Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government

Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government

Birth to three matters - Communities and Local Government


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In many cases what surprised the reviewteam was the overall support whichdifferent pieces of research lent <strong>to</strong> thegeneral picture which was emerging.Generally, disagreements betweenresearchers seemed <strong>to</strong> be more concernedwith methodology or research approaches<strong>and</strong> the validity of previous studies, ratherthan about the main findings concerningchildren’s development <strong>and</strong> learningin this age group. In the event, becauseof time constraints, the pro forma wasused simply as an aide memoire <strong>and</strong> noteswe re wri t ten beside the data base pri n<strong>to</strong> u t s,or attached <strong>to</strong> hard copies of articles.As each team member gatheredinformation she would add it <strong>to</strong> a draftsection for which she was responsible,concerned with a particular Componen<strong>to</strong>f the Framework. As a result of the verybroad coverage of the literature review,there were some <strong>to</strong>pics which receivedless attention than others. However, itmust be said that there are, in any case,certain <strong>to</strong>pics which have been neglectedby research. These include, in particular,young children’s spiritual <strong>and</strong> moraldevelopment, research about ECEC <strong>and</strong>children in this age group, especially thatabout two year olds.the Aspects <strong>and</strong> Components of theFramework <strong>and</strong> the chapters <strong>and</strong> sectionsof the literature review.The first draft of the review was sent out<strong>to</strong> members of the Steering <strong>and</strong> WorkingGroups <strong>and</strong> <strong>to</strong> the MMU team members.Further, two colleagues at CanterburyChrist Church UC provided a helpfulcommentary on the review, <strong>to</strong> strengthenits inclusiveness of young children withspecial needs.Since the review is intended for use mainlyby practitioners, it would have been idealhad time allowed for it <strong>to</strong> be read at thisstage by a sample of practitionercolleagues, so augmenting the practitionerrepresentation on the Working Group whoreceived the draft. However, time was veryshort, <strong>and</strong> this meant that when all thesuggested amendments had beenreceived, the text was redrafted <strong>and</strong>reviewed only by DfES colleagues <strong>and</strong> theproject Direc<strong>to</strong>r, Professor Lesley Abbott.We would hope that this literature reviewwill complement those referenced in ourtext <strong>and</strong> the forthcoming reviews by theBERA Early Years Special Interest Group<strong>and</strong> the EPPI Early Years Group.Initial drafts of sections of the literaturereview were put <strong>to</strong>gether by one memberof the team, who also incorporated therelevant quotations <strong>and</strong> definitions fromthe Framework itself. These links weremade in order <strong>to</strong> help readers readilyrecognise the connections between183

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