Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government

Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government

Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government


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in<strong>to</strong> defiance than those who adoptedmore moderate approaches <strong>to</strong> both infantcrying <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong>ddler compliance. Boukydis<strong>and</strong> Lester (1998) also explored parentalresponses <strong>to</strong> their babies’ crying when40 weeks old (both full- <strong>and</strong> pre-termbabies were included). They found thatp ra ctitioners need <strong>to</strong> kn ow how <strong>to</strong> inte rp re tdifferent risk status in certain babies <strong>and</strong>h ow <strong>to</strong> help families re s pond appro p ri ate ly.As Hutchins <strong>and</strong> Sims (1999) point out,children develop self awareness <strong>and</strong>social awareness in conjunction with asense of their own agency. When theyhave parents <strong>and</strong> practitioners who allowthem <strong>to</strong> assert some power <strong>and</strong> controlover their own lives they learn <strong>to</strong> beself-regulating <strong>and</strong> au<strong>to</strong>nomous.HAVING A SENSE OF BELONGINGThe Fra m ewo rk ‘Bi rth <strong>to</strong> Th ree Ma t te r s :A Sense of Be l o n g i n g’ c i tes the New Ze a l a n dMi n i s t ry of Ed u cation (1996:54), whoa rgue that‘The feeling of belonging…contributes<strong>to</strong> inner well-being, security <strong>and</strong> identity.Children need <strong>to</strong> know that they areaccepted for who they are. They shouldknow that what they do can make adifference <strong>and</strong> that they can explore <strong>and</strong>try out new activities.’Here the literature review examines someof the research on very young children’srelationships in their families <strong>and</strong> in ECECsettings, in order <strong>to</strong> attempt <strong>to</strong> tease outthe key ingredients which assist thedevelopment of a sense of belonging.Belonging in one’s familyClearly families at the start of the newmillennium are very different from thefamilies of 20 <strong>to</strong> 30 years ago, but asJagger <strong>and</strong> Wright (1999:3) point out,‘thefamily is neither a pan-human universalnor a stable or essential entity… Families<strong>and</strong> family relations are, like the term itself,flexible, fluid <strong>and</strong> contingent.’Throughoutthis review one of the main messages fromthe research appears <strong>to</strong> be that babies <strong>and</strong>very young children have a fundamentalneed <strong>to</strong> be with familiar, loving adults <strong>and</strong>older children. Therefore, at a time whenfamilies are fragmented <strong>and</strong> isolated formany different reasons, we need <strong>to</strong>explore ways of ensuring that all babies<strong>and</strong> young children feel part of a family,however that is constituted.Some research on young children focuseson particular types of families <strong>and</strong> may,in so doing, limit its relevance. However,findings may still ‘make sense’ if parents<strong>and</strong> practitioners find they can identifywith what appear <strong>to</strong> be authentic <strong>and</strong>useful contributions <strong>to</strong> knowledge.For example, Boyd Webb’s (1984) researchstudied 24 children aged under four, eachof whom whom lived with their mother<strong>and</strong> father. These children had experiencedmultiple carer relationships <strong>and</strong> BoydWebb wanted <strong>to</strong> tease out what aspectsof the relationships helped the children<strong>to</strong> be socially competent, confident <strong>and</strong>self-assured.Three common str<strong>and</strong>s in thechildren’s home experiences s<strong>to</strong>od out.They were the parents’ use of ‘bugging <strong>and</strong>nudging’ (for example, asking a child <strong>to</strong>56 EDUCATIONAND SKILLS B I RT H T O T H R E E M AT T E R S

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