSAAttn: Chapter Relations730 N. Franklin, Suite 501Chicago, Illinois 60654

<strong>OPTION</strong> #3If your chapter is already incorporated as a not-forprofitcorporation, please follow the detailed instructions.Place an “X” in each box as you complete each section. Please pay closeattention to follow instructions to help us process your re-affiliation in a timelymanner. Return proof of your chapter’s (or host organization’s) incorporated status.These documents include (all):A copy of your Articles of Incorporation.A copy of letter of incorporated status from your state.A copy of your chapter’s current by-laws, including current DBSAterminology.A copy of your federal IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN)certificate. Return all of the above to DBSA postmarked by January 31, 2010 with yourre-affiliation materials.DBSAAttn: Chapter Relations730 N. Franklin, Suite 501Chicago, Illinois 60654

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